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Gambling is illegal


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Are you going to sue baseball card manufacturers for not posting the odds of getting valuable rare players? Are you going to sue Wizards of the Coast because the one unopened pack of Arabian Nights you were able to buy didn't have a Black Lotus?


Those packs are very similar to packs of Magic the Gathering, and Wizards isn't required to post the odds of you getting a super rare foil card. So unless you plan on taking multiple genres of gaming to court, then you might as well just call this thread what it really is: QQ about not getting your varactyl.


The cards are still playable/collectible


stuff in cartel pack is neither collectible (EA owns it) nor playable (this isn't SWG that had a TCG inside of it.. which I believe at least merited the purchase)

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The cards are still playable/collectible


stuff in cartel pack is neither collectible (EA owns it) nor playable (this isn't SWG that had a TCG inside of it.. which I believe at least merited the purchase)


Incorrect. All of the contents of the packs are usable in-game.

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By making blanket crap armor designs drop in game and keeping the armor styles that actually have to do with the SW universe in packs they are effectively forcing you to gamble the CC you just bought on packs with a "chance" at getting the armor style or vehicle you want


They aren't forcing you to do anything. They're making poor design choices which will impact player retention. Now if end-game raid bosses dropped modifications which you had to buy armor from the cartel market to put them in, and those packs didn't drop the necessary items you need to put those mods in, then THAT would be FORCING you to buy packs.


Having to walk around in Bioware's latest failure of fashion does not constitute racketeering.

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There seems to be a big misunderstanding when it comes to what gambling is and whether or not its illegal.


as per Merriam Webster's


gam·ble verb \ˈgam-bəl\

: to play a game in which you can win or lose money or possessions : to bet money or other valuable things


: to risk losing (an amount of money) in a game or bet


: to risk losing (something valuable or important) in order to do or achieve something



So either post the "odds" of getting something specific in a cartel pack or you will be sued in the very near future.


Gambling isn't illegal everywhere. So if it's illegal for you, and you think this is gambling, you should stop the CRIMINAL behavior before YOU are ARRESTED. Do you now see what is wrong with your SUE logic?

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By making blanket crap armor designs drop in game and keeping the armor styles that actually have to do with the SW universe in packs they are effectively forcing you to gamble the CC you just bought on packs with a "chance" at getting the armor style or vehicle you want


that is completely subjective, what one person finds to look like crap someone else may actually enjoy... just because the items you get in game look worse than the CM items in your opinion, does not mean something nefarious is going on...

and you conveniently forget this game is canon set in a time period very different than those of the movies, styles change... there is no way i'd ever wear a true Victorian Dress because i find them excessively restricting, uncomfortable, and too much unneeded fluff, i mean really people back then found a womans butt sticking out 2 feet behind them attractive? shenannigans i say... :rolleyes:

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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They aren't forcing you to do anything. They're making poor design choices which will impact player retention. Now if end-game raid bosses dropped modifications which you had to buy armor from the cartel market to put them in, and those packs didn't drop the necessary items you need to put those mods in, then THAT would be FORCING you to buy packs.


Having to walk around in Bioware's latest failure of fashion does not constitute racketeering.


So they just so happen to be making "stupid" decisions with regard to art style.. with no intention of making more back end profit off the CM for the armor styles that people actually want... you really believe that they *intentionally* put ugly armor in the game that looks exactly the same across classes because of a mistake?


Well my friend let me be the first to enlighten you to the douchebaggery that is Electronic Arts.


They are not dumb and they know how to exploit weak minded people for money.. I saw them do it in both FIFA and MNFLSS on facebook when they took over Playfish operations. The only thing that matters to them is the bottom line dollar.. which will ultimately be their downfall, because brand loyalty is definitely at an all time low.

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Gambling isn't illegal everywhere. So if it's illegal for you, and you think this is gambling, you should stop the CRIMINAL behavior before YOU are ARRESTED. Do you now see what is wrong with your SUE logic?


I already let the AG for my state know before I posted this.

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that is completely subjective, what one person finds to look like crap someone else may actually enjoy... just because the items you get in game look worse than the CM items in your opinion, does not mean something nefarious is going on...

and you conveniently forget this game is canon set in a time period very different than those of the movies, styles change... there is no way i'd ever wear a true Victorian Dress because i find them excessively restricting, uncomfortable, and too much unneeded fluff, i mean really people back then found a womans butt sticking out 2 feet behind them attractive? shenannigans i say... :rolleyes:


Hey, you can't count that ONE guy in Ohio who likes Bioware's armor designs. I mean, he's legally blind, and dresses like the color of Spumoni ice cream. His tastes are irrelevant.

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So they just so happen to be making "stupid" decisions with regard to art style.. with no intention of making more back end profit off the CM for the armor styles that people actually want... you really believe that they *intentionally* put ugly armor in the game that looks exactly the same across classes because of a mistake?


