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Customer Services Hung Up On Me And A Guildie


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I rang customer services today and after waiting in a queue for 30 minutes I got through to someone who's English I had a very hard time understanding, After a few minutes the gentleman said he would put me through to a higher up department but just hung up on me.


The same thing happened to a Guildie yesterday and we have both put tickets in.


Can anything be done about this really crappy customer service ? Anyone we can go to ?

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Calls get lost on hold a lot, sometimes it's just technical error, I think that has happened to me at least 100 times on a multitude of different company CS. I daresay it happens to me at least once a month, though not yet from EA.


Whenever you are talking with customer service reps, always take down the names of the people you talk to so you can either get back with them or else report them if they suck.

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Sorry to say but I could hardly understand the gent I was talking to.

I have no problem with people from other countries or other languages doing customer support work as at the end of the day we are all human but if your going to hire people to work for a company that is English speaking, Make sure that their English is 100% first before putting them to work.

Really annoyes me.

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Sorry to say but I could hardly understand the gent I was talking to.

I have no problem with people from other countries or other languages doing customer support work as at the end of the day we are all human but if your going to hire people to work for a company that is English speaking, Make sure that their English is 100% first before putting them to work.

Really annoyes me.


Pro tip: You may want to learn the difference between "your" and "you're," and how to spell "annoys," before letting this one rip.

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I've had nothing but good experiences with customer service for this game.


I would have to agree with the poster above that it was just a technical error and the call was lost on hold.


Yeah, these things happen. I know this from "back in the day" when I was on the phones. Sometimes it's the fault of the person transferring, sometimes the person being transferred to, and sometimes the system just drops one.

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Lemme help you with that...here's what he would have suggested:


1 - restart your computer

2 - restart your modem

3 - restart your router

4 - update drivers

5 - clean install

6 - submit a ticket and they'll look into it more


You'd have ended up at step 6 anyway...

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Lemme help you with that...here's what he would have suggested:


1 - restart your computer

2 - restart your modem

3 - restart your router

4 - update drivers

5 - clean install

6 - submit a ticket and they'll look into it more


You'd have ended up at step 6 anyway...


lol, truth! :t_biggrin:

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Look how many people complained and demanded their $10 back when they learned Makeb was going to be free, you think they would pay a bit more each month for better customer support? Call center contracts are not cheap so unless we are willing to pay more we just gotta be happy with the support we have. Hell, even with premium support we'd still get the occasional bad experience.
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