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Rep DPS/Imp heals/dps lf guild+progression group


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Hiyas I have a few different toons that i'm looking to find a guild and competent raid group for HM DF/DP. I'm not looking for a hardcore "leave work early because new content is out this week" or any ego's/drama. If you have a friendly group that's progressing and likes to have fun while clearing content it'd be nice to hear from you. :)


Republic DPS: 72 geared Gunslinger/Guardian/ 69+72 Commando. 69/72 geared Shadow tank.


Empire: 72/78 geared Operative Healer (could dps if needed)/69 geared Marauder and I currently raid on my 72/78 Sniper. I also have a lv52 Merc i'm leveling for either heals or dps.


I live in New Zealand so anything earlier then 5pm AEST or 11pm PST I can't do.

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