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I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I tried a few variations (still sloppy I'm sure) where I tried only to do Master Strike and Blade Storm when I had precision slash up and sometimes precision slash and zen up at the same time. I managed to bump it up to this high, but I can't get past that. If you need my gear, I have a link to match the best I can. Few things off, but to give you an idea.




(If you rather move this to a PM convo as to not highjack this thread, I'll understand)

Edited by Alassa
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I looked at that parse really quick and something to try and change would be to not use strike in a armor pen window, saw you did that somewhere near your opener. something i've noticing that can probably raise your dps, not sure if its correct or not, but that if precision slash just proc'd and you need energy, build up to 4 focus (assuming you have blade storm off CD also) then use the precision slash at the same time as a dispatch ( .x's delay though to make sure its in the window) then blade storm, and through tree talents you should end up with 3 focus to use a blade rush. Also, i noticed early in the log where i noticed the strikes being used inside the armor pen window, you used precision slash at the start of a GCD, try and wait until maybe .1s before the GCD ends to use it and then use your rotation to maximize skills inside the window.
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Since I'm not sure my PM went through or not, I'll retype what I had. :)


Yes, I did use precision slash while using my master strike (I'm assuming precision slash is the armor pen you're mentioning in your post?) Typically my rotation is something like this > leap > Zen > Precision slash > master strike > Blade storm> dispatch > cauterize > blade rush.


(For precision slash I try to pop it every time when using BS/Dispatch or BS/Master Strike. I also pop zen as often as I can, same with Zen. I also pop up cauterize whenever it's not on cooldown) While I'm waiting for BS/MS/PS/cauterize to finish cooling down, I use blade rush until I either run out of force or my CDs are finished. Am I doing this all wrong?


Thanks for being willing to help this semi- noob. Much appreciated. :)


(also, if you need my gear stats and such, I'll be happy to supply it the best I can. Even create a video of one of my dummy parse so you can see exactly what I'm doing. :) Again, thanks. )

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I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.



This is an extremely poor crit roll. If you got good rolls you'd see a DPS increase of probably 100-200 points if nothing else changed. Try altering your opener and your priority, you want to Leap - Zealous -Amor pen priority in the opener. Get Zealous on cooldown early and keep it on cooldown except during Armor pen windows. Every Armor pen should look something like AP+Storm - Master Strike - Rush, with the HoJ resets looking like AP+Storm - MS - Dispatch. Obviously the cooldowns don't work out perfectly like that, but if you want to see how to make the most of what you're given you can check out my parse's second by second. Also, you need to relearn when to hit Armor pen. It should be at the same exact time you are activating the other ability, IE, you are waiting a GCD to hit MS after Precision. It should be going off as



12:52:29.760 D'arial gains Precision Slash.

12:52:29.785 D'arial activates Master Strike.


Rather than



12:52:29.760 D'arial gains Precision Slash.

12:52:29.764 D'arial's Ataru Form hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 551 energy damage, causing 551 threat.

12:52:30.357 D'arial's Precision Slash critically hits Operations Training Target MK-5 for 1738* energy damage, causing 1738 threat!

12:52:30.357 D'arial's Precision Slash misses Operations Training Target MK-5, causing 1 threat.

12:52:30.945 D'arial activates Master Strike.



You should be trying to activate Armor pen on cooldown and fitting whatever you have available into it. There are 2 or 3 situations where I'll delay using Armor pen, but only for a maximum of 2-3seconds and only in the situation where I'm not risking a HoJ proc.

Edited by countpopeula
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Okay, so it looks like my opening is wrong. Also, yeah, I'm lucky to get 9K crits, most of the time I'm stuck in the 7-8k range. So, if I'm understanding this right, my rotation needs to look something like this? > leap > zealous > Precision Slash > Storm > Master Strike > Rush. But when I have the HoJ procced, it instead should be Precision Slash > Storm > Master Strike > Dispatch. And always use my focus builder (zealous) / keep it on cool down expect when I'm using Precision Slash. Right? And how often do I use cauterize? I try to use Zen as often as possible. Same with cauterize. And how do I activate things 'at the same time?" I'm a keyboard player. Don't know if that makes a difference or not.


Sorry if I'm making this more complicated then it needs to be. I seem to have a habit of doing that. I'm a bit obsessed with getting my DPS the highest I can, so I'm willing to do nearly anything. xD (Vent calls/Pms/Create vidoes/etc. :p )

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Probably a bit late to the party with the upcoming relic changes.....


Myhealintoon - Sage - TK - 3/36/7 - 3170



Don't have a profile at the moment but can make one.

Obroan SA relic and DF BA relic. Still have 72 MH, with a mix of 78/75/mk-2 though out the rest.


Umm, I'm not sure if starting a parse off with 3 stacks of Termors and Concentration along with a pre-procced Tidal Force is ok. Nice parse, but you do benefit from having those pre-procced in your opener. I'm sure a player of your skill could do just about the same without those procs.

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Umm, I'm not sure if starting a parse off with 3 stacks of Termors and Concentration along with a pre-procced Tidal Force is ok. Nice parse, but you do benefit from having those pre-procced in your opener. I'm sure a player of your skill could do just about the same without those procs.


Doh. No probs, i'll delete and get another one up soon.

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Pizza'dah'hutt - Mercenary - Pyro - 2/8/36 - 3720.40

Log Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/502961/time/1385241189/1385241501/0/Damage+Dealt

AMR Profile: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/78e41180-946f-4445-b4e3-d26f3d7407f7


Changed up my opener a bit, getting in more rail shots this way plus a couple of lucky procs mixed in allowed for a better ability distribution. I had 49 Rail Shots in by the 5min mark...I likey

Edited by odawgg
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Pizza'dah'hutt - Mercenary - Pyro - 2/8/36 - 3720.40

Log Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/502961/time/1385241189/1385241501/0/Damage+Dealt

AMR Profile: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/78e41180-946f-4445-b4e3-d26f3d7407f7


Changed up my opener a bit, getting in more rail shots this way plus a couple of lucky procs mixed in allowed for a better ability distribution. I had 49 Rail Shots in by the 5min mark...I likey


You're a monster!



*off to analyze parse*

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