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How to Make Space PvP Successful


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How could I forget about White Castle.


I feel like I am missing something by not reading page 2.... lol :D


5 guys vs White Castle vs In and Out? Well I only lived in New England and have never been to White Castle or In and Out.... but id kill a couple of drunk hobos for a burger from 5 Guys. :tran_smile:

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I find threads where people pretended they know exactly how to develop a game rather amusing, particularly when they try to tell the devs what to do


I would rather see threads offering concrete solutions/improvements over the abundance of "x" class is overpowered and needs a nerf for no apparent reason. I am definitely not a developer, but you don't need to be a developer to have forward looking thoughts that may improve the overall quality of the game.


If you want something to be successful, you SHOULD voice your opinion in how you can achieve that end. It is like critiquing the government without ever casting a vote. Bioware DOES listen to feedback on the forums and the more constructive the threads are on the forum, the easier it will be for Bioware to quickly and effectively acquire informaiton from the community and make better decisions based off of that feedback.


In specific regard to the SSSP, I am sure someone at Bioware has thought of the issues I present. But in the slightest chance that feedback from the community pushes them towards establishing cross server SSSP, it would be worth it and a massive stepping stone for PvP, no matter how unlikely or implausible.

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How to Make the Super Secret Space Project Successful

delete all current space missions and institute smaller pvp areas in which everyone is still tethered to a flight path and every once in a while fly by each other and can sometimes even fire on each other. voila! pvp!

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I feel like I am missing something by not reading page 2.... lol :D


5 guys vs White Castle vs In and Out? Well I only lived in New England and have never been to White Castle or In and Out.... but id kill a couple of drunk hobos for a burger from 5 Guys. :tran_smile:


This since I live in New England as well =/. Although, I really want to try In-n-Out, never been to Cali though, so it'll be something to look forward to.


I think given what 2.4 has turned out to be, general assessment being it is a failure, I'm going to leave the game as well. Class balance obviously hasn't been something they've been caring to address, and their new focus is going to be space pvp, which while I do play a Star Wars MMO, I am not honestly a fan of space combat.


2 days after 2.4 came out, the solo ranked queue on my old server (JC) fell to something like 20+ mins, and that was a "short" wait. Just moved to POT5 before the weekend and have been seeing similar queue times, starting to increase and even into prime time. Just as the guy with the awesome Guss Tuno sig said, 2.4 was supposed to be a "major" pvp patch, but look at how much pve content was also thrown in as well, seems hardly like this patch catered to pvpers aside from arenas, which had a 48 hour window of player participation.


I personally love the pvp combat in this game as well, but the direction this game is headed is clear now, given this announcement. Competitive pvpers shouldn't waste any more time or money on this game. Come to think of it, wasn't all pvp going to be free w/o limitations come 2.4? I see that didn't happen either...

Edited by randiesel
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About space cross server que definetly worth investigating and investing into .

For future ability to cross sever que operations wz arena and flashpoints .

While it will never solve the insults and sadly brings the bad atmosfeer in a mmo .

It still is worth the cost of having people with no operations and no flashpoints or wz ..


Main issue for testing that cross server space pvp , is the lag issues and connection problems .

It could be a good testing ground , to implement and test if engine is capable or backbone support is good enough.

To handle battle groups .


The rest seem logical and wellformed requests .

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delete all current space missions and institute smaller pvp areas in which everyone is still tethered to a flight path and every once in a while fly by each other and can sometimes even fire on each other. voila! pvp!


Don't give Bioware ideas like this, they may just do it.

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delete all current space missions and institute smaller pvp areas in which everyone is still tethered to a flight path and every once in a while fly by each other and can sometimes even fire on each other. voila! pvp!


That sounds like the Buzz Lightyear Ride at Disney.




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I liked that ride.


Well so do I....:o




And sliders from White Castle trumps all, but be prepared for a visit to the throne for some epic torpedoes and how u west coast peeps ignoring Fatburger?

Edited by L-RANDLE
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“Crap, that is that Bad-A** who just killed me irregardless of the name-tag.


No, bad Maniac.


Cross server won't be happening. The game engine/server architecture/net code can't handle it. That they would go from this, 4 months ago:


Nice list Kilora!


