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Attacked for looking for a like minded social guild?


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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.

As soon as I said it I was attacked. Partially by people who are obviously homophobic.

But there were also people who based on what they were saying I don't think they were homophobic but didnt understand why I would actively seek this out.


When I explained that I didnt want to say the "wrong thing" and get kicked by a homphobic guild leader things got worse.


I know people generally don't see why sexuality and gaming need to be together. But this is a social guild that I am looking for and the idea that the conversation may never go to a point that I mention my husband or something is unlikely.


Sorry to hear about your experience, but honestly.. you had to expect it.. didn't you? Be honest. I'm not saying you expect it to be fair.. just expect it given the wide demographic spread inside an MMO coupled with the fact that general chat channels in MMOs, generally speaking, represent the low end of social advancement and maturity in the human race.


Every lifestyle in the modern era of society deserves equal respect and equal consideration. That said.. any lifestyle that represents a minority interest is going to get some of what you experienced when you step into a random open environment like general chat inside an MMO. That's just the way human society is (right or wrong). Heck, even majority lifestyles (like simply being female) have to deal with nonsense in general chat in MMOs.

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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.

As soon as I said it I was attacked. Partially by people who are obviously homophobic.

But there were also people who based on what they were saying I don't think they were homophobic but didnt understand why I would actively seek this out.


When I explained that I didnt want to say the "wrong thing" and get kicked by a homphobic guild leader things got worse.


I know people generally don't see why sexuality and gaming need to be together. But this is a social guild that I am looking for and the idea that the conversation may never go to a point that I mention my husband or something is unlikely.


Everyone has to watch what they say to not offend ppl you shouldnt expect special treatment. If you want to socialize go into a age restricted chatroom for people like you this game isnt the place for it when there are little kids around and parents dont want them exposed to it at some point. I habe to watch what i say about most everything im an ahole by nature you just have to learn to censor yourself

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yeah, if you mention the server you are on, we might be able to help ya (and yeah, general chat is an HORRIBLE place to ask for a LGBT friendly guild, even asking for an hispanic-spanish talking guild might get you on some nasty comments there). The better thing is to ask directly or search here on forums.


At least on my server, The harbinger, I know two LGBT guilds on pub side: One is Rough Trade (mentioned by a poster before), good guys, I belonged to that guild past year, but I had to quit the game some months afterwards, and Stonewall council, wich is the guild I have my merc and mando healer, but currently is mostly deserted (I think it was most of our members went to FF XIV).


On Imp side, you can look for Rogh Trade's guild version, Taint (or tainted, I can't remember).


Yeah it's Taint, I know some members in it. I knew the guild from being on Proudmoore back in WoW where they have a HUGE presence, they practically own the whole server. I could have sworn Stonewall was connected to Taint and Rough Trade. They may have initially had multiple guilds because it was so busy at launch.


Definitely a lot of people going off to FF XIV right now, I suspect a lot will trickle back after a while though (same thing happened when GW2 launched)

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Sorry to hear about your experience, but honestly.. you had to expect it.. didn't you? Be honest. I'm not saying you expect it to be fair.. just expect it given the wide demographic spread inside an MMO coupled with the fact that general chat channels in MMOs, generally speaking, represent the low end of social advancement and maturity in the human race.


Every lifestyle in the modern era of society deserves equal respect and equal consideration. That said.. any lifestyle that represents a minority interest is going to get some of what you experienced when you step into a random open environment like general chat inside an MMO. That's just the way human society is (right or wrong). Heck, even majority lifestyles (like simply being female) have to deal with nonsense in general chat in MMOs.


This is so beautifully written that I had to repost it again.

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Sorry to hear about your experience, but honestly.. you had to expect it.. didn't you? Be honest. I'm not saying you expect it to be fair.. just expect it given the wide demographic spread inside an MMO coupled with the fact that general chat channels in MMOs, generally speaking, represent the low end of social advancement and maturity in the human race.


Every lifestyle in the modern era of society deserves equal respect and equal consideration. That said.. any lifestyle that represents a minority interest is going to get some of what you experienced when you step into a random open environment like general chat inside an MMO. That's just the way human society is (right or wrong). Heck, even majority lifestyles (like simply being female) have to deal with nonsense in general chat in MMOs.


I partially expected it I think I was still just surprised. In retrospect maybe making this thread was a bit of a kneejerk reaction. It has been a long time since I was looking for a guild and I am not used to hiding that part of me. I am out at work (programmers seem to not care either way for some reason) and I live in MA where its almost no big deal.


I think I found my guild though.


I was mostly looking for a guild that if i said even something as simple as "my husband is cooking dinner" or something, I wouldn't be kicked.


I defiantly would join a LGBT only guild but there are few of those and are about as likely as a women only guild. I wanted to avoid jumping around until I found somewhere and just get it over with in my first message :)


btw, I am on the shadowlands looking on the rep side

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Well just dont mention it if its a problem you could just say my friend or lover or significant ofher is cooking or dinner is being made. Its just tmi i never mention anything sexual im guild chat. If its to be expected then you gotta just censor yourself there are ways to word things that wont give you away but you cant expect an immature community like this to be accepting its also none of their business so easiest thing is jist dont bring it up. I keep my chat about the game at all times and if i want a friend i make a few and pm them
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Sad thing is, most of them are adult men. Not teens.


Oh don't tell me that...let me fantasize that the immaturity is AT LEAST coming from people who might be too young to know any better...

Thinking that adults would do something like that just makes me tired all over.

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Well just dont mention it if its a problem you could just say my friend or lover or significant ofher is cooking or dinner is being made. Its just tmi i never mention anything sexual im guild chat. If its to be expected then you gotta just censor yourself there are ways to word things that wont give you away but you cant expect an immature community like this to be accepting its also none of their business so easiest thing is jist dont bring it up. I keep my chat about the game at all times and if i want a friend i make a few and pm them


There is nothing "sexual" about saying your husband is making dinner. Most people want to be able to connect with others and not hide something that is a big part of who they are.

