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Did Space Missions just get excessively harder?


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In real life, yes.


But in space missions it used to be only about a 1000 hp hit, now it's more like 3000 - you're insta-dead with ArMek and no shields, close to dead with Durasteel and shields.

Some space heroics require very accurate maneuvering and knowing the route in advance, else you'll crash.


Not sure if it's intended, but we deserve to know. Is it meant this way, or is it a bug.

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Sad to read this. Learning the new Missions was already difficult, but this makes the needed lessons a miss for me. As I have no current plans to install Proton Torps again, these Missions are far too much work to be entertaining.
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I too bumped an asteroid and has to restart the mission because having 5% health left with 5 minutes left to go didn't seem doable.


I'm not sure I care that hitting an asteroid taking all your health is bad, but if you're going to do that, then make the collision detection more precise, cause I didn't ACTUALLY touch that asteroid, just it's stupid hitbox.

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I bumped into an asteroid during the Cha Raaba mission. There are a lot of asteroids there. It is extremely difficult to not scratch at least one. I was at 100% health. My ship crashed immediately! 100% damage on one minor collision? That cannot be right, Bioware.
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I'd be interested to know if this is intentional.


Now I have no problem with high damage for crashing into things but where it becomes a pain is that the game mechanics more than once pretty much drive you into objects. If you had free flight then it would be one thing but to put the flight sim on rails and then drive people into asteroids for instant death feels like you are fighting a poorly designed game mechanic than any skill in flying.

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