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Body Guard 1v1 question


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I ran into my first few republic players while questing today and quickly realized I didn't know how to fight back effectively. I've pretty much just spamming AOE abilities and healing my companions while they do the killing. Now for PvE this work quite well however as I'm on a PvP server I've quickly realized I may need to use some other abilities in order to do more then just stand there hoping to heal my self long enough they give up.


What abilities should I be looking to use in these situations....I'd like to be more then a time consuming but easy kill with no teeth to fight back with.

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I regularly PvP with my Healing Merc and on occasion get single targeted by hotshots who underestimate the 1v1 skills of a decent PvPer.


Depending on the Class, I'll let them waste their leap and burn through their primary channeled ability (if a melee class) while I hit them with Explosive Dart and Fusion Missile. With the DoT of FM on them I'll normally smack them with Rail Shot and dance around them until my heat hits <50%. Overheating before the a burst can mean life and death for you. If they close the gap again, use Rocket Punch and your stun, immediately following that with RS again. I've noticed the stun puts a short debuff on them that procs RS for 3-4 seconds, so let'er fly on the quick side.


If they're near death, hit them with your Flame Thrower and RP again. If <25% I'll usually spam Missile Blast until death. Normally with some self heals and Kolto Missiles here and there to keep myself above half health.

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I was trying to use unload, missile blast, and power shot. I was pretty much screwed on heat after my initial heal to keep myself up on their initial attacks. Thank for the tips I'll give it a shot, and hopefully live to tell you how it goes.
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I don't really play as Bodyguard, and I don't claim to be an expert. But if I had to devise a plan to suit your situation, here is something I would try. (I'm not saying this is always the winning combo, but it just helps you see some options):


Try to get them to Stun Break your Electro Net by using it early. If they use their Stun Breaker, it leaves them open to a Power Surge (+TSO) + Concussion Missile later in the fight when you are near 50% health. If you get them stuck in an 8sec CC, you can heal yourself 2 or 3 times, and then cast a Fusion Missile (or whatever) without being interrupted.


Another thing I do as a DPS but works equally well as a healer: Anytime someone gets in melee range, use either Jet Boost, or Stun Dart + Hydraulic Overrides, or Rocket Punch (if it also Roots for healers, I forget) + Hydraulic Overrides. This should be a reflex. Never trade blows with a melee class.


If they are a ranged toon, then you don't need to use Jet Boost and Stun Dart as an escape. These should instead be used to interrupt an ability. Just do your normal strategy, but pay attention to their cast bar and try to interrupt something if the timing is right. (Meaning, dont just sit and wait to interrupt. But if they try to Unload right in your face, they deserve a Jet Boost knockback or even a Stun Dart if Jet Boost isnt ready)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Kolto Missile: Remember it's also a snare. This should be your main heal.


Kolto Shell: Get it up and keep it up. Weave Rapid Shots often for the heal proc; it's separate from the reactive heal proc.


Explosive Dart > FM > Rail Shot combo: Your best burst rotation, but FM is a bit heavy on the heat (you might consider using TSO here to stay ahead on heat, but it's going to be an iffy judgement call). You should be relying mainly on Kolto Shell, Kolto Missile, and Emergency Scan for your main healing while you kite so heat shouldn't be too big a deal. Played right and timed well with stuns/ mezzes this combo should come up twice in a fight and the second time around should be the finisher.


Power Surge/ Conc Missile: This should be your go to combo if they waste their stun break. This will let you get some nice HS/ RS heal combos. That said, in dire straits use Power Surge/ TSO with Rapid Scan for a quick burst heal (nothing will frustrate your opponent more than pulling this right after Kolto Overload finishes ticking and your health bar shoots back up).


Electro-net: Save this for when your opponent is >50% and likely to try to escape. You can use it earlier, but when I do, I usually regret it since it's on such a long cooldown.


Kolto Overload: When you must pop this don't forget to drop a Kolto Missile for the heal boost. (The missile will probably push you a bit out of activation range, but if things are so dire as to pop KO anyway, it'll probably activate soon enough. ;))


Hydraulic Overrides: Snare/ root break. Use it often.


Bodyguard pvp relies mostly on whittling down your opponent's health while keeping yours up between your burst rotations. Long, drawn out fights favor you.

Edited by Phrase
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