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Gambling is illegal


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Actually, that's opinion this is gambling. You definately get the pack when you buy it, what it contains is random, whether this constitutes gambling is debatable, not fact.




No, but you can compare it to buying a Kinder Egg, you will get a toy, but it's random what toy you get, might be nice, might be garbage, but it isn't gambling.


The kinder egg is physical

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here you go haus, a legal definition


c/p from: http://definitions.uslegal.com/g/gambling/


(Sources beneath)


Gambling Law & Legal Definition

A person engages in gambling if he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. Gambling does not include bona fide business transactions valid under the law of contracts, such as the purchase or sale at a future date of securities or commodities, contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life, health or accident insurance.


Federal law defines illegal gambling activity as:


Is a violation of the law of the state in which it is conducted; and

(Involves five or more persons who conduct, finance, manage, supervise, direct or own all or part of such business; and

Has been or remains in substantially continuous operation for a period in excess of thirty days, or has a gross revenue of $2,000 in any single day.

State laws on illegal gambling activity vary by state and often include offenses for possessing illegal gambling devices and promoting illegal gambling activity. An illegal gambling device is any device, machine, paraphernalia or equipment that is normally used or usable in the playing phases of any gambling activity, whether that activity consists of gambling between persons or gambling by a person involving the playing of a machine. However, lottery tickets, policy slips and other items used in the playing phases of lottery and policy schemes are not gambling devices within this definition.


Gambling is accepting, recording, or registering bets, or carrying on a policy game or any other lottery, or playing any game of chance, for money or other thing of value. Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 1955, makes it a federal crime or offense for anyone to conduct an 'illegal gambling business.'


An 'illegal gambling business' is defined to be a gambling business which:


Is a violation of the law of the state in which it is conducted; and

Involves five or more persons who conduct, finance, manage, supervise, direct or own all or part of such business; and

Has been or remains in substantially continuous operation for a period in excess of thirty days, or has a gross revenue of $2,000 in any single day.

State laws also govern gambling. Some states prohibit public wagers or betting by minors, while others allow wagering up to a certain amount. In some states parimutuel betting on horse races at the tracks is legal and most states operate or participate in daily and weekly lotteries. Some states, however, particularly those along the Mississippi River, restrict casino gambling to riverboats. Since passage of the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988, states have been required to permit on reservations any type of gambling that is permitted off-reservation. Gambling is a significant source of revenue in their respective states and the subject of controversy due to the social ills which have been argued to be connected to it, such as organized crime and gambling addiction.


Relevant legal forms include:


Jury Instruction - Illegal Gambling Business (Bookmaking)

Jury Instruction - Transmission Of Wagering Information

Jury Instruction - Interstate Transportation Of Wagering Paraphernalia (Bookmaking)



Note it states something of value not only money.. since money in the U.S. is nothing more than an I.O.U. in the first place. Cartel Coins have an inherent value.. same as any currency.


Wow he can use the internets too. You remind me of all the whiny peeps over at STO when the lock boxes came out and DEMANDED to know the % drop. They were even threatening a class action lawsuit if they did not reveal the percentages. Quit your belly aching, don't buy CC's. Better yet flush your sub and go play Dora, she has a new app on itunes you know...:D

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Its not funny


Defined under racketeering:


from http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1955


18 USC § 1955 - Prohibition of illegal gambling businesses


US Code



Authorities (CFR)



Jesus H. guy. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about and have no expertise in this field. You are simply looking up a dictionary definition (Not even a legal definition), and then interpreting it to fit your desire with zero knowledge of either law or how to proceed. Give it a rest.

Edited by Blackardin
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I see your last thread finally died out. It'll be entertaining to see how long you can keep this one going for using the same approach with a different topic.


Honestly, I think he's some 12 year old kid that actually believes that he is legit.....that he's discovered some legal precedence that their legal team, and the entire nation happened to miss. LOL

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The kinder egg is physical


What does physical or non-physical have to do with anything?


To you really believe that hacking a banking system and stealing a money is any different than breaking into a bank and stealing the same amount. Now robbing the bank using a weapon, would be more serious, but all are against the law.


BioWare/EA has a legal team, that knows way more about law than either of us and this is legal. Pure and simple and that is a fact.

Edited by mikebevo
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Jesus H. guy. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about and have no expertise in this field. You are simply looking up a dictionary definition (Not even a legal definition), and then interpreting it to fit your desire with zero knowledge of either law or how to proceed. Give it a rest.


