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Oricon, Bioware What Did You Do?


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Since when is killing an elite part of a daily especially one that's on a constant heal/drain. This is a pain for tanks that don't do enough dps. Really? Such a waste of a very nice location. I honestly would have loved to spend time there but not this way.


And for you 'play the game right" people, yes I know, you hit him when he starts channeling but a tank is right up on him and my tank is a vanguard, riot strike as the interrupt, so I can't always catch him in time.


And lazy Bioware, this is pure laziness to have the imps and the pubs doing the same dailies in the same area so the imps or pubs can spew hate.


And for the record, I am one of the usual defenders of Bioware but I won't defend them when they do something I think is wrong.



Have considered therapy? Only way I can imagine someone not beating this quest is due to being brain dead.

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You know that Dread Masters are threat to everyone and they got just one main stronghold here so ... it make sense to have both Imps and Pubs in one area doing +- the same thing which needs to be done. And i love it. Oricon really feels like battlefield. Dread Forces, Imp, Pubs ... battling for survive.


And you make no sense at all.

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Geared DPS with a Healer Companion, had no trouble at all. I think the best thing to do is have a good Companion to compliment your role, and good gear for you at least and for both you and your Companion ideally. Just my two cents. Edited by bionamaster
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I have no trouble on my marauder here, but he is on 72 mods. My sin tank cant do enough dps, he doesnt die but neither does the beast, it just keeps healing regardless of the fact I destroy the tentacles and interrupt extract.


On my Operative its the same thing, between healing my lvl 66 mods kalyio, and myself, and interrupting/tentacle destroying, it keeps healing back. In fact I just logged out to go play something else from finding this tedious, and came to peek wondering if I was the only one with mixed feeling about this. I like the area and the story quest.


I may do this once on each of these classes to benefit from the rewards on the operations part of the story quest, but after that the only char I will ever do dailies there is my marauder.


Has for gearing up, are we talking of a dailies area where we get commendations to gear up, or of an operation that requires that we are already geared up? Because has I see it, ppl go there more for the commendations, even if just to gear up companions, then for the rewards of the reputation vendor.

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There are a couple of options. The first is to respec to DPS. I rarely run dailies as a tank because it takes too long. A good set of crafted mod dps armor will see you through easily on any solo content.


The second is to grab a buddy. Since most guilds get groups together to run these, its easy.


Third, most melee dps/tanks have a gap closer of some sort. Use it to get to the add and a normal attack will take it out.


Fourth, use your interrupt only on the Extract, never the Obliterate.


Fifth, you can have your companion attack the add. Open your companions bar and send them to the add.


If you are a tank, you need to be using a dps companion for this fight, a healer might not cut it.


The fight is simple, regardless of what you are as long as you know what to do.

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I give the f up on this forum. This game has so many @sses in it that you can't have a conversation without being trolled. I'll play the game because I love it, but I won't post here unless I post in suggestion.


I have read your OP in one of the quotes, I think you might have misunderstood the point of Oricon, the point is to challenge those who have done everything else.


Yes, this means it's going to be hard, and have ridiculous bosses in the dailies, but I'm afraid this is the point. If you are having too hard a time, then please build up your gear, and try again.


PS. this is not a troll post, this is a genuine missive, and don't let them chase you off the forums.

PPS. call them Donkeys not @sses, it takes a smidgeon more brain power to figure it out, which most of them will miss, and it makes it harder to get banned.

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Maybe she needs a ban because she refuses to learn and instead blames other people. I've done Oricon on my Mercenary DPS, respec'd to heal for H2+ to solo, my Marauder, which I grouped up for the H2+, and Powertech DPS, which I respec'd to tank to solo the H2+. I've done it on all three roles. If you've play the game enough you should have gear for all the specs you're running. I have 4 gear sets for my Mercenary because I used to PvP as well. People need to learn to research their class and role instead of QQing.
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I have no trouble on my marauder here, but he is on 72 mods. My sin tank cant do enough dps, he doesnt die but neither does the beast, it just keeps healing regardless of the fact I destroy the tentacles and interrupt extract.


