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Why oh why can't you get stats right?


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New gear for BH is full of useless crit. You know all dps stack power so why do you insist upon putting crit in almost everything. First order of business with ulti coms is always offhand/mainhand but they are full of crit..I'd lose 150 power on the oh alone. Get a clue please or fix crit!
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you do realize that with the current stat budget in 78s, crit is actually desirable, right?


You still need the old levels of power you were on but this. Crit is no longer useless.


Once you have the same power you would have had in 75s the rest of those points ca go crit

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You still need the old levels of power you were on but this. Crit is no longer useless.


Once you have the same power you would have had in 75s the rest of those points ca go crit




Yes, I'll put the crit and the alacrity pieces on and be gtg (till my raid group sees me and BooT!:cool: But wait! I am critically fast!!!!

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Crit isnt entirely useless anymore, they forgot to put in the patch notes that crit is somewhat fixed. Power is still useful, but Crit is now more useful than it was. So, stop whining, and get over it. I will admit though that Alacrity on DPS gear for PT's is useless, Merc on the other hand can benefit from Alacrity.
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Crit isnt entirely useless anymore, they forgot to put in the patch notes that crit is somewhat fixed. Power is still useful, but Crit is now more useful than it was. So, stop whining, and get over it. I will admit though that Alacrity on DPS gear for PT's is useless, Merc on the other hand can benefit from Alacrity.


You few are the only ones that seem to have this opinion and as for getting over it, I intend to when Wildstar rears it's lovely head. Perhaps their devs will get stats correct so repeated min-maxing is not a necessity. Family member is beta testing and likes what they see :D

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I'm more interested in why they insist on putting alacrity in gear that is definitely not for Healers. Sure, you can make hilariously weak efforts to explain why, say, an assassin tank would need it. But then they stick it in Sentinel gear, the people who get zero benefit out of it, and I know I'm just being mocked.
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They do this purposely.... I'm assuming you're talking abut comm gear... It has been said in the past by devs that it's done so everyone isn't BiS the first week.


Comm gear normally just belt and bracers have anything useful in them... the other com gear might have a mod or a enhancement that you can use but you will almost never find a BiS piece of gear from the com vendor... I think the chest piece right now for some classes(most expensive 140 coms) might have both a mod and an enhancement that are usable.


Token gear on the other hand is the exact opposite for the most part. Almost all the gear will have BiS armoring mods and enhancements. Sometimes they make one oddball piece with say crit and alac for a sin tank... but its all done purposely to assure it takes longer for people to gear out and in turn give them more time to pump out the new content.


While I agree it is a pain in the ***, especially as a tank(almost all com gear is useless anyways). It does allow you something to work for. How fun would it be to be BiS 2/3 weeks after a patch dropped? You'd prob quit the game because you were so bored. It also ties in with why they took away the ability to craft the highest tier PVE gear.

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They do this purposely....snip


Spot on. Biowares guys said that ages ago. They are not giving people BiS stuff as it is. There is in almost every situation at least one part you have to swap for min-maxing. I only wish people would understand this and stop ************ about one Alac enhancement here and there.

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They do this purposely.... I'm assuming you're talking abut comm gear... It has been said in the past by devs that it's done so everyone isn't BiS the first week.


Comm gear normally just belt and bracers have anything useful in them... the other com gear might have a mod or a enhancement that you can use but you will almost never find a BiS piece of gear from the com vendor... I think the chest piece right now for some classes(most expensive 140 coms) might have both a mod and an enhancement that are usable.


Token gear on the other hand is the exact opposite for the most part. Almost all the gear will have BiS armoring mods and enhancements. Sometimes they make one oddball piece with say crit and alac for a sin tank... but its all done purposely to assure it takes longer for people to gear out and in turn give them more time to pump out the new content.


While I agree it is a pain in the ***, especially as a tank(almost all com gear is useless anyways). It does allow you something to work for. How fun would it be to be BiS 2/3 weeks after a patch dropped? You'd prob quit the game because you were so bored. It also ties in with why they took away the ability to craft the highest tier PVE gear.