Well my friend let me be the first to enlighten you to the douchebaggery that is Electronic Arts.


They are not dumb and they know how to exploit weak minded people for money.. I saw them do it in both FIFA and MNFLSS on facebook when they took over Playfish operations. The only thing that matters to them is the bottom line dollar.. which will ultimately be their downfall, because brand loyalty is definitely at an all time low.


I completely agree with you on this point. If you search on my previous posts, you will see that I am equally sickened by Bioware's armor designs, and I am seeing an anecdotal pattern that suggests that they are pushing people toward their CM designs over their end-game armor designs. This is an extremely poor design philosophy which can and will cut a couple of years off of the lifespan of their game if proven true.

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So either post the "odds" of getting something specific in a cartel pack or you will be sued in the very near future.


I can see this thread has gone to 11 pages (why??).

Anyway, reading the OP and seeing the line I've quoted above - there is no merit in this thread.

LOL - you WILL be sued in the very near future - of course they will, that is exactly what is going to happen.


OP - stop crying because you didn't get what you wanted from the cartel packs you purchased. It's all random and randomly it didn't give you what you wanted *Crying face*

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I can see this thread has gone to 11 pages (why??).

Anyway, reading the OP and seeing the line I've quoted above - there is no merit in this thread.

LOL - you WILL be sued in the very near future - of course they will, that is exactly what is going to happen.


OP - stop crying because you didn't get what you wanted from the cartel packs you purchased. It's all random and randomly it didn't give you what you wanted *Crying face*


I sell my packs for credits when they are first released bro. Still, I think its horrible that they would prey on weak minded people, there are better ways to make money than exploiting the same group of people over and over for THOUSANDS of dollars.


As much as I love Star Wars I cannot in good conscience approve of their current financial model for keeping this game afloat (i.e. milking profits off a few well of people, instead of producing quality content that brings in a larger playerbase overall)


also, its racketeering.

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Op does not want odds, he wants guarantee which he is not going to get. The odds can not be put in numbers because numbers will not make sense. If there are 10 items and you get one of them then your odds are 1 out of ten each time, not 1 in ten tries. That is a serious misconception, people believe there is a guarantee of some sort. :D
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I sell my packs for credits when they are first released bro. Still, I think its horrible that they would prey on weak minded people, there are better ways to make money than exploiting the same group of people over and over for THOUSANDS of dollars.


As much as I love Star Wars I cannot in good conscience approve of their current financial model for keeping this game afloat (i.e. milking profits off a few well of people, instead of producing quality content that brings in a larger playerbase overall)


also, its racketeering.


You can dislike it as much as you want, that doesn't change anything about the cartel packs not being gambling or any kind of fraud in a legal sense.

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This is neither the only or the first game to do this. Nobody has dropped the hammer on any of the companies yet so im pretty sure its not illegal . Also if someone has a gambling problem, even if they cut the random packs here they will get their fix somewhere else. Its a personal issue that needs to be addressed and not bioware's problem. It would be nice for a change if people actually took responsibility for their own actions and if someone has a problem they get the professional help they need
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I sell my packs for credits when they are first released bro. Still, I think its horrible that they would prey on weak minded people, there are better ways to make money than exploiting the same group of people over and over for THOUSANDS of dollars.


As much as I love Star Wars I cannot in good conscience approve of their current financial model for keeping this game afloat (i.e. milking profits off a few well of people, instead of producing quality content that brings in a larger playerbase overall)


also, its racketeering.


So, you're continuing to support the gambling system with your money. Hypocrisy much? :rolleyes:

If you don't approve of it, stop feeding it. You're praying on "weak minded" people for their credits.

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There seems to be a big misunderstanding when it comes to what gambling is and whether or not its illegal.


as per Merriam Webster's


gam·ble verb \ˈgam-bəl\

: to play a game in which you can win or lose money or possessions : to bet money or other valuable things


: to risk losing (an amount of money) in a game or bet


: to risk losing (something valuable or important) in order to do or achieve something



So either post the "odds" of getting something specific in a cartel pack or you will be sued in the very near future.


I"m not sure what it is about a game subscription that makes people believe that they know more then they do. This one is now a legal consultant.

Edited by Blackardin
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So, you're continuing to support the gambling system with your money. Hypocrisy much? :rolleyes:

If you don't approve of it, stop feeding it. You're praying on "weak minded" people for their credits.


No I am not I am using my monthly "entitlement" to trade with weak minded people.. but I wouldnt take their money on the same deal if that is what your asking.


See I always hear people talking about "personal" responsibility.. but we are human beings and humans are social creatures by definition. Therefore, we have a responsibility not only to ourselves, but our society as a whole as well. We must do what is best for us, but also what is good our family, town, country, and even humanity.. because that is what it means to be human.


Somewhere along the line people forgot that we are all in this together.

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No I am not I am using my monthly "entitlement" to trade with weak minded people.. but I wouldnt take their money on the same deal if that is what your asking.


