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Remove Trauma Probe and give us a HoT.


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Some napkin math tells me that Trauma Probe will already be more powerful then a Medical Probe (our strongest hard heal) by the time 5 charges are spent. Assuming Probe Medic is specced into, that's 10 seconds of being constantly attacked. Kinda works like a HoT already, with the limitation that it's for just one person at a time.


No, I'd hate for Trauma Probe to be removed. For 2 ammo and the potential to heal buttloads (actual amount) of damage, it's our strongest heal, if used at the right times.

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I like trauma probe, I use it on the tank or ball carrier or whoever, and when I know I am going to die I apply one for the last time to help my teammate even in death, it is useful and it is a good healer ability that applies when damage is done, so I don't think we need a replacement.
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Good points and they made me think it over and your right.Guess im abit frustrated because the lack of healing combined with mobility.Dunno if im just whining or if im "Arena-Raging" Now when i think about it the TP prolly saved my *** several times. Adding a NEW skill ,a HoT, would that make the class unbalanced? Im aware of our roll as offhealers who can take a beating. I never play PvE and i can only speak from a PvP perspective.

I really think a HoT would be helpfull but then ofc the ammo issue would be a problem.

Feel free to prove me wrong again:)


Regards Luci

Edited by SWEtree
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I'd rather they keep Trauma probe as is and add another new healing ability. At this point I'm still early game for my commando healer but I'm noticing a certain one trick pony feel about him. I think part of it is cooldowns and the other part is a lack of options.


Bacta Infusion could use a reduction to the cooldown. 15 to 17 sec CD is much more reasonable. I know it's a free heal but it's also a hard punishment heal. The cooldown is so long that if you burn it too quickly it isn't available for the time you really needed it.


Hammer shot is pretty decent for trash packs and has to be weaved in for bosses. It's spammable and can be used on the move but you can't heal yourself with it and you won't heal anyone up quickly with it, especially if the group is hurting.


Rather than changing hammer shot I'd rather just get another heal to help deal with both the lack of options to use on self and on the group.


One idea might be to add a mixed hot smart aoe heal with a medium cooldown. Something that you can deploy early in a trash pull and get either a quick heal off across several targets or a slower lasting heal, depending on the amount of damage the group is taking.


Bacta Frag Mine


Heals a target for a moderate amount over 6 seconds, at 9 seconds the mine explodes healing the target for larger amount and heals any additional targets with in 3m of the host target for a very small amount. After the explosion the mine will then bounce to a friendly target with in 25m and repeat the same process. 3 charges.


Ideally a low powered hot with an explosive bloom effect that shares a very small amount of healing around the bloom.


I'm pretty much open to stripping down the idea or changing it. I would however love some kind of heal that I can use on myself and on others that takes away some of the CD one trick pony lock out away.

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