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Getting focused in arena. Nothing i can do (medic)


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The class is ofc not useless. Im having minor problem expressing my thoughts because this isnt my native language. We dont need stronger heals imo. The problem is the shutdown.

Wasnt ment to be a "lolmandos sux" thread. Need better solo-survivalbility.


I'd differentiate between survival and shutdown though. I think the survivability on its own is where it needs to be. Adrenaline Rush still needs its cooldown reviewed so it doesn't get a 4 minute cooldown when you guess wrong, but lowering Reactive Shield's cooldown is asking for trouble.


I agree with the shutdown problem and it will be interesting to see what the devs plan to do about it. I think giving Hold the Line interrupt immunity is asking a lot, though. Generally speaking, I think its bad design for your major heals to be immune to interruption more often that not. Other than playing with pushback (which is something they've been considering), the best bet would probably to do one of two things to Supercharged Cells:


- While Supercharged, interrupt lock-outs reduced by 50%.

- While Supercharged, AMP is immune to interruption.


The reason I'm concentrating on Supercharged Cells is that you can only do it every 20 seconds or so and Supercharge the main way of not getting shutdown. At any other time, you have 1 ability off a cooldown that matters (Medical Probe) and it also your primary means of building Supercharge. So 1 interrupt may shut us down if there are no other cooldowns to burn. When Supercharged, though, it takes 2-3 interrupts to shut us down (2 if MP gets interrupted first, 3 if AMP gets interrupted first) because AMP has no cooldown for the duration. So for 10 seconds, we have two abilities to rely on instead of 1. Either of the above changes will help with this. Considering that building Supercharge can be delayed by the enemy with CC and interruptions, I think it adds incentive to prevent the Combat Medic from reaching that point while providing some reward to him/her when he/she gets it.


Another thing I'd love to see, probably as an alternative to the above, is a way to build Supercharge faster. I think a good idea here would be to have something similar to the talent in the Assault tree (Paralytic Combat Stims), but instead of building ammo, it builds charge whenever you are stunned, knocked down, or otherwise incapacitated. It would force enemies to use their CC more wisely against Combat Medics since using it poorly may actually help them instead of harming them.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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I'm not a medic, but I rarely die in arenas. It's just a trick of making the most of your escapes and interrupts. First thing is that when 3 focus you you accept you're not going to be participating by healing. So focus on staying alive and keeping them occupied while your team kills them.


Get good with your knock backs, learn to punt melee into pits and places they have to run out of. Paired up with Electro-net you can take a player out of the fight for some time.

Or immediately Los them so they don't leap right back to you.


It may feel like you're useless if they focus you and you can't heal the team but being the "punching bag" in an arena is skill providing a service to your team. They are only neutralizing 1 player but you're neutralizing 3. Stay up as long as possible and you buy your teammates many uncontested GCDs to wreak havoc.


And don't burn the cc break unless you have to. If you can wait till your resolve bar is full first you can become uninterruptable.

Knockback them all, stun one, Electro-net the other and run behind a pillar. It buys good time for you to quick heal and your team to eliminate 1 or 2 of them.

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I'm not a medic, but I rarely die in arenas. It's just a trick of making the most of your escapes and interrupts. First thing is that when 3 focus you you accept you're not going to be participating by healing. So focus on staying alive and keeping them occupied while your team kills them.


Get good with your knock backs, learn to punt melee into pits and places they have to run out of. Paired up with Electro-net you can take a player out of the fight for some time.

Or immediately Los them so they don't leap right back to you.


It may feel like you're useless if they focus you and you can't heal the team but being the "punching bag" in an arena is skill providing a service to your team. They are only neutralizing 1 player but you're neutralizing 3. Stay up as long as possible and you buy your teammates many uncontested GCDs to wreak havoc.


And don't burn the cc break unless you have to. If you can wait till your resolve bar is full first you can become uninterruptable.

Knockback them all, stun one, Electro-net the other and run behind a pillar. It buys good time for you to quick heal and your team to eliminate 1 or 2 of them.


Very good points. Thanks :)

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Im gonna keep on playing it,praying they get more arena -friendly. Now ive stoped joining arena because it feels abit selfish when we usually loose because i fail.

Ive started to spend alot more tme on my guardian-alt now. Thats a shame.


Don't be the first to engage in combat, stay behind your team.

Don't break the first stun, if you see that you not gonna die in this stun.


Edited by GNWP
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