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Diff. Between Pubs & Imps on the Harbinger in PVP


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So I was in a Novare Coast match this morning against a very strong Midian premade on my under-geared and neglected Vanguard (I generally play Imp on this server). It was frustrating to watch a pug team of 8 beat these guys. I think the Imp team had over 4 million combined damage and about the same in healing. Yet somehow they lost.


A certain Sage from Goof Troop, who can be a total jerk, and whose name begins with a K and ends with an X, did, however, a fantastic job of directing the team to counter Midian. He was constantly directing us and telling us where to go, telling a Scoundrel to stay in stealth to block caps, telling us to expect an attack at west and not south, etc.


Even though we were out-dps'd and out-healed, and there wasn't a premade amongst us, we somehow won.


Question: On POT5 and Bastion the Imps are generally the better at strategy. Why do we Imps here just barrel in? Is there anyone with a brain on Imp side?

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Ahh that was a good game and we really should not of lost it but alas thats what makes pvp fun when you come against a good tactician that and we weren't really playing the best e.g not responding to a call at east fast enough.


p.s Do you know how hard it is to kill 3 sage healers and 2 scoundrel healers.

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So I was in a Novare Coast match this morning against a very strong Midian premade on my under-geared and neglected Vanguard (I generally play Imp on this server). It was frustrating to watch a pug team of 8 beat these guys. I think the Imp team had over 4 million combined damage and about the same in healing. Yet somehow they lost.


A certain Sage from Goof Troop, who can be a total jerk, and whose name begins with a K and ends with an X, did, however, a fantastic job of directing the team to counter Midian. He was constantly directing us and telling us where to go, telling a Scoundrel to stay in stealth to block caps, telling us to expect an attack at west and not south, etc.


Even though we were out-dps'd and out-healed, and there wasn't a premade amongst us, we somehow won.


Question: On POT5 and Bastion the Imps are generally the better at strategy. Why do we Imps here just barrel in? Is there anyone with a brain on Imp side?


Kuvox is suck a di*k god he makes me so mad /ragequit my life. >:)

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Ive always found it funny how many people in this game still think that high dmg/healing numbers= good pvper in wz's.


All it takes to not be bad are simple things like realizing not to all keep zerging one door in void star when youre against a team you don't seriously outclass, or realizing you should be running in front of your ball carrier in huttball instead of chasing him and killing the enemy so they respawn at their goal line to block your runner.

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or realizing you should be running in front of your ball carrier in huttball instead of chasing him and killing the enemy so they respawn at their goal line to block your runner.

This! The amount I run pit asking team to run line to find on map they all still deathmatching in mid on the followers...

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This! The amount I run pit asking team to run line to find on map they all still deathmatching in mid on the followers...


Yeah the huttball thing blows me away the most too, theres only two situations where you need to kill anyone in huttball, the enemy ball carrier and keeping center field clear for your team. the rest of the time you should just be snaring, ccing and running ahead of obstacles for passes.

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Sure there's people with brains over on the Imp side, but no one wants to listen 99% of the time. -( And I got shot down whenever I say that I'm looking for players to PvP with. I'll be more than happy to hit you up the next time I PvP so then maybe we can win some matches.
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Games like Novare its really all about 2 factors - good tactics, and luck on door timers.


I've both come up against Midian in premades and played with them (sage/sorc combo) and I have noticed that even if they have superior DPS protection and healing, they can't seem to carry the pugs that end up with them. Mostly I find that Pubs will talk a lot more and call incs with numbers etc. Granted, imps do as well, but I'd say roughly 9/10 its after they've died because their keyboard was stunned.


I think the biggest fault of most imps is that they dont like dying. I've seen so many of them run away to try and LOS and heal before stopping me from capping their node.

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I think the biggest fault of most imps is that they dont like dying. I've seen so many of them run away to try and LOS and heal before stopping me from capping their node.


God this is so true. I'm tired of seeing players run LOS just so they won't die because they want the medals or some other bizarre reason. I'm sorry but I'd rather die 10 times and win, then stay alive through out the entire game and lose. I would love to finish my weekly more often over on my operative.

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Just the thing that pisses me of is when you get like 3 or 4 healer classes that won't respec...I've said I'd give them guard and peel if they respecced...the response I got was "phuck you I'll play whatever I want" :|

Oh and when they're defending and call the inc after they've died and lost node/plant.


That's why I've given up communicating with pugs. And only group with people that communicate with me: Midian and goof troop like Xira etc


We should organize some games for today to farewell the 8v8s :p

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I wish I could be on for some ranked action Gallows it would be great. But work and home duties til Wednesday :(


But I'll have my Scoundrel Healer good to go for some 4v4's later in the week, and I'll probably start working on my mara for imp side. Can't see there being much call for either sage or sorc / healer or dps :(

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I wish I could be on for some ranked action Gallows it would be great. But work and home duties til Wednesday :(


But I'll have my Scoundrel Healer good to go for some 4v4's later in the week, and I'll probably start working on my mara for imp side. Can't see there being much call for either sage or sorc / healer or dps :(


I'll be on 4 hours from now so hopefully something can get going.


I'm looking forward to trying all toons in 4v4s, especially 4 Concealments lol

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God this is so true. I'm tired of seeing players run LOS just so they won't die because they want the medals or some other bizarre reason. I'm sorry but I'd rather die 10 times and win, then stay alive through out the entire game and lose. I would love to finish my weekly more often over on my operative.


Die if you must, but interrupt at all costs.

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Hey Gallows,


SnX will be looking to queue tonight and tomorrow night mid-late apac hours. We won't have the standard ranked team, nor have we even practiced 8v8 on our current composition so it should be a fair bit of fun - just looking for a few "last hurrah" games. I'm pretty sure we only have 1 gunslinger who probably won't play. A few of our toons also haven't maxed ranked coms as well so we should be keen.


we only have around 6-8 regular players so hopefully we all come online at the same time or we can pick up a few of our non-guild dalborra friends.





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I was in the game last night, and yes our premade was beaten. But as you can see by the screenshot they did 500k more healing then our damage. Bit hard for people to die when the other team has 5 healers. They have good movement between caps which we didn't react to fast enough. Hats off to the pubs, proving that premades are only as good as their pugs.



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Just the thing that pisses me of is when you get like 3 or 4 healer classes that won't respec...I've said I'd give them guard and peel if they respecced...the response I got was "phuck you I'll play whatever I want" :|

Oh and when they're defending and call the inc after they've died and lost node/plant.


That's why I've given up communicating with pugs. And only group with people that communicate with me: Midian and goof troop like Xira etc


We should organize some games for today to farewell the 8v8s :p


you never even wave back!

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I've only had a toon on this server for a month, and from what I've seen, it's very hit and miss. Some teams act like they've never seen a wz before, and are just trying to get that first "queue for and finish a warzone" mission out of their quest log. At 55. Other team are very solid, with good communication, rotations, calls, etc. Both factions, mind you.


but that SS with 5 healers on the pug... damn. That would be a tough one for ANY premade.

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Main difference i've noticed is that imps consist of better pve players but suck at pvp.Total opposite on pub side not so great in pve but excel at pvp...Mainly because I think there's less raiding guilds on pub side therefore more peeps having nothing better to do but PvP which explains pubs being more dominant.
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I had an absolute surprise last night, jumped onto my sorc and busted out 3 wins in a row before bed. Is it a case of the bads all re-rolling pubs because "pubs win all the time"? Or maybe some of the good pubs are rolling imps for a challenge? Who knows.
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