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Dread Masters,


Your countless obstacles you ceaselessly throw at us provide us with amusement as we bide our time preparing to assault your strongholds, pillage your cold corpses and claim victory for the Empire.


We have bested every you at every turn. Warlord Kephess and his Trenchgutter minions fell to our blades and bolts. We defeated your dread council who believed they were the Chosen, and the true Chosen proved that they were nothing but an obstacle in our way. Then in your infinite conceitedness your resurrect your minion and again we walk over his mutilated corpse to take on the true test of your Terror From Beyond. We braved another dimension and sent your beast back across the force portal you summoned him from, and still you persisted. Even after we have shown you countless times that we will best you at every turn.


And then you in a final act of desperation let one of your brother Styrak command a rag tag army of mercenaries and beasts that proved to not be worthy of our time. We trounced your beasts, melted down your security system, obliterated your mercenaries. We boldly walked into your throne room; slew your brother, and picked his rotten corpse clean of countless relics.


So I ask you this, what fills you with Dread? We are of the best combatants in the Galaxy. We have countless seats on the Dark Council, commanded by the Emperors Wrath, and augmented by the Best Bounty hunters and Imperial personnel in the galaxy.


We have come to claim our birthright as Chosen, and the exalted of the Sith.


Prepare for your annihilation.

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I have been waiting for this moment, Dread Masters...


I have meditated upon the Hypergate Monstrosity at Asation... I have brought a planet to it's knees, it's people begging for mercy as I quietly looked down and whispered... No.


And I have even brought down one of your number...


I have forced Armies to bend knee to my power, even other masters of the Dark Arts I have bested... Not even the strongest in the Galaxy have truly killed me, only stalled my plans.


When you return, I will be waiting, and my power shall send what remains of your mangled essences to Chaos...


Death is my domain now, and if you dare show yourselves... You will become all too familiar with it, as I.

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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. [...] Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.

Styrak was merely the first of you to fall. You are nothing more than rebels, rabid dogs that need to be put down. Same as Grathan, same as Malgus. You are the Dread Masters, but the Emperor's Wrath is not afraid.

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I hope you will win the war and fix Achievement system (lore/beastmaster codex entries). And maybe new warzone maps? Not 4v4 but 8v8. We will fight, you will watch and laugh and choose your new minions. Oricon looks good, could work as an objective based warzone.

Good luck, Dread Masters! May the Force be with you!

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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.


what :rak_02:

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Only from fear can one attain power, only from pain can one attain truth, only from darkness can one attain clarity.


To subdue a galaxy of insignificant trillions one must behold ultimate terror and dominate this ultimate power through will. One must grasp the basic fears of all without true darkness to maintain order through the worship and obedience of the terrified.


Only chaos can lead to order, only chaos has the power to force the apathetic onto their knees, where they belong.

True fear can control any mortal, but dread can make any being a master of all.


To see others find clarity through darkness is illuminating for any who grasp the true concept of petrification in the minds of the weak.


The Jedi are weak, the Sith are weak, the Jedi fear the darkness, the Sith fear losing their power born of darkness, yet the Jedi are blinded by the light and the Sith attain no power, they are only controlled through the will of darkness, those who can attain a grasp of dread and dominate their own primitive emotions, learn to fear nothing even death, become a master of all.


Masters of Dread, that we are both, we must attain the clarity seen in Sorzus Syn, XoXaan and the great Marka Ragnos, the greatest master of pure dread.


When all believed the Sith Emperor to be the embodiment of power, all with the clarity to see through the darkness gazed through his illusion, for he was just as weak as those he controlled, his fear of death is unworthy of any power, his pitiful fear has dominated him and the truth is clear.


For those who fear can still be controlled, we must forge our own way, we must bring despair to all things, we must terrorize the minds of all and bring order to this plane through chaos, only then can true darkness fall upon all the galaxy and then the Sith, the Jedi and all who fear, will... easily be... our's.

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Fear you? Really, fear you? How amusing can one be. DreadMaster? You make my chortle. I am Jedi Knight who has taken the life of many siths, darths and cleansed these universes of the emperor. I bathe in their blood while I laugh with the giddiness of a young padawan. My name brings fear to the empire as they know my power.


I walked the darkside long before I fooled the emperor into taking me in. I studied his every move. Felt his power and allowed myself to consume and drink every bit in that I could. He was a weak fool as I hid my true intentions from him at every turn. His weakness was his own undoing just as yours will be.


Had it not been for the crew of my ship, I would have defeated him and taken his place to rule the empire. It was only due t their interference that I was forced back into service for the Republic.