While the exact details of which features will make Game Update 2.4 are still being hardened I can definitely say that Cross-Server Queueing is not in the plan for it. We've taken a hard look at Cross Server Queuing in the past and accomplishing it is a *significant* challenge that would take a lot of time away from other things we are working on. Emphasis on significant. It's not forever off the table but it's not in the plan right now.


Even though it is too early to share specifics I can say that Game Update 2.4 as it is being worked on right now has features and changes that should cause a significant improvement of queue times for ranked Warzones in particular. Emphasis on significant!




To "Oh yeah sure it'll be here next month" seems a little far fetched to me. Especially since they were talking about it not even being worked on to be released for 2.4 it would seem extremely unlikely that they would start working on it now and have it ready for Dec.

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Just so you know, cross servers will never come to SWTOR.

And I dare Bioware to prove me wrong on that.


They spent all their money on voice-over and forgot everything that made an MMOrpg a success.

Voice-over, story and beautiful planets you only visit once per character are best made for Single player games.

With all that money wasted, servers, end game content and PvP suffered greatly. Everything an MMOrpg is about... We're not gonna be doing that story for years, after reaching 50 what was left to be done in PvP? Warzones and ilum. Ilum was a fail due to servers and only warzones was left. The best PvP came from players holding tournaments, 4v4s, duel nights on tatooine and ilum. Ranked warzones was a fail due to servers not allowing cross server. Now what will happen with arenas? Is it gonna be another ranked warzones with too few people to queue for it?

In the end, the real problem come from how servers doesn't allow for deep PvP content. That and the lack of things to do on launch that severely dropped the players count from the get-go.


Only thing keeping me in this game is that it's the only game that use the WoW gameplay I loved so much (Holy trinity, talent trees and tons of hotkeys and ability bars).


Edit: Hell they don't even make a duel area on the fleet because of how their servers can't handle it...

Edited by snaplemouton
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Space PvP is going to be a blast. I don't care if there aren't a ton of people around to play it. We only need 24 peeps to participate.




Ranked PvP arenas only need 8 people total, yet the q pops for those off peak hours take an hour plus. The current server population cannot support 24 people in space without changes.

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Bioware has been extremely conscious of q times in the past, I really hope they have something up their sleeve in order to help space q times.


Knowing Bioware, they have nothing planned.


I really believe the only viable option for this not to fail is server merges. (Which is needed before ranked arenas die)

Edited by General_Aldo
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How to Make the Super Secret Space Project Successful


The Super Secret Space Project (SSSP) is still in its infancy, but I wanted to share some things that could only occur at this early infant stage if we have any hope of finding them in the finished project.


What is the SSSP?


In Depth Look.


1. Cross Server Q

Or, now here me out on this. (You're going to have to take a leap of faith for me.) Or, Bioware deletes everything they've already worked on in relation to its space "content." Contact's Sony, and downloads the files from Jump to Light Speed and implement that instead. :jawa_smile:

We already know that cross server Q is never coming to standard PvP. However, I have to reiterate how important it is that the SSSP has cross server Q (especially since it will be 12v12). Any player v player addition will undoubtedly diffuse the player base among different gametypes (Objective Warzones/Arenas/SSSP) which exacerbates the past and current problem of there not being a high enough server population to support PvP. When server q’s take long, it gives the impression on the customer that the game is dead, or the game mechanic is not worth their time. Bioware needs to be conscious of this inadverdent effect in adding any new pvp and is cited as one of the reasons 8v8 obejctive ranked pvp is no longer with us (RIP ranked objective pvp). Cross server Q is single handledly the best way to make the SSSP successful in the long run, but the only way to make it work is to create cross server q from the beginning.


My assumption is that the SSSP will have the same archetype restrictions that prevent cross-server pvp. Bioware, this is your chance to fix/experiment with creating a workaround to this problem. I am not a coder or programer, but I am sure you have creative people on your team who can find a way to make it work. Delay the SSSP until you can get this accomplished!


2. Incentivize Participation


There have been countless threads about how PvP is not on par with the rewards in PvE from the potential experience gain, to the credit increases, to even the gear rewards. Every 15 minutes I invest in PvE, PvP, or the SSSP should give me an equal return. I am not going to speculate whether the SSSP will use normal/ranked commendations, but in whatever system you design, keep these thoughts in mind.


