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PvP - Hybrid fix suggestion


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I'll start this thread off with a few things, for one who I am and so on.


My in-game name is Corvineus (Republic, Vanguard) or Tho'rrax (Imperial, Powertech) from Tomb of Freedon Nadd, when 8v8 Warzones were still here I played as the main tank for Coral from but a few months into 2.0 and until the removal of 8v8. I'm a very hardcore and dedicated PvP'er and very actively tanking on my PT in Conflagration in arenas these days.


Now, as every other semi-decent pvp'er on ToFN has noticed the Tactics (AKA. Advanced Prototype) hybrid spec is VERY overpowered right now in arenas usually in combination with 2 smash marauders. We ourselves have started playing this combo as of late just to demonstrate and experience how ridiculously easy it is to pull off.


1. You don't need any coordination besides when to blow all your offensive CD's to burn down targets, which is pretty straight forward when you have a 70% slow and a pull.


2. The AoE pressure you put out regardless of how you try and counter it will overwhelm even the strongest team or most coordinated one. And yes you can still be beaten, we've beaten this combo aswell but not even remotely as often as preferable.


3. Let's face the facts here, Bioware already wants to balance out Marauders and recognize they're too strong atm - Why marauders? Marauders aren't the issue atm, we face countless of +2 smash marauders and beat them without issues, HOWEVER, when combined with a hybrid PT this becomes far more deadly and so ridiculously easy.


Now onto the fix, my suggestion to Bioware would simply be - Make Prototype Flame Thrower (AKA Pulse Generator) ONLY activate when a powertech is in High Energy Gas Cylinder, this removes their capability of guarding a target without sacrificing their AoE dps and pretty much balancing out the role.


And before anyone goes "They're very squishy regardless" yes they are, that's not the issue - The issue is that the damage is far too high and so is their capability of migitating damage by doing nothing besides taunting and being in Ion Gas Cylinder.


I as a 36+ Powertech tank find it utterly distasteful how some players degrade PT's to be 1 trick ponies, and it doesn't really matter if they're any good or not aslong as they get their AoE off on 3+ targets. Which again, is too easy.


I sincerely hope whoever became the PT class representative reads this and considers it for 1 of the 3 class questions - Because it is pretty huge issue in PvP atm, this combo has VERY few counters, 1 being carnage mara / smash mara. - Which requires excellent coordination, but again if they get one too many AoE's off on 3+ people, the game is over for the carnage / smash.


And tbh, Bioware's statement about nullifying hybrid specs clearly doesn't come into effect here, they just made it far more viable than full Advanced Prototype or Pyrotech.

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As long as they wait with that until they buff Shieldtech to become competitive with Immortal Juggernauts in PvP.


You'll find it 8 / 10 people disagree with you atm.


Shield tech is more than viable atm, imo It's better than juggs for PvP. There are the few that still cling to juggs with ridiculous arguments as to of why they are better, truth is yeah defensive-support juggs are better, sustain-wise? They have nothing besides their CD's, once they're used up, a jugg is to an extent rather useless, whereas a PT has far more on-will sustain.

Edited by Sarano
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  • 2 weeks later...
what is the PT hybrid spec? which cell do you run?


It's Ion Cell, with either:


Higher defense: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301G0rrdoroMZrsMrobRM.3


Higher damage: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301G0hMZrsRrobRRzGGz.3


Note, some points can be changed, such as Ion Overload, however these are the generic "hybrid" builds that this threat speaks of. The first one is better, IMO.

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Love how you say the Maras are fine yet you run 2 and so does everyone else. Then you even say Bioware confirms they are a little out of hand. Just because you are a bad player and cant CC the VG/PT doesn't mean everyone else is....or they need more nerfs.
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PT tanks are not as viable as they should be, and can use more than a few quality of life adjustments for PVE and PVP.


The problem with the AP ion cell hybrid is that there is NO reason to bring a full tank into a PVP environment. It works a little too well both DPS and defense wise.


But given the choice between buffing PT tank and improving it, or nerfing the ion hybrid, what do you think they will do?

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