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Min/Max our PVP gear Tutorial


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i would be curious to see arena videos from all the people proclaiming success in this thread. my merc is my alt so i've never posted here, but as far as i know, i'm the only arsenal merc who is doing as well (undefeated so far in 4s). i'm only speaking about 4s, because who cares about unranked or wz...you can be naked and still win


check out mudclot's and insomniaq's streams and videos for proof




i gear for 25% crit (including stim). i have one accuracy enhancement because i noticed my unload and railshot missing more often when i didn't (which puts you at 95%). all aim augments. every mod is high power except for one which is high aim low crit (this gives you 25% exactly with stim and i like my round numbers). i also use one power/alacrity enhancement so my tracer missile shows as 1.4 on the cast bar instead of 1.5. it makes a huge difference to me


not saying my stats are gospel, just saying what makes me feel well rounded and what has been working


4 pc eliminator FOR SURE. if you watch the streams, our job is to switch and burst. sometimes you kill someone by 1% and sometimes you miss by that. properly geared, you give your railshot a 40% chance to crit, not including relic procs.


merc has all the tools already to survive long enough, and besides, what are your teammates doing? lowering your burst to run around more makes you a mobile punching bag. a good merc knows when to stand still and bang and when to run, and trust me, we don't need to run very often. again, what are your teammates doing?


for the relics, obviously SA but i use main stat. my reasoning...while we are very tanky in arena, against good teams, you will spend a lot of that time cc'd. 6 seconds is too short especially with cast times. if i was pyro, i might think about using the crit relic. 12 seconds gives you a much bigger window and because 7% crit doesn't make much of a difference when you're already at 25% + depending on ability, i'd rather be doing more damage per shot in case i don't crit. i've gotten numerous 10k hsm and 7k railshots against full expertise people in arena (on the streams as well)


hopefully this wall of text helps clear things up for some people

Edited by orryko
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