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Returning player, server/rp question


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It's been a year since I played. It's, so far, nice to be back in the star wars universe :)



It just hit me yesterday that I want to RP and PvP.. How unfair that the US has a RP-PVP server while the eu doesn't.


Does anyone know if there are any RP-PVP guilds on any server (My character is currently on Tomb of freedon nadd) or what it's like on The progenitor, is it a good tight community and frequent RP? And would I miss the open PvP?


Bonus question: How does the warzone pvp work, is it cross-server?


Thanks guys!

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Welcome back to the game!


It's indeed a shame the RP-PvP server got merged with the PvP server. I play relatively active on ToFN and I must say, neither side I've ever seen an RP-guild recruit. Sometimes people ask in local if there're any RP-guilds and get a bit of a troll-response (they are usually returning players who like you ended up on ToFN after the merge) that's suppose to say 'No, sorry mate, don't know any RP-PvP guilds' due to this I think ToFN won't offer the RP experience you'd like from SWTOR.


I've heard nothing but good stories from the Progenitor. Ofcourse every server has it's kind and less kind people, but over-all I think the atmosphere is quite good. Enough dedicated RP-guilds to find one that fits your liking. Downside is, PvP-RP guilds (even there) are (apparently) difficult to find. All in all I think it comes down to what's most important to you. Maybe look through the Progenitor (and maybe ToFN) guild recruitment topic and see if you find a guild that fits your needs?


Warzones are sadly not cross-server :(

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It's been a year since I played. It's, so far, nice to be back in the star wars universe :)



It just hit me yesterday that I want to RP and PvP.. How unfair that the US has a RP-PVP server while the eu doesn't.


Does anyone know if there are any RP-PVP guilds on any server (My character is currently on Tomb of freedon nadd) or what it's like on The progenitor, is it a good tight community and frequent RP? And would I miss the open PvP?


Bonus question: How does the warzone pvp work, is it cross-server?


Thanks guys!


Jung Ma is now the only RP-PvP server and is the server with the smallest population. Considering that the NA servers are more populated than the EU servers, I do not think SWTOR could support an EU server. People complain on Jung Ma that the Group Finder and Warzones take a while to pop on Jung Ma during the week: people would be raging about long wait times if there was a EU server.


That being said, there are many RP-PvP guilds that accept EU players and have a few players from Europe in them. Two examples are in my signature: Republic's Hammer has a member from London that plays semi-regularly. If you want an RP-PvP server, try out Jung Ma and go back to the EU servers if the lag is too much for you.

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That is an excelent advice, out of personal curiousity how active would you say Jung Ma is, especially around 4-8 pm EST? Like you mentioned I've heard a lot negative stories about wait-times which (coming from Europe aswell) has me worried and I wonder if I'm better of looking at a PvE-server to see if I'd enjoy RP, which is a whole new concept to me, but has caught my interest.


I agree the merge was needed, but I've seen a lot of disappointed returning players log on ToFN, really makes me think they should have given people a choice between moving to a PvP or an RP-server (for free) depending on their preferance.

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That is an excelent advice, out of personal curiousity how active would you say Jung Ma is, especially around 4-8 pm EST? Like you mentioned I've heard a lot negative stories about wait-times which (coming from Europe aswell) has me worried and I wonder if I'm better of looking at a PvE-server to see if I'd enjoy RP, which is a whole new concept to me, but has caught my interest.


I agree the merge was needed, but I've seen a lot of disappointed returning players log on ToFN, really makes me think they should have given people a choice between moving to a PvP or an RP-server (for free) depending on their preferance.


We are the same size as the other US PvP servers right now: http://www.torstatus.net/jung-ma/history/7d . For me, the wait times for everything except for Ranked Warzones and Operations are good during the week: Warzones usually pop within 10 minutes; Flashpoints pop for Tanks / Healers either within a minute or up to 30 mins depending on which side has more people queued that night, DPS are better off doing dailies while they wait for an hour or so. This is around 7-10 PM EST: it might be a little lighter earlier. At about this time, there are about 75-100 people on the Pub fleet and 150-200 on the Imp fleet during the week. There are more people on the weekends. (Yes, the ratio of Imps to Pubs is way out balanced on this server: more than 2:1 ratio.)


