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Aggro Dump, broken forever?


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This has probably been posted a million times, but I just recently started doing FPs again on my commando healer.

Aggro dump is STILL worthless...it does NOTHING, I don't know what the numbers are but even after using it and NOT healing to draw aggro, the mobs just keep on shooting you. Come on Bioware, it is time to fix the aggro dump. that or give us an ability worth having and take it away.

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The problem is not the aggro dump, it is the group you are with. The problem is that nobody else has attacked the mob and thus not generated any aggro on it, heals, even the smallest heals activation of Trauma Probe or Hammer Shot generates threat on ALL enemies. Thread dump (other than Rescue, Guardian Leap, the secondary effects of Focused Defences, Vanishes and possibly Force Cloak) lower your threat by 25%.


Even if you only had 1 threat on an enemy and you lower it to 0.75 you are still the current highest threat holder until somebody else attacks it.

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This is a good point, and pretty much shuts me up, i just feel like it should wipe aggro, even if its for a few seconds and then that aggro is gained right back, it is useless unless the mob is attacked, but should give you a few seconds of grace to heal yourself back up or so. Thanks for the simple answer and non d-bag answer =)
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It's also going to depend on the setup for the fight. I don't know 100% what the mechanics are behind some fights, but there are bosses that will peel from my Tank even when I've been attacking and taunting it and the team has been focusing on other targets. There aren't many fights like this, but I've noticed them in things like the Mandalorian Mercenary boss fight with the two guard dogs (or whatever they are). The team is focusing on the guard dogs while I have the boss in another corner, and even though I'm the only one hitting him, I'd have to taunt him periodically to keep focused on me.


But really, bosses are the main thing to worry about (and the tank should have their focus most of the time). Weaks should be dying fast and DPS should be eating up the strongs, so if that's not happening, it could be a group focus issue.

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