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Best Class/Spec for 4v4 arena?


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So, I know Op's healers have already been marked down as the favourite for the healer spot in 4v4. However what about the DPS??


Smash marauders work in 8v8 because of the pressure being output on a large group, however surely it can be too easily countered in 4v4, spreading out would stop the smash being as effective and smashing a single target isn't so great when they have pocket heals.


From what I've seen since I have been back.


Op healer, Sniper, Sorcerer and Carnage Marauder would be the best choice imo.


Reason being in Sniper In cover can't be charged by a marauder team, giving him a strength in that, he also has a strong knock back with a root if they do try and open on him. Sorcerer can provide strong support with shields, slowing effects from lightning, a second knockback as well as some nice CC. Finally the carnage marauder can provide good burst with bloodthirst + gore + ravage as well as a strong execute potential. The composition cripples smash spec focused teams just because 3 of 4 can stay out of range of the smash because they are ranged. At least that is my theory. I know that a lot of people also seem to run some form of tank, but I think the support that the sorc provides + the extra damage is a good compromise.



What's other peoples thoughts? Who do you guys think will dominate 4v4?

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Wouldn't the use of knockbacks + roots + Shields + Slows help reduce damage enough? That was my basis behind it, that and the more melee you have the higher the chance of smash spec working against you.


The only other thing would be replace the Warrior for Assassin (Hybrid Tank) and the Sorc for a Arsenal Merc to make up for loss of burst.

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Wouldn't the use of knockbacks + roots + Shields + Slows help reduce damage enough? That was my basis behind it, that and the more melee you have the higher the chance of smash spec working against you.


The only other thing would be replace the Warrior for Assassin (Hybrid Tank) and the Sorc for a Arsenal Merc to make up for loss of burst.


Against a double smash team the cc *might* be enough if you can down their healer but the longer the match goes, I feel, the more it is in the team with the tanks favor.

I expect to see alot of AP spec'ed powertechs in arena teams who will laugh at attempts to snare them, and if you come up against another ranged heavy team that has a tank you will have a tough time as well.

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My team would be a well trained lethality sniper, madness sorc, power tech tank hybrid, op heals. you got heavy dot's the best aoes, and spike damage to boot, with back up heals, taunt's shields, pulls, jump to's, pull friendly, and stealth, all the cc you could dream of. Dot them up and focus down, with sorc shield, taunts, and guard heals is not going to die in 1st 10 seconds. Try you be surprised, but you got to be a premade with voice for this to work good and not a pug. Team poison for the win lol, this team is a healer's night mare because all 4 enemy team member health is melting at same time, the corrosive spam alone from sniper neutralizes hots from any heals causing the to use direct heals more, which usually make them stand still, add the sorc dots/dps, and heals going to be doing nothing but healing himself while his team's health melts away. even with multiple heals this set will out dps them.
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My team would be a well trained lethality sniper, madness sorc, power tech tank hybrid, op heals. you got heavy dot's the best aoes, and spike damage to boot, with back up heals, taunt's shields, pulls, jump to's, pull friendly, and stealth, all the cc you could dream of. Dot them up and focus down, with sorc shield, taunts, and guard heals is not going to die in 1st 10 seconds. Try you be surprised, but you got to be a premade with voice for this to work good and not a pug. Team poison for the win lol, this team is a healer's night mare because all 4 enemy team member health is melting at same time, the corrosive spam alone from sniper neutralizes hots from any heals causing the to use direct heals more, which usually make them stand still, add the sorc dots/dps, and heals going to be doing nothing but healing himself while his team's health melts away. even with multiple heals this set will out dps them.


That sounds like a fair point to be honest. Spread pressure is always super strong in games. Extremely potent vs inexperienced healers. What about double madness sorc or Madness Sorc + Arsenal merc?

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Concealment Ops and Decep sins seem to be fantastic at bursting down Healers IMO, as well as controlling them


Healer control is always good. I'm starting to assume that there will be no perfect comp. However a common factor is none have arsenal merc's in. Any reasons why?

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That sounds like a fair point to be honest. Spread pressure is always super strong in games. Extremely potent vs inexperienced healers. What about double madness sorc or Madness Sorc + Arsenal merc?

DoTs are less effective against scoundrel/operative healers because HoTs negate the DoTs. 2 slow release medpac on everyone and you just shut down the entire enemy DPS.

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DoTs are less effective against scoundrel/operative healers because HoTs negate the DoTs. 2 slow release medpac on everyone and you just shut down the entire enemy DPS.


But when the dots are being negated by the hot's hard cast healing is required to sustain the team through other damage, Something all the classes mentioned have plenty to offer.

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In my opinion, GOOD for solo only ranked:


guardian tank

guardian vigilance

sentinel focus/watchman

gunslinger sharpshooter/hybrid

shadow infiltration/kinetic

vanguard tank/ hybrid

scoundrel sawbones



any dps scoundrel

any dps sage

any dps commando

dirty fighting/saboteur gunslinger

focus guardian

combat sentinel

vanguard assault

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In my opinion, GOOD for solo only ranked:


guardian tank

guardian vigilance

sentinel focus/watchman

gunslinger sharpshooter/hybrid

shadow infiltration/kinetic

vanguard tank/ hybrid

scoundrel sawbones



any dps scoundrel

any dps sage

any dps commando

dirty fighting/saboteur gunslinger

focus guardian

combat sentinel

vanguard assault


I think solo ranked will be way more forgiving than 4v4 and wont be as limited in terms of what classes you can bring.

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Anything with stealth will be top of the food chain in Arena and maybe some sniper/slinger due to insane burst and cover mechanic, rest can go take a nap and wait for better times.


PUGs yes, in real team vs team play a stealther due to burst cooldowns won't be able to contribute in a reliable way.


Plus as you can see in some videos, stealthers are one of the few cases where the opponents are given away who's the fragile link in the team. A smidge of CC on the healer and a stealther is minced meat by proper PVP classes like marauders or snipers.

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There was forum on PTS regarding class feedback. It is pretty much what was deemed as optimal specs:



Jugg tank.

AP PT in tank stance and oil stick.






Rage marauder.


Carnage marauder.

MM sniper.


There was a whole bunch of specs that were deemed viable, but the above is what was considered optimal. Will see when 2.4 gets life how things will workout, but that was the consensus from PTS testing.

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