The good news about being on a smaller server is that there are less jerks from your own faction competing / ninja stealing stuff that is necessary for various missions. Downside is that it takes a while to get together an Operation group if you are not in one of the elite guilds. (Its really hard to find anybody willing to do SM: everyone is doing HM on our server.) Also, the smaller community will hold Open World PvP events around a theme. Check out our server forum for the latest events. Our weekly events are at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=551322 . (Alpha Company don't do their patrols as much anymore.)


I can't say about what your ping would be like from Europe since I live in the Midwest of US.

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Thank you for your amazing information as always Bstr! I'll check out the link and I think I'll try out an empire toon on your server. I've never had any issues in other games when landing on American Servers (there definitly is a difference though) but no other way to find out than try! My apologies UruGhul if you feel I invaded your threat with my own questions. I hope you find the server that fits you the most.
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Thank you for your amazing information as always Bstr! I'll check out the link and I think I'll try out an empire toon on your server. I've never had any issues in other games when landing on American Servers (there definitly is a difference though) but no other way to find out than try! My apologies UruGhul if you feel I invaded your threat with my own questions. I hope you find the server that fits you the most.


If you want, you could report back Gloomy and let me know how the latency is and the population.


I just found out there's "Ilum" the planet (back in another shape it seems?) which has Open world pvp, am I right?

That'd be the only open-world pvp on a RP-PVEserver would it? Or what kind of open-world pvp does exist on the RP-PVE server The Progenitator?

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If you want, you could report back Gloomy and let me know how the latency is and the population.


I just found out there's "Ilum" the planet (back in another shape it seems?) which has Open world pvp, am I right?

That'd be the only open-world pvp on a RP-PVEserver would it? Or what kind of open-world pvp does exist on the RP-PVE server The Progenitator?


Back when the game started, Ilum had Open World PvP all the time on the Western Shelf on RP-PvE servers. After two failed attempts, BioWare closed Ilum's PvP down. Now, it only exists for 2 weeks per quarter during the Gree Event. (The Gree Event should be coming soon: the last visit of the Grey Secant was in June.)


Outlaw's Den on Tatooine allows for Open World PvP all the time. Finding someone to fight against on an RP-PvE server is the problem. Even on Jung Ma, this area is empty most of the time.


The best you can do is manually flag your PvP flag and attack others that have their flag flipped on the various planets.

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Back when the game started, Ilum had Open World PvP all the time on the Western Shelf on RP-PvE servers. After two failed attempts, BioWare closed Ilum's PvP down. Now, it only exists for 2 weeks per quarter during the Gree Event. (The Gree Event should be coming soon: the last visit of the Grey Secant was in June.)


Outlaw's Den on Tatooine allows for Open World PvP all the time. Finding someone to fight against on an RP-PvE server is the problem. Even on Jung Ma, this area is empty most of the time.


The best you can do is manually flag your PvP flag and attack others that have their flag flipped on the various planets.


Oh that's interesting.. And that changes things quite a bit actually. You can "flag" yourself for PvP on the RP-PVE server? I had no idea :) Do many people do this? It's kind of like in SWG then, forced open-world pvp or flagged has never much mattered to me, much.

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Oh that's interesting.. And that changes things quite a bit actually. You can "flag" yourself for PvP on the RP-PVE server? I had no idea :) Do many people do this? It's kind of like in SWG then, forced open-world pvp or flagged has never much mattered to me, much.


On Jung Ma, an RP-PvP server, lots of people flag themselves for PvP (even though it doesn't matter.) Don't know about PvE servers now; back during the Beta, not very many people flagged themselves on a PvE server.

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I rolled on Jung ma from Europe a year ago because it was the only RP-PVP. I joined a couple RP guilds but the events extended way into the night, so I had almost always to leave in the middle of the action.


At the time planet population was much higher than today, so even playing in our time frame there was enough people to play with.


But now the server feels empty. A couple weeks ago I was alone in Voss and Belsavis. Alone. Only one player in the instance. That was the turning point for me. I rolled anew in Tomb and am now in the process of leveling up fresh toons without a legacy, but with people around to do heroics and warzones.


P.S.: The only advantage was that I could do the story missions in Tatooine at lunchtime and avoided the ganking.


EDIT: I usually have 120~170 ping to Jung Ma, while 60~70 to Tomb

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