On my Operative its the same thing, between healing my lvl 66 mods kalyio, and myself, and interrupting/tentacle destroying, it keeps healing back. In fact I just logged out to go play something else from finding this tedious, and came to peek wondering if I was the only one with mixed feeling about this. I like the area and the story quest.


I may do this once on each of these classes to benefit from the rewards on the operations part of the story quest, but after that the only char I will ever do dailies there is my marauder.


Has for gearing up, are we talking of a dailies area where we get commendations to gear up, or of an operation that requires that we are already geared up? Because has I see it, ppl go there more for the commendations, even if just to gear up companions, then for the rewards of the reputation vendor.


I've kinda noticed that about the gear. Half the time that someone says that they can solo something with no problem- they're running around in gear that they got from Operations (because I've noticed that the only time you can solo something is from being geared up from Operations).... which you can't get into without having the gear from the Operations....... and then the players turn around and tell others having difficulty to L2P....


Truth is that the only way to get in on any of the end-content these days is to already have some group of buddies willing to join up with you in order to get you geared so that you can finally start doing some things solo- because, good luck trying to find folks through Groupfinder since 9 times out of 10, you'll be booted for your gear being too low.


I know, I know, I know, there's the Weeklies- plenty of Commendations for gearing up for that, isn't there? But... wait.... you need really good gear to get through those solo....


So, yeah. I can see how for a lot of folks, Dailies are their only way of gearing up enough to get into even the Flashpoints and, by turning around and making it necessary that anyone already be geared for FPs/Operations- all they're doing is ensuring that the only way that anyone can ever gear up for anything is by having a group of buddies who have already geared up and are willing to help you. And, frankly, that sounds just a little rude to lock a whole bunch of people who were told that they could do things on their own if they wanted or needed to.


And, before anyone tells me that this isn't true- and I know that there are many of you because up until recently, I was one myself, but I finally went to check in to see just how bad this issue could possibly be because, I'm in a unique position to actually do it. So, here's what I did:


Two Sorcerers. Same build. Same companion. Same player. One difference- one I made to team up with and the other I made to just play solo so that I could "practice" on my own on the weeks when my guild can't get together due to conflicting work schedules. So. The only difference is that one is in gear gained from FPs and Operations and the other isn't.


The grouper? Zero problems getting through solo.

The solo character? Yeah.... riiiiiight.


Oh no. I think the people who are voicing their complaints about having a great deal of difficulty accessing even dailies while being a solo player have a point- which, any other MMO, would be no problem but, let's face it, SWTOR put out the "Welcome Sign" to solo players- I certainly know that's why my guild is here and I can see why those people are getting confused and/or upset at working their way up through 55 levels only to get forgotten and basically told: "Sorry, you don't have a Member in Good Standing to Recommend your Application for Admission."


Now, your opinion may be different, but, that's just been my experience and, frankly, I don't see how it would hurt anyone here if there really was some daily area that these solo players could go to and something that they could do that would at least allow them to get their foot in the door to some of these other areas, gear-wise. I know that it certainly wouldn't bother me if my "solo" character could get to a point where she can do some of the same dailies/weeklies that my "grouper" can.

Edited by Dallayna
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I have read your OP in one of the quotes, I think you might have misunderstood the point of Oricon, the point is to challenge those who have done everything else.


Yes, this means it's going to be hard, and have ridiculous bosses in the dailies, but I'm afraid this is the point. If you are having too hard a time, then please build up your gear, and try again..


If this zone is for those who have "done everything else" then why does it only reward purple 66 gear and comms to buy purple 66 and (after many weeklies) purple 69? If it is designed as a challenge for those already in full 69 or full 72, then the rewards should be improved, no?


