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whats your opinion


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You get more benefits from surge than you do alacrity, at most I would say 300 maximum alacrity, but even that is pushing it. You get 9% already in the healing tree, the most for any class, plus not many sage healers or scoundrels do not go more than 300 w/o that super buff. Crit is fine for Gunnery or Combat medic, a bit too high for assault.


I also recommend you find your way back into our raids.

Edited by LordKantner
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thats for the feed back, I just swapped the adept enhancements to the quick savant for a faster Medical probe. Its now 1.78 cast. most guides and other medics say no more then 250 surge, then dump the rest into alacrity. And about going back to shadowed, my computer cant handle 16mans plus you guys wont let me heal and I wont go gunnery until i get better enhancements,
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Those guides are wrong then, any legitimate theory crafter would have actually punched the numbers in. Look at the ridiculous difference.




Formulas used:

Surge = 30*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((Surge Rating/MAX(55;20))/0,22))

Crit = 30*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((Crit Rating/MAX(55;20))/0,9))

Accuracy = 30*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((Accuracy Raing/MAX(55;20))/1,2))

Alacrity = 30*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((Alacrity Rating/MAX(55;20))/1,25))


Primary Stat Crit = 20*(1-(1-(0,01/0,3))^((Primary Stat/MAX(55;20))/5,5))


Old formulas:

Power +DMG = Power * 0,23

Force/Tech Power +DMG = Force/Tech Power *0,23

Primary Stat +DMG = Primary Stat * 0,2

Edited by LordKantner
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