I never read any of the definitions, mainly because I don't live in America, and so don't want to remember bits of legal code that are not relevant to where I live.

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What does physical or non-physical have to do with anything?


To you really believe that hacking a banking system and stealing a money is any different than breaking into a bank and stealing the same amount. Now robbing the bank using a weapon, would be more serious, but all are against the law.


BioWare/EA has a legal team, that knows way more about law than either of us and this is legal. Pure and simple and that is a fact.


Because EA still owns the rights to whatever you do with that kinder egg

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What does physical or non-physical have to do with anything?


To you really believe that hacking a banking system and stealing a money is any different than breaking into a bank and stealing the same amount. Now robbing the bank using a weapon, would be more serious, but all are against the law.


BioWare/EA has a legal team, that knows way more about law than either of us and this is legal. Pure and simple and that is a fact.


and btw the only thing their legal team is good at is settling cases

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Jesus H. guy. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about and have no expertise in this field. You are simply looking up a dictionary definition (Not even a legal definition), and then interpreting it to fit your desire with zero knowledge of either law or how to proceed. Give it a rest.


So how its spelled out the actual federal code is not enough for you?

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Because EA still owns the rights to whatever you do with that kinder egg

You need to seriously give up all games, movies and music if you are worried about that.


You do know that know that many things you buy, others still have rights over it, it the form of copyrights, patents...


Of course no use having a logical discussion, since there is no logic here.

Edited by mikebevo
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By entering into this Agreement, you and EA expressly waive the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action.


Just a quick quote from the EULA you clicked accept on when you started playing this game. I'm just sayin. :p

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You need to seriously give up all games, movies and music if you are worried about that.


You do know that know that many things you buy, others still have rights over it, it the form of copyrights, patents...


Of course no use having a logical discussion, since there is no logic here.


You do understand that virtual property is not the same as physical property.. not just because one is physical and one is virtual correct?


at any moment and at any time at whatever whim they want EA can shut the game down.. they can do it because its in their End User License Agreement, and they have done it before.


So what happens to those people who spend oh say $500 bucks a month on CM purchases.. even the guy who spent $40 bucks a month.. when the game shuts down?




has it happened before? YES

will it happen again? YES

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You do understand that virtual property is not the same as physical property.. not just because one is physical and one is virtual correct?


at any moment and at any time at whatever whim they want EA can shut the game down.. they can do it because its in their End User License Agreement, and they have done it before.


So what happens to those people who spend oh say $500 bucks a month on CM purchases.. even the guy who spent $40 bucks a month.. when the game shuts down?




has it happened before? YES

will it happen again? YES


Again, what does that have to do with your complaint about gambling.

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By entering into this Agreement, you and EA expressly waive the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action.


Just a quick quote from the EULA you clicked accept on when you started playing this game. I'm just sayin. :p


I am filing for damages linked to their racketeering not because of the game itself.

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So by your logic, Pokemon card packs et al are gambling?


Better alert the gaming commissions.


Pokemon tells you the odds of getting commons, uncommons, and rares. They had to, people threatened a lawsuit against the publishers of Magic: The Gathering for that very reason.

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You do understand that virtual property is not the same as physical property.. not just because one is physical and one is virtual correct?
Yes I do, you are the one that seems seriously confused on the issue of the difference and exactly what that means.


So what happens to those people who spend oh say $500 bucks a month on CM purchases.. even the guy who spent $40 bucks a month.. when the game shuts down?
Who cares? They enter a contract at the start, they should know what that the only thing guaranteed in life is change. Anything in game and even the game itself is only there until they shut down the servers. Or are use saying my parents can sue Paul Mccartney because they can't play their Beatles 8-tracks any longer. You do know you can't buy a 8-track any longer? :p Edited by mikebevo
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Just cancel your account and move on, dude. Don't be another litigious tool, cluttering up the courts in hope of getting a settlement from the corporate teat just to shut you up. The courts really, really have better things to do.
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Yes I do, you are the one that seems seriously confused on the issue of the difference and exactly what that means.


Who cares? They enter a contract at the start, they should know what that the only thing guaranteed in life if change. Anything in game and even the game itself is only there until they shut down the servers. Or are use saying my parents can sue Paul Mccartney because they can't play their Beatles 8-tracks any longer. You do know you can't buy a 8-track any longer? :p


except I don't enter a contract with either Kinder Egg or Paul Mccartney when I purchase either of those things.

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