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thinking of a hybrid


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i just created a commando and i really like to heal but i don't want to be weak in damage is a hybrid a good idea


It can work if you're soloing, but I do think it holds you back a lot if you're trying to heal for your team in PVE or PVP. My Medic actually does decent damage when he's not able to focus on healing all the time in a WZ, and he's almost entirely focused on the healing tree (I just picked up a couple in others to help more with healing and interrupts in WZs).

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Only hybrid I know of that works but the skill cap is retarded high since it's very hard on ammo management and you got to keep in mind that between the 6 seconds internal CD of Ionic accelerator, you have to use grav round, else you use charged bolts and always use full auto when it procs. Also, you run with plasma cell.


I don't know of any healing hybrid.

Edited by snaplemouton
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Commando hybrid will not work well.


Commando DPS has arguably the best off-healing for a DPS spec in the game. Stick with full DPS skill trees and keep Kolto Bomb on cooldown (try to spread it around to group members as well, dont just use it as a self heal)


^ This. There's not much point in going past Tier 1 of the CM tree if you're not doing to run with Combat Support Cell. And running Combat Support Cell when you're spec'd for DPS really nerfs your damage AND severely curtails your ammo regeneration. It's just not sustainable (I've field-respec'd and forgotten to switch cells enough times to see the huge difference). None of the Commando trees synergize well after Tier 1 (except for Special Munitions in Tier 2 of Gunnery, since it enhances all three cells). This Advanced Class just isn't structured for hybrids the way some of the other are (or were - game changes over time have generally dis-incented hybridization).

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