I've not seen the devs state anywhere that this is the point of Oricon. I just think they've got the balance wrong, either intentionally (to slow the players down) or unintentionally (through a lack of testing).

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Did this thread lose weight?


Yes. Yes it did. It went on a reality show and at first it had a hard time getting through Oricon, but with a MMO personal trainer it managed to lose weight and beat the tentacle boss. The drama in getting there was great!

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Of course the OP could just team up with someone - I'm DPS so have no problems, on exiting the zone I joined with a tank tog et him through his instance.

For some reason "teaming up" seems to be a swear word in this game - if people can't solo stuff they just assume it's broken and "cry nerf".

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I've kinda noticed that about the gear. Half the time that someone says that they can solo something with no problem- they're running around in gear that they got from Operations (because I've noticed that the only time you can solo something is from being geared up from Operations).... which you can't get into without having the gear from the Operations....... and then the players turn around and tell others having difficulty to L2P....


Truth is that the only way to get in on any of the end-content these days is to already have some group of buddies willing to join up with you in order to get you geared so that you can finally start doing some things solo- because, good luck trying to find folks through Groupfinder since 9 times out of 10, you'll be booted for your gear being too low.


I know, I know, I know, there's the Weeklies- plenty of Commendations for gearing up for that, isn't there? But... wait.... you need really good gear to get through those solo....


So, yeah. I can see how for a lot of folks, Dailies are their only way of gearing up enough to get into even the Flashpoints and, by turning around and making it necessary that anyone already be geared for FPs/Operations- all they're doing is ensuring that the only way that anyone can ever gear up for anything is by having a group of buddies who have already geared up and are willing to help you. And, frankly, that sounds just a little rude to lock a whole bunch of people who were told that they could do things on their own if they wanted or needed to.


And, before anyone tells me that this isn't true- and I know that there are many of you because up until recently, I was one myself, but I finally went to check in to see just how bad this issue could possibly be because, I'm in a unique position to actually do it. So, here's what I did:


Two Sorcerers. Same build. Same companion. Same player. One difference- one I made to team up with and the other I made to just play solo so that I could "practice" on my own on the weeks when my guild can't get together due to conflicting work schedules. So. The only difference is that one is in gear gained from FPs and Operations and the other isn't.


The grouper? Zero problems getting through solo.

The solo character? Yeah.... riiiiiight.


Oh no. I think the people who are voicing their complaints about having a great deal of difficulty accessing even dailies while being a solo player have a point- which, any other MMO, would be no problem but, let's face it, SWTOR put out the "Welcome Sign" to solo players- I certainly know that's why my guild is here and I can see why those people are getting confused and/or upset at working their way up through 55 levels only to get forgotten and basically told: "Sorry, you don't have a Member in Good Standing to Recommend your Application for Admission."


Now, your opinion may be different, but, that's just been my experience and, frankly, I don't see how it would hurt anyone here if there really was some daily area that these solo players could go to and something that they could do that would at least allow them to get their foot in the door to some of these other areas, gear-wise. I know that it certainly wouldn't bother me if my "solo" character could get to a point where she can do some of the same dailies/weeklies that my "grouper" can.


Dude you're doing something wrong then because I haven't set foot in ops yet can solo stuff....Im in conquerors now but was in full partisan till patch hit and then only got relics/implants/ear piece patch day when I did the oricon stuff, all solo up till the ops quest.


You've neglected pvp and no, I've never had an issue with someone saying my gear isn't good enough for a flashpoint or ops, on my server I have to turn down invites from people in fleet.

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Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.


So do you also think that everybody needs to be a roll player too.


After all it is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.


Maybe you haven't heard, but in addition to group content, this game also has an abundance of solo content.


