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f2p cant do ranked arenas?


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my friend bought a weekly pass, still cant do rankeds,



it says xxxxxx cant be queued since the group is not queued....


F2P couldn't do Ranked Warzones in the past, so I'm guessing that they can't do Ranked Arenas now.


I believe that this is one of the reasons Ranked Warzones did not work: more than half of the player base could not do them.

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F2P couldn't do Ranked Warzones in the past, so I'm guessing that they can't do Ranked Arenas now.


I believe that this is one of the reasons Ranked Warzones did not work: more than half of the player base could not do them.


its unbearable, bioware is actually disabling content for f2p evn though they pay for the weekly pass.

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its unbearable, bioware is actually disabling content for f2p evn though they pay for the weekly pass.


It's not BW's fault that no one reads anymore or follows decisions that were already made.


You and your friend's fault here tbh. F2P = never-ending trial account in the end pay $15/month or not - there is the choice.

Edited by Eillack
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BioWare is somewhat at fault here. They need to change Ranked WZs to Ranked Arenas. There is no excuse here, also on their part.


They aren't at fault for a person buying a pass with the intention of playing ranked when it says clearly on the chart that they can't do ranked. However I do agree that if they pay for a pass, they should have full access. I made this argument when this was launched; People who buy Operation passes are not locked out of HM or NiM content, there is no reason why PVP'ers should be restricted.


Hopefully when they release the 5 per week restriction, they will also change the ranked restriction. Or maybe ranked will become the new pass.

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They aren't at fault for a person buying a pass with the intention of playing ranked when it says clearly on the chart that they can't do ranked. However I do agree that if they pay for a pass, they should have full access. I made this argument when this was launched; People who buy Operation passes are not locked out of HM or NiM content, there is no reason why PVP'ers should be restricted.


Hopefully when they release the 5 per week restriction, they will also change the ranked restriction. Or maybe ranked will become the new pass.

The chart says Ranked WARZONES. Not Ranked ARENAS. There's a difference. ;)

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The chart says Ranked WARZONES. Not Ranked ARENAS. There's a difference. ;)


According to Eric Musco:


Hey discbox!


You raise a good question and it is one I can answer. There are two reasons it appears as it does currently in the queue. First, what you have to keep in mind is that Arenas are a new type of Warzone. Similar to how Huttball is a type of Warzone and Voidstar is a type. Technically each different Warzone currently in the game is its own type, with a single map of that type. Warzone Arenas are the "type" 4v4 deathmatch with 3 different maps. That is why they are in the Warzone queue.


If the queues were actually separate, that would be a point.

Edited by chuixupu
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The chart says Ranked WARZONES. Not Ranked ARENAS. There's a difference. ;)


Per Eric... Arenas are a new type of ranked Warzone. 4x4 Death Match to be exact.


You can choose to not like it.. but it is what it is.

Edited by Andryah
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You realized his point was debunked further in the thread, so his point is meaningless now.


Debunked and disagreed with are not the same thing.


This isn't about disagreeing with the idea of arenas being the same as warzones. Again, I can agree fully that they should be seperate. At this point, unfortunately, there are no other kind of ranked match other than arenas since they took out ranked 8V8. This is an argument over definitions, which isn't going to get anyone anywhere.


Suggestion: Keep petitioning for Arenas to be seperate, for 8v8 to ranked to return, and for F2P warzone passes to include ranked. The latter is actually fairly likely to happen soon.

Edited by chuixupu
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Good....if you want ranked arenas cough up the 25c a day cost of a sub

People complain about Quality and access to stuff but don't want to pay


And at 25c a day entertainment you can't expect much really

It wouldn't even buy you a crappy tabloid magazine

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Suggestion: Keep petitioning for Arenas to be seperate, for 8v8 to ranked to return, and for F2P warzone passes to include ranked. The latter is actually fairly likely to happen soon.


Sound advice IMO.


But please.. do so without tantrums, ultimatums and threats. All these do is cloud the serious and objective efforts by players to have the above changes. It only takes a few crackpots to muddy it up for the entire player base.

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my friend bought a weekly pass, still cant do rankeds,

it says xxxxxx cant be queued since the group is not queued....


I Had this problem after coming back to the game prior to 2.4's release.

I phone bioware support, and after 45 minutes of refusing to take no for an answer, was awarded a 3 day subscription for my troubles.

At the time, my already used warzone pass had 3 full days remaining on it.



F2P couldn't do Ranked Warzones in the past, so I'm guessing that they can't do Ranked Arenas now.

I believe that this is one of the reasons Ranked Warzones did not work: more than half of the player base could not do them.


This was not actually true, although more than likely a bug.

I did 5 ranked warzones as a preferred status player the night before 2.4's release.

When we queued, it did warn the group leader that I was unable to be queued for this, however DID queue us, and we got some good games in.

It also allowed me to click the Queue Team Ranked button in the warzone interface.


Makes me wonder if anyone at bioware actually TESTED the restriction using a f2p or preferred account, as it clearly read like I should not have been able to, but worked anyway.

Reminds me of when the "5 weekly participations" actually meant "5 daily participations"


Your not missing much anyway imho, I have only managed to play 31 approx 5 minute arena matches in the past 2 days. I have now been queued for nearly 2 hours, still waiting for a match.

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This was not actually true, although more than likely a bug.

I did 5 ranked warzones as a preferred status player the night before 2.4's release.

When we queued, it did warn the group leader that I was unable to be queued for this, however DID queue us, and we got some good games in.

It also allowed me to click the Queue Team Ranked button in the warzone interface.


Makes me wonder if anyone at bioware actually TESTED the restriction using a f2p or preferred account, as it clearly read like I should not have been able to, but worked anyway.

Reminds me of when the "5 weekly participations" actually meant "5 daily participations"


Interesting! May have something to do with the extra days they awarded you.

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