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Supercharge Cells for All Commando Classes and How to Fix Probe Medic


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Commandos come up short when it comes to everything. The Trooper Advanced classes just come up short in general. VGs aren't the best tanks or damage dealers, Commandos aren't the greatest when it comes to healing and damage dealing(I know, I know, Gunnery can give a debuff, but considering it needs to be cast, Sages are better with their instant debuffs that can follow a cast :( , Sentinels can take us out in seconds, :eek: and snipers can just camp all day :cool:) I have several ideas on how to fix the Commando.


Supercharge Cells:

-Give this ability to all Commandos, regardless of Skill tree. Effects are the for all skill trees: lasts 30 seconds, 100% ammo cost for Full auto and Charged Bolts, 5% bonus to damage and Healing and shield on Kolto Bomb. It should also have different effects for the stance you're in.

--Gunnery: makes Gravity round cost 50% less ammo and is an Instant ability once. Increases damage by 10%

--Field Medic: decreases cooldown on Advanced Med Probe by 100%. Heals allies around you for 2% of your total health every 2 seconds.

--Tactics: Incendiary grenade is an instant cast. Decreases High Impact Round's cooldown by 50%


Full Auto:

-Let Commandos use this as a heal. If shooting our allies with our BFG on burst-fire heals them, so should shooting them with our BFG on full-auto.


Sticky Grenade:

-If used on an ally, it should act as a heal(Heals for your tech critical heal when exploding) but doesn't damage enemies if stuck to an ally.


Field Aid Probe(Replaces Supercharge Cells):

-Instant cast

-Heals allies for a 10% of their current health.

-Lasts for 10 seconds and if ally is hurt, heals for 2% of their max health and disappears.


-Probe Medic:

-Gunnery and Tactics should not have to spec this so they can play PvP. Instead, a passive skill for Commandos should be when reactive shield is up and you get a critical hit with Hammer Shot, you get healed for 1% of your max health.

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I like talking over what a class can be as much as anyone, but... most of your suggestions are trying to tack on heals to the DPS trees. While you can have some defense and healing options for a DPS tree, you're not going to have all the heals you're calling for (otherwise you're getting into a balance issue--who would use a healing tree if you can get a ton of heals while doing damage? Not saying you can't hybrid some, but there have to be tradeoffs if a spec isn't going to be too powerful).


As for Superhcharge cells, that goes with a specific ammo type. They already have three and it doesn't really make sense to completely rework the system when it's already in place and kind of does what it needs to. Far better to play with what you have and make those better. There have been plenty of suggestions about improving combat support cell for Medics, and the other types of ammos for the DPS trees--and with good reason. They're adjusting what we have already without trying to reinvent the wheel, which is what much of this is doing.

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