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Merc Healing question


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New to posting on the forums but I've been a lurker for quite awhile now. But I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question I've been wondering. While technically not *just* a Merc issue, I was wondering how a leveling Merc Healer could get more out of their Rapid Shots heal while using the Healing Cylinder. The tooltip says that it is based on 100% of my Tech rated Bonus Healing, so how could I go about increasing that to get more out of it?
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Tech Bonus Healing is modified by three things: Your Aim stat, your Power stat, and the Tech Power on your main and offhands. Tech Power is dependent on the item rating of the barrels in your weapons, so keep those up to date as you level. Other than that, stack power on your gear at every possible opportunity, and make sure you're always using armorings that have a higher Aim than Endurance.
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