Now, in regards to the topic, I have found that fights like the tentacle boss are easy with some of my characters, and much more difficult with others. Obviously, having better gear always helps, but the idea that you need to have gear that is as good as or better than the gear that is given as a reward for completing the quests seems a bit ridiculous to me. After all, why would you want to do a quest to earn gear that is only as good as, or is worse than the gear that you already have?

Edited by Exly
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There are a couple of options. The first is to respec to DPS. I rarely run dailies as a tank because it takes too long. A good set of crafted mod dps armor will see you through easily on any solo content.


The second is to grab a buddy. Since most guilds get groups together to run these, its easy.


Third, most melee dps/tanks have a gap closer of some sort. Use it to get to the add and a normal attack will take it out.


Fourth, use your interrupt only on the Extract, never the Obliterate.


Fifth, you can have your companion attack the add. Open your companions bar and send them to the add.


If you are a tank, you need to be using a dps companion for this fight, a healer might not cut it.


The fight is simple, regardless of what you are as long as you know what to do.


Sage advice and quoted for truth.


Challenging solo play is very much like challenging group play..... there are correct tactics and approaches involved to be successful. Fail to figure them out and apply them at your own peril.

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Sage advice and quoted for truth.


Challenging solo play is very much like challenging group play..... there are correct tactics and approaches involved to be successful. Fail to figure them out and apply them at your own peril.


Pretty much this, I am by no means an uber gamer even when I have the "correct method" figured out, so an easy approach for me is to be a level or two up on the content, which isn't hard in this game, when end game rolls around I make sure I have what I need so I'm not a liability and find a role that I can perform.


Doing this I have found keeps snarky comments to a minimum.

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Of course the OP could just team up with someone - I'm DPS so have no problems, on exiting the zone I joined with a tank tog et him through his instance.

For some reason "teaming up" seems to be a swear word in this game - if people can't solo stuff they just assume it's broken and "cry nerf".


All good advice, or so it seems. But usually dailies are things you expect to be able to do solo (apart from the heroic component). This is how all other daily zones in the game have operated, so why would players expect this to be any different?


Also having run these dailies as a group I can confirm there's a number of issues with doing so, such as bugs if the team mixes players on the daily version of the mission with those on the story version (especially inside the instances).


Even grouping for the heroic is a pain in the rear because it's not instanced and so collecting everyone in the same place is tedious (unlike say the CZ-198 heroics which you can use group finder for).


So if this is intended as a group area, they need to put more effort into making it operate smoothly as such.

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Respecing to DPS would be a bit easier if they fixed the skill mentor on fleet to actually refund your skill points. :mad:


To OP, I think they could definitely make some adjustments here as some classes are favored over others with respect to cleanses and interrupts. I suspect some tweaks will be coming, and until then, keep practicing and I bet you'll find ways to get pretty efficient with the bosses before long.

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Ok... Seriously, Oricon is not a problem. In fact it is quite enjoyable. Ok OP don't stop reading yet, and keep going this isn't a criticism of your skill, gamer prowess, or choices.


-You don't have to be overgeared to Oricon. You can go in there with blue 66s and cruise on through. If you are a fresh 55 with greens and a few lev 45 pieces you need not apply however.


-You companion should be decently geared as well.


-The bosses require different strategies depending on class and range, which btw is very cool.


-If you are a tank, consider going with a dps companion. If you are a ranged dps, you should consider going with a tank. I can't speak for heals.


-Tentacle boss is all about mechanics. It can be a very easy fight. Here are the cliff notes. Pan back your camera back. You need to be able to see your boss's head while fighting. Interrupt "exhaust" I think it is called, don't worry about interrupting other stuff (you need your interrupt ready). The boss, literally tells you what he is going to do. As soon as you the text about the boss summoning a tentacle watch his head you will see a faint green ray or discharge attach itself to the tentacle giving you the location. Kill the tentacle with your basic attack and then back to boss.


-Yes. This is all solo.


After one run through Oricon, you will have an almost complete set of purps for you class. Subsequent runs are even that much easier.

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