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pvp mercs any fun?


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hehe merc aint good in 4v4 arenas, is one of the worst choices for a dps right now ;) In 8v8 he is very strong


^ This. Especially if there's a couple stealth in the mix. You won't get a shot off. Brings back memories of the first year and a half of merc/mando PvP gameplay. Sucks.

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^ This. Especially if there's a couple stealth in the mix. You won't get a shot off. Brings back memories of the first year and a half of merc/mando PvP gameplay. Sucks.

I respectfully disagree. There is no way I'm going down easy like that.


Stun Break + AoE Knockback + Hydraulic Overrides (speed boost, snare/root immunity)


I'm going to eat your opener (or openers from 2 Sins) but then I'm out of there. While I am running away, I can't be snared, rooted, or pulled. Once I'm out of melee range comes the Power Surged Tracer and Fusion Missile (or Concussion Missile if there are 2+ on me), followed by Heatseeker, Railshot, Electro Net, etc


Or I will Stun Break, AoE knockback, PvP Medpack, Energy Shield, PvP Adrenal, Kolto Overload, Hydraulic Override, Kolto Missile, Power Surge Rapid Scan x2.


There are many things a Merc can do that other classes can't do. Imagine the same scenario against a Sniper, Sorc, or PT. They eat the opener and use Stun Break but can't AoE knockback, and don't have snare or root immunity. Other classes are in a worse situation that a Merc is all I'm saying.


Merc (when geared) is not as bad as people think. I do very well soaking up damage for my team and being the focus target. (Not saying I don't die, I'm just saying I can survive fairly well compared to others in the exact same situation.)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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I respectfully disagree. There is no way I'm going down easy like that.


Stun Break + AoE Knockback + Hydraulic Overrides (speed boost, snare/root immunity)


I'm going to eat your opener (or openers from 2 Sins) but then I'm out of there. While I am running away, I can't be snared, rooted, or pulled. Once I'm out of melee range comes the Power Surged Tracer and Fusion Missile (or Concussion Missile if there are 2+ on me), followed by Heatseeker, Railshot, Electro Net, etc


Or I will Stun Break, AoE knockback, PvP Medpack, Energy Shield, PvP Adrenal, Kolto Overload, Hydraulic Override, Kolto Missile, Power Surge Rapid Scan x2.


There are many things a Merc can do that other classes can't do. Imagine the same scenario against a Sniper, Sorc, or PT. They eat the opener and use Stun Break but can't AoE knockback, and don't have snare or root immunity. Other classes are in a worse situation that a Merc is all I'm saying.


Merc (when geared) is not as bad as people think. I do very well soaking up damage for my team and being the focus target. (Not saying I don't die, I'm just saying I can survive fairly well compared to others in the exact same situation.)


if you do manage to survive and I still think you won't unless the assassins are not well geared (don't forget their getting a damage buff too) then you are leaving your team to fight 4 vs. 3 and if you dare come back those assassins will restealth and do it again.


You realize you are talking about hitting 10 buttons. That's a long time. They will hit you much harder.


Let's also not forget how stun works. You aren't facing one stun so to simply "break it" is not going to suffice. You will face at minimum 2 stuns and if you don't break the first one you will take so much damage that you will probably not survive. But if you break the first one you will be stun locked.


It's lose-lose.


The damage is good, but they practically have zero defenses.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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Yea, normally you dont want to break the first stun but when its an opener from a Stealther, I always break it right away. If I stun break and knockback, I'm instantly out of stun range and with Hydraulic Overrides I'm getting the heck out of there. There's not enough time to re-stun me in the split second after I break, and before I KB. And I can't be stunlocked because of the distance created my KB and HO. I will be 20-30m away for the next 10 seconds so I'm out of range of stuns.


I agree its a lot of buttons to click, but its a standard response when kiting. Its better than only having 3 buttons to click. The melee want to focus me so I kite them (with Hydraulic Overrides) for 10 seconds 1v2, while the other 3 people on my team are 3v2. I can survive longer with 2 people on me, than our target can survive with 3 people on him.


I have about 100 solo ranked arenas (more wins than losses) on my Merc and about 50-75% of the time, I'm the focus target from the start. I don't mind at all and make adjustments accordingly. Sometimes I pop my Energy Shield or PvP Adrenal or Kolto Overload before we even engage the enemy. I am still trying to figure out the best way to start when being focused, but my main point was that other classes are worse off than Mercs, in this situation.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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hehe merc aint good in 4v4 arenas, is one of the worst choices for a dps right now ;) In 8v8 he is very strong


I had a great 4v4 match over thee weekend. 1 win each, on the last round, just me vs a PT. I kept him at distance and stunned, all the while HSM & unloading on him. The victory was very satisfying :D



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Mercs are great in 8v8. In 4v4 it depends on both team compositions. If you are against a melee heavy team you're probably going to have 3 of them on you from the start, which means (assuming they're not complete muppets), they'll chain their interrupts, gap closers and CCs on you. Unlike a meleer, 90% of your damage output will be effectively nullified. A good tank on your team can reduce the anguish significantly.

But yeah, they're fun.

Edited by Jherad
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Yes but one thing about that situation. The Merc is running with Hydraulic Overrides and not trying to DPS. Reduced DPS is not necessarily relevant at this point. The 3 melee will be chasing and not doing much damage til they catch up (about 10 seconds later).


But the 3 people on the Merc team are also going 3v1 against someone from the other team, who does not have Hydraulic Overrides and must stand and die.


If the Merc dies, he dies (which frequently happens). But the other dude (on their team) probably melted much faster. When I play solo Q and get on the same team as a guildee, I am frequently told "hang on (kite) for a few more seconds, we are about to take this guy down then we are coming to you"


Had an arena the other day where I took over 200k damage in 3 rounds, I dealt out a pathetic 30k total in 3 rounds but we won. The other team could not kill me faster than we could kill their focused target. I don't remember my heal total but I was the only one healing me.

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