See I always hear people talking about "personal" responsibility.. but we are human beings and humans are social creatures by definition. Therefore, we have a responsibility not only to ourselves, but our society as a whole as well. We must do what is best for us, but also what is good our family, town, country, and even humanity.. because that is what it means to be human.


Somewhere along the line people forgot that we are all in this together.


So you are a sociologist, and psychologist as well as an attorney?



Also, its racketeering.


Honestly, stop. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Racketeering. LOL

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Their metrics are still showing that you are buying the packs. They look at what you spend your CC's on, stipend or not, and they will see that they're popular items.


You're feeding the system. You're also paying a subscription to a company with this system. You are part of the problem.


So you are a sociologist, and psychologist as well as an attorney?


Don't forget, also a game designer. :D

Edited by chuixupu
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By making blanket crap armor designs drop in game and keeping the armor styles that actually have to do with the SW universe in packs they are effectively forcing you to gamble the CC you just bought on packs with a "chance" at getting the armor style or vehicle you want


Or you could buy the item on GTN, yes it will cost several hundred thousand credits, which will take several goes at the blackhole missions, but it won't be real money.

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Why, why, why, why has this thread gotten to 13 pages?


This is the same OP who started the "Just change the engine, you can copy/paste the rest in" thread that also (flying in the face of all reason) received an absurd number of replies.


Both are ridiculous claims, and if they were genuine trolling attempts, then my hat's off to you sir, because you succeeded marvelously. If they were sincere, then I'm a little worried.


In either event, all aspiring internet forum trolls should be taking down notes, because this is ridiculous.

Edited by DarthDymond
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So you are a sociologist, and psychologist as well as an attorney?




Honestly, stop. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Racketeering. LOL


Its not funny


Defined under racketeering:


from http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1955


18 USC § 1955 - Prohibition of illegal gambling businesses


US Code



Authorities (CFR)


Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

(a) Whoever conducts, finances, manages, supervises, directs, or owns all or part of an illegal gambling business shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

(b) As used in this section—

(1) “illegal gambling business” means a gambling business which—

(i) is a violation of the law of a State or political subdivision in which it is conducted;

(ii) involves five or more persons who conduct, finance, manage, supervise, direct, or own all or part of such business; and

(iii) has been or remains in substantially continuous operation for a period in excess of thirty days or has a gross revenue of $2,000 in any single day.

(2) “gambling” includes but is not limited to pool-selling, bookmaking, maintaining slot machines, roulette wheels or dice tables, and conducting lotteries, policy, bolita or numbers games, or selling chances therein.

(3) “State” means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession of the United States.

© If five or more persons conduct, finance, manage, supervise, direct, or own all or part of a gambling business and such business operates for two or more successive days, then, for the purpose of obtaining warrants for arrests, interceptions, and other searches and seizures, probable cause that the business receives gross revenue in excess of $2,000 in any single day shall be deemed to have been established.

(d) Any property, including money, used in violation of the provisions of this section may be seized and forfeited to the United States. All provisions of law relating to the seizures, summary, and judicial forfeiture procedures, and condemnation of vessels, vehicles, merchandise, and baggage for violation of the customs laws; the disposition of such vessels, vehicles, merchandise, and baggage or the proceeds from such sale; the remission or mitigation of such forfeitures; and the compromise of claims and the award of compensation to informers in respect of such forfeitures shall apply to seizures and forfeitures incurred or alleged to have been incurred under the provisions of this section, insofar as applicable and not inconsistent with such provisions. Such duties as are imposed upon the collector of customs or any other person in respect to the seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles, merchandise, and baggage under the customs laws shall be performed with respect to seizures and forfeitures of property used or intended for use in violation of this section by such officers, agents, or other persons as may be designated for that purpose by the Attorney General.

(e) This section shall not apply to any bingo game, lottery, or similar game of chance conducted by an organization exempt from tax under paragraph (3) of subsection © ofsection 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, if no part of the gross receipts derived from such activity inures to the benefits of any private shareholder, member, or employee of such organization except as compensation for actual expenses incurred by him in the conduct of such activity.



LII has no control over and does not endorse any external Internet site that contains links to or references LII.

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Arguing on these forums is like arguing with Fox News..


your just always wrong while a bunch of Pundits (Fanboys) try to find anything in your argument to discredit the actual facts provided.


Fact: This is gambling


Actually, that's opinion this is gambling. You definately get the pack when you buy it, what it contains is random, whether this constitutes gambling is debatable, not fact.


Fact: You can't compare opening a digital pack of digital merchandise to buying a box of lettuce at the supermarket.. especially since if your smart YOUD BUY A FRIGGEN HEAD OF LETTUCE TOOL.


No, but you can compare it to buying a Kinder Egg, you will get a toy, but it's random what toy you get, might be nice, might be garbage, but it isn't gambling.

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