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what profession would help me most for questing and codex chasing?


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Go to http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=132015 and look for you companion to see what crew skill you should choose. All crew skills are good for various reasons for questing. None give you a boost to finding codexes.


In summary,

k. Overall Summary


Best at crew skill combos:


Artifice: Sith Inquisitor (7)

Synthweaving: Sith Inquisitor (7)

Armstech: Trooper & Smuggler (7)

Armormech: Trooper & Bounty Hunter (7)

Biochem: Imperial Agent (7)

Cybertech: Smuggler (7)

Profit: Trooper, Smuggler, Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent, & Bounty Hunter (7)


For Artifice, Consulars are a close second. For Synthweaving, Warriors and Consulars are a close second. For Biochem, Knights are a close second.


I chose / am choosing the following to get the best setup:


Artifice: Jedi Consular (If my Imp Agent was a sniper, I would choose Knight here.)

Synthweaving: Sith Warrior (If my Imp Agent was a sniper, I would choose Jedi Consular here._

Armstech: Trooper

Armormech: Bounty Hunter

Biochem: Knight (going heals for Imperial Agent, so I don't need Biochem for him. If I was going Sniper, I might choose this for him.)

Cybertech: Smuggler

Profit/Slicing: Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent (I would replace my Agent with Warrior here if he was a Sniper.)

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