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Merc Healing: Enhancements....


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So as a merc healer (pve) you want to go all power. I have zero cirt and augmented with reflex 28s. My question is how many Adpet (power-surge) or Quick savant (power-alacrity) enhancements should I have? (surge is at 73% and alacrity 5%) I have on me now, 3 QS and 4 Adpet enhancements. My implants and ear piece are power surge as well. So what should my build be? Ex : like a 6 surge and 4 QS? (Ear and implant included)



Thanks all who can help :D

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To give you an idea of how much alacrity will effect your character, 300 alacrity rating will = about 5% alacrity, or .075 seconds reduced from your 1.5 sec gcd or 1.5 sec cast times and .15 secs off your 3 sec channeled skill. 600 alacrity rating will = about almost 8%, or .12 seconds reduced from your 1.5 sec gcd and .24 secs off 3 sec channeled skill. To put this in perspective, if you do 1 minutes worth of 1.5 sec abilities, you will do 42 moves vs the normal 40, and with 600 alacrity you will do 43 moves. If you do 50% 1.5 sec moves and 50% 3 sec channeled moves you will do 22 1.5 sec moves with 300 alacrity and still 22 moves with 600 alacrity along with 10 3 sec channel skills with 300 alacrity and still 10 with 600 alacrity (total difference is there will be a total of 1 second left over which isn't enough for any new moves.)


Stacking Alacrity to 300 when combined with the System Calibrations boost will put you at 7% which gives you a decent enough cast/regen/global boost. Three of the QS 30 will get you close enough (6.43%). You look to be pretty close to cap on Surge so you might pick up a fourth QS 30, but the gains really will be minimal. I've found that with the Crit Reaction procs (which can push your Alacrity to 10%), the 6-7% alacrity range is about the best bang for the buck as Surge is still more useful from an hps perspective.


tl;dr: Stack Surge to cap then fill in with Alacrity.

Edited by Phrase
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