I think he was talking about the ops token gear, it is horrendous. The only thing off the Eliminator gear that is worth while is the Armouring, the rest can eat a d*** ( except the chest) .... Yeah working in more crit is nice now, but where the hell is the accuracy?


My biggest gripe on this , in the short term, is that for entire raid optimizing gear, I'll be last to be geared, because I only want the armouring, so most of the mods and enhancements will go to waste. And there's only 1 ear piece that is worth while

Edited by Vicstorm
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You guys need to research a little more. With the new accuracy having 94 on each piece you will most likely need just 4 pieces instead of 5. 1 Enhancement from the MH drop, 1 Enhancement from the boots, and use two combat tech MK-V implants, then your maxed on accuracy, then the rest could be power surge, our gear is not nearly as bad as tank gear.


Dread Forged Eliminator

Belt: Power

Main Hand: - Power/Surge

Boots: Crit/Acc

Chest: Power/Surge

Legs: Power/Surge

Offhand: Power/Acc

Bracer: Power


Implant: Dread Forged Combat Tech MK-V - Power/Acc (x2)

Implant: Dread Forged Combat Tech MK-X - Power/Surge

Ear: Combat Medic Device - Power/Surge

Dread Forged Relic of Serendipitous Assault

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I'm more interested in why they insist on putting alacrity in gear that is definitely not for Healers. Sure, you can make hilariously weak efforts to explain why, say, an assassin tank would need it. But then they stick it in Sentinel gear, the people who get zero benefit out of it, and I know I'm just being mocked.


Alacrity isn't useless even for any class... Point for point it is more valuable than Crit or Surge in most cases. Surge is much higher value for Smash spec because of auto crits, but the DR kicks in around 350 surge and Alacrity catches up quick. It adds force regeneration, reduces GCD, and makes dots/channeled spells tick faster (ie Ravage).


In the end a lot depends on your spec and play style but there is a balance of the three second tier stats that will get you to where you need to be.

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Wets is right. Bio from the beginning designed gear so no single piece is perfect. Token gear is closer, but it's flawed on purpose, so you will have to use comms to min/max in the direction you desire. this flexibility was not just for forcing replay, but also for variety. no matter what we think, not everyone has the same approach to their goals in game, and this design allows people to choose...whether they want to optimize one thing or another.


If you want cookie cutter gear, Modern warfare and Halo are thataway...

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Wets is right. Bio from the beginning designed gear so no single piece is perfect. Token gear is closer, but it's flawed on purpose, so you will have to use comms to min/max in the direction you desire. this flexibility was not just for forcing replay, but also for variety. no matter what we think, not everyone has the same approach to their goals in game, and this design allows people to choose...whether they want to optimize one thing or another.


If you want cookie cutter gear, Modern warfare and Halo are thataway...


See, I agree with comms gear being a mixed bag of good and bad, but when you have to raid to get a piece things get different. I'm rolling against 7/15 other people for that same piece and depending on where they sit or what role they fill they may be able to use more of the mods/enh from that particular piece. Yet I have to keep rolling on the gear to get the mods I need. That, or I need to spend millions of credits to have sub-par versions crafted. That is ridiculous. You want to talk about variety in a game that has released 5 versions of the same instance (50 TFB SM, 50 TFB HM, 55 TFB SM, 55 TFB HM, 55 TFB NiM) and has it so that gear is not even slightly random (aside from the non-set pieces that drop but even then most of that stuff gets vendored or goes to alts). One of the many massive flaws of this game is its complete and utter lack of variety. At least in WoW, the non-set pieces were all random so you were only rolling against other players who needed that specific piece rather than rolling against 7/15 other people who all need the same piece as you (some of whom might need it more than once to get a specific mod).

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I'm more interested in why they insist on putting alacrity in gear that is definitely not for Healers. Sure, you can make hilariously weak efforts to explain why, say, an assassin tank would need it. But then they stick it in Sentinel gear, the people who get zero benefit out of it, and I know I'm just being mocked.


PT tanks get -9000 benifit out of alricrity, so I don't know why BW insist on putting alracrity on tank gear.

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