Not that you want to announce something like that in General Chat, but you should be able to feel comfortable in your guild. We have two gay people in our guild and if they say something about their husband/boyfriend we react the same as if they were heterosexual, it's not that hard to do. You can't expect maturity out of the whole community but you sure as hell can expect it from your guild.

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Tthere is nothing "sexual" about saying your husband is making dinner. Most people want to be able to connect with others and not hide something that is a big part of who they are.

Not that you want to announce something like that in General Chat, but you should be able to feel comfortable in your guild. We have two gay people in our guild and if they say something about their husband/boyfriend we react the same as if they were heterosexual, it's not that hard to do. You can't expect maturity out of the whole community but you sure as hell can expect it from your guild.


Well then why would ne worried about it ? He said he didnt want to say it. You dont habe to hide anything but i habe to not bring up sexuality in my chat so nobody else should either. I dont see jow you cant habe friends unless you tell the. Your gay especially over the net. It has no place where children are playing. It should be left up to their parents if and when they want to expose them to that.

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Well then why would ne worried about it ? He said he didnt want to say it. You dont habe to hide anything but i habe to not bring up sexuality in my chat so nobody else should either.


If that's your guild's rules, that's fine.

He wants a guild that is fine with it, like mine is. What's hard to understand about that? Guilds are all unique in how they deal with things. They can choose to be 18+, or be specifically LGBT friendly (like Taint) He's not in your guild and he's not looking to join it.


I dont see jow you cant habe friends unless you tell the. Your gay especially over the net. It has no place where children are playing. It should be left up to their parents if and when they want to expose them to that.


Spelling is so bad I can barely make out what you're trying to say, but it looks like you're just being typical homophobic now.

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I've been playing MMORPGs since Everquest came out many years ago (Yes, I'm old), and I'm a straight female. In almost every guild I have ever been in, there is at least one gay person and no one has cared one way or the other. In EQ2, there were two gay women and one gay man in my guild. As a woman in games in general chat I have dealt with either being told that I must not be female if I play games and should get on the mic in somebody's Vent channel to 'prove myself', or that my skills are probably terrible- and then there's the old line about how I'm probably fat or ugly to be a female gamer.

But in a guild with a group of people I've been playing with for a while and so on, nobody seems to care either way. I would say to group with different people and find a handful of folks you get along with and then see about joining up with them. That way you know what you're dealing with up front, and they already like you. General chat treatment and guild treatment are so different in games unless you are in some kind of massive guild with so many people that no one knows anyone. General chat is a horrible mixing pot of everybody trying to one up each other with snark.

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Oh don't tell me that...let me fantasize that the immaturity is AT LEAST coming from people who might be too young to know any better...

Thinking that adults would do something like that just makes me tired all over.


Nope. The vast majority of them are 18-29 year old men.

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Nope. The vast majority of them are 18-29 year old men.


You mean, 18-29 year old boys. :D


Actually I'd hesitate to call *most* guys under the age of 23 "men". Need at least a bit of time in the work force graduating college or some significant Navy/Marine duty. But then I find some people never grow up.

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You mean, 18-29 year old boys. :D


Actually I'd hesitate to call *most* guys under the age of 23 "men". Need at least a bit of time in the work force graduating college or some significant Navy/Marine duty. But then I find some people never grow up.


If we ever grew up....there''d be no MMOs. For shame!!!

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Few days ago I saw someone looking for "LGBT friendly" guild in Republic Fleed on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, and I did not saw any negative response.


But yeah, world is full of righ-winged homophobic people, and SWTOR is full of people of any kind, so you may expect that some of them will react like idiots. I have the same problem with people that have no idea what to do in warzones, but they are still playing them. There is no solution, you can't ban someone just because he have some mental issuses.

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If that's your guild's rules, that's fine.

He wants a guild that is fine with it, like mine is. What's hard to understand about that? Guilds are all unique in how they deal with things. They can choose to be 18+, or be specifically LGBT friendly (like Taint) He's not in your guild and he's not looking to join it.




Spelling is so bad I can barely make out what you're trying to say, but it looks like you're just being typical homophobic now.

Whats homophobic about wanting to let parents decide the time to discuss sich sensitive issues with their child and expecting equal treatment. Equality for all right?

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Whats homophobic about wanting to let parents decide the time to discuss sich sensitive issues with their child and expecting equal treatment. Equality for all right?


Imagine for one second that your "sensitive issue" was religion of any kind. Now try to imagine going a single hour of any day in any city in the world without being subtly or blatantly bombarded with it 7/24. Equality for all? That will be the day.

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OP, you need to realize SWTOR is not a gay parade. There is no reason why you can't keep that to yourself in a computer game.


Part of me agrees, although he specifically said he was looking for a social guild. My understanding is that is a guild where you can basically socialize, meaning talking about all manner of non-game related topics. In such conversations, your dating and/or marriage status and related stories are likely to come up. For people who want to be in those kinds of guilds, there is nothing wrong with that.

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But yeah, world is full of righ-winged homophobic people.

The ignorance is astonishing. You do understand that a certain political affiliation covers tons of economic and social views, and the LGBT is a tiny bit of them. If you believe that every single person who holds right views is a homophob, you are not better than a bigot.

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The ignorance is astonishing. You do understand that a certain political affiliation covers tons of economic and social views, and the LGBT is a tiny bit of them. If you believe that every single person who holds right views is a homophob, you are not better than a bigot.


or better yet, that the left winged are immune from Homophobia. Either way their statement is as bad as "gay-bashing"

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