Why is there no open world PvP? Because the incentives are too low. Wait?! There are incentives to do open world pvp? Actually, in outlaws den there are crates that give 10 warzone commendations and credits. This is an example where the rewards are so insignificant and miniscule that no person has an incentive to go out there and find them. Don’t let the SSSP turn into this.


3. Gameplay


Ultimately, fun and engaging gameplay are what will bring us time and time again back to the SSSP. This is why I PvP. The gameplay needs to be easy to play but hard to master. The only comparison I have at the moment is the current space mini-game. It is currently easy to play, and well... easy to master. There is little customization, little variety, and no divergent/dynamic gameplay.


A.) The Trinity

The trinity works very well in flight simulators. No I’m not talking about Heal/DPS/Tank. I am talking about the Fighter/Bomber/Fighter-Bomber trinity. What are these classes?


The Fighter: the aerial fighter is an agile speed demon that turn on a dime. What it lacks in fire power it makes up for in the ability to be behind you before you know it. Their goal is to protect the bombers so they can unleash their payloads.


The Bomber: slow, but once it gets it bombs/torpedoes on target, be ready for some massive fireworks.

The Fighter Bomber: This is the jack of all trades, carries heavier weapons then the fighter but can’t carry the bomb load of a bomber. It can’t out turn a fighter but superior tactics like the “Boom and Zoom” enable it to decimate targets.


It appears that there is some form of class system mentioned in the trailer. Make sure that they are distinct, all have a role, and are BALANCED.


B.) Customization


SWTOR is an MMO where there are hundreds of people who have killed the same boss, completed the same storyline, and have the same gear as one another. We are desperately searching for ways to differentiate ourselves from one another and currently that comes from either gear or server reputation (being the most feared Bad-A** in the galaxy). I am glad that there will be some form of ship customization in the game.


I anticipate there to be different ships to play in the SSSP, but we need the ability to differentiate ourselves from the other X-wing in more forms then a new color skin. This comes in the form of putting paintings/decals on our ships to highlight our accomplishments. Of course I want the front of my X-wing to look like the mouth of a veractly about to consume my prey (akin to a WWII P-51). I want to instantly be able to see a ship and think to myself “Crap, that is that Bad-A** who just killed me irregardless of the name-tag.


Let us customize our ships with decals, color, paint jobs, etc. It appears that some form of customization is in the game. But let us have free realm to do anything and everything.


C.) Skill Based PvP


From the limited videos, it is hard to tell whether true flight sim maneuvers will actually come into play. What I mean by this is does angle of attack matter, can I boom and zoom a target, would having a wingman be helpful, can you dmg different parts of an aircraft, do bombers have gunners which should be avoided, does speed matter? Will I be able to outrun or use countermeasures for missiles? Can I change my shields to front/aft for more situational protection?


If the answer to most of these questions is NO, then all we are really getting is a point and click game with no real skill.


4. Monetization


What do you guys think about the SSSP reveals?


Or, now here my out. (You're going to have to turn off your targeting computer and take a leap of faith/ or be that support technician on Yavin 4 who's wondering why the hell you turned off your targeting computer.) Bioware forgets what they've worked on. Contact Sony and get the files for Jump to Lightspeed and download and implement that instead. :mon_biggrin:

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Bioware has been extremely conscious of q times in the past, I really hope they have something up their sleeve in order to help space q times.


It occurred to me that since SSSP looks to be a addon, and your ship isn't really connected to your actual toons, that they would not have to separate 55 from lower brackets for space pvp. Combining the two would resolve most of the q time issues as they can draw from a much larger base.

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It occurred to me that since SSSP looks to be a addon, and your ship isn't really connected to your actual toons, that they would not have to separate 55 from lower brackets for space pvp. Combining the two would resolve most of the q time issues as they can draw from a much larger base.


I was already under the assumption that the SSSP would have only 1 q for the whole system. However, the SSSP has its own leveling/experience system. Would players at the highest level be matched against new players?

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Or, now here my out. (You're going to have to turn off your targeting computer and take a leap of faith/ or be that support technician on Yavin 4 who's wondering why the hell you turned off your targeting computer.) Bioware forgets what they've worked on. Contact Sony and get the files for Jump to Lightspeed and download and implement that instead. :mon_biggrin:


I like that Bioware is doing something unique from the ground up.

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