Though I am a Jedi, I have long since embraced the dark side and have even turned my padawan t the dark side with subtlety. A child of the emperor she was and no longer will be as she is under my complete controll.


So fear me and my power as I grow stronger and beyond all that you can or even that which you cannot even imagine. So fear me. Tremble at every breath I take knowing that I struck down the emperor with my own hands and I will do the same to you.

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Is it not the way of the Sith to seek true power, to obtain true mastery of the Dark Side and to use it to dominate all who would oppose you? Through all of my conquests there has always been one emotion that has truly ruled over all others. Fear. There is no emotion a being can feel that will break their will, or cripple their mind, as well as true fear. Those who can master fear, exploit it in others, can truly attain true power. Through my short experience with the Dread Masters I learned what true power was. I learned that that mastery of fear and dread, the mastery of the most powerful of emotions, was the path to true power.

So as I said before, is it not the way of the Sith to be drawn to such power? This fallacy that we call the Sith empire can never last, my fellow members on the Dark Council have expressed this fear to me themselves. Together we could exploit this weakness and bring the Empire to its knees. In the end, all shall serve the Masters.

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Courage, defiance, bravado... they cannot exist without a core of fear to stand over.


The further a seed is buried, the deeper it will take root.


Embrace the truth, or do not. Soon enough, it will embrace you.


Embrace me? The power of truth, of resolve and determination is what I embrace.


You and your followers are under the delusion that mass manipulation is what is needed for absolute power. This is so short sited and shows your weakness. Already one of yours, Skyrak fell to my blade with the help of my comrades and the key to his falling was that he was blinded by ambition and cowardice.


United by strength and resolve is what is required to stand tall against you. For I stand one and true, I stand united by strength and resolve and by the will to shield the innocent from darkness. I am the alpha of your omega, I will stand on the precipice of destiny to face you and I alone will stand over your defeated body along with your comrades. As it only takes a candle to keep away the darkness.

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The following is a transcript of an audio message sent from the The Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter Welcome Home. It was broadcast on an open frequency.


This is a broadcast to the Dread Masters. My name is Farrew. I am the captain of the Welcome Home. I am also part of the strike force that took out Styrak on Darvannis. Styrak gave it everything he had but he wasn't a match for my guns. We tore him and his pet apart, I even took one of his drakes as a pet. The damn thing has done his business all over my ship, Bowdaar is not enjoying having to clean it up every morning, but I get off topic. No matter what Styrak threw at us, we took it on the chin and kept coming. No matter the fear we felt imbue our bones we wouldn't surrender. When he grew to gigantic proportions we remained resolute, and we killed him.


My team and I have defeated every obstacle you have put in our way. We defeated Kephess on Denova, and again on Asation sending that beast back to wear it was summoned. I personally shot the bullet that ended Karagga's life. Oricon is not going be the haven you think it is.


You have terrorized the galaxy enough as it is, we will not let you go further. I still remember having to bury Corso on Belsavis after your dread guard put a lightsaber through his heart. The scar on my face remembers what you do to the people you capture. Torchy has 5 charges left from when Corso died. I don't think its a coincident there are only 5 of you left. Revenge isn't a dish best served cold, its best served with blaster rounds cauterizing their way through your fear inducing, mask retish wearing, insane heads. We are coming for you. That isn't your fear coming back to you that you feel. Thats the fear that you know what is going to happen. You can throw whatever you want to at us, it isn't going to be enough. We have all felt loss at your hands, we will all feel victory at your defeat. We are coming. There is nothing you can do to stop us. We are coming.

Transmission ended.

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'RP start'

Madness has already claimed Makillda. More will follow.

My name is Uotilky, I'll follow you if you have a droid and Toineepa, i can Kurruzza everithing for you.

You Hunya will Ha'mfoo, if you Opawi me Hakisewa Toineepa


ps: speak on Jawaese

translate from Jawaese :

Toineepa (toy nee pah) n. 1. Credit

Repair (ree pare) v. 1. Kurruzza

Hunya (hunn yah) n. 1. Enemy.

Burn (bern) v. 1. Ha'mfoo.

Hakisewa Toineepa - 1k Credits

Friend (frend) n. 1. Eyeta.

Give (giv) v. 1. Opawi.

Dread Masters are my Eyeta.

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I would join the Masters of Horror, unless of course I'm worthy of this, as Your Excellency. Neither the Republic nor the Empire does not deserve to rule the universe. Edit is a current need to Bishop, the guardians of the galaxy, inducing fear in their enemies - Dread Masters.
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