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Optimising Arsenal build stats


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Hi guys


Whats the general consensus on optimising stats for an Arsenal build?


My BH is currently 55 with all purple 66 gear. That gear is stacking Aim, Endurance and Power currently on every piece. I've completely dumped Crit from my template.


None of my gear is augmented and I am not currently stacking any Surge....plenty of room to improve this I know :)





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Power and Surge.


And if you PvE, some Accuracy.


Thanks for the reply, how does this break down in terms of statting each piece of armor etc?


I.E. It's a given that each armor / mod / enhancement should feature Aim, are you saying stack Power and Surge instead of Power and Endurance?


Or should I be looking to compliment my current Aim / End / Power build with some Surge/Power/Accuracy via earpiece / relics / augments?



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Thanks for the reply, how does this break down in terms of statting each piece of armor etc?

[/Quote] You want five enhancements/earpieces/implants with accuracy and five with surge.

With 72 the number you were aiming for was 395 accuracy and 395 surge rating. 395 Accuracy Rating will give you 99.51% accuracy with every bonus. You dont need more.


I.E. It's a given that each armor / mod / enhancement should feature Aim, are you saying stack Power and Surge instead of Power and Endurance? [/Quote] You cant swtich endurance for surge. Surge can only be trated for Accuracy and Alacrity. There are pieces with higher endurance on them but you dont want them, they are supposed to work for tanks if they have any use at all.

A typical 72 (formerly) BIS item has:

Armoring with 88 Aim and 72 Endurance

Mod with 69 Aim, 52 Enduranve, 57 Power/Crit

Enhancement with 46 Endurance, 52 Power/Crit, 79 Accuracy/Surge


You dont want to have a higher crit rating than ~200 in 72 gear and as said, 395 for Accuracy/Surge.


Or should I be looking to compliment my current Aim / End / Power build with some Surge/Power/Accuracy via earpiece / relics / augments?


Use Augments only for Aim, everything else is bs.

Surge is always easier to get than aim (cheaper on the GTM for once). So if you have the oppoturnity to get a set earpiece or implant, its always a good idea to pick one with accuracy. But Surge would work too, you just need to get 395 over all.

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I have a question about this as well. A friend of mine convinced me to go all-out on power and surge and completely ignore crit rating. Through great pains I did exactly that, but then later I desperately noticed that Odawgg has a very high crit rating (for a Commando), the guide says around 240.


My current stats are (in what I was led to believe was BiS 72 gear with four pieces of Kell Dragon mixed in):


Aim: 3379

Accuracy: 100,48% [couldn't find a way to get it down to 100% it was either 100,48% or 99,97% :-(]

Surge: 70,72%

Power: ~1300 (not sure about this without checking it but I think it's around 1300)

Critical Chance: 22,21% (with 0 critical rating)


The way I geared up the character was to put Aim and Power wherever possible. Then reach 100% Accuracy, then go as high in Surge as the enhancements/items allowed (which came out around 71%). All the while completely ignoring critical rating and relying solely on talents and Aim to get crit.


Did I make a mistake by forgoing critical rating enterily? Should I replace some of my Power mods with Critical mods? I seem to find no concensus on the state of critical rating, so I'd appreciate any advice.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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It doesnt really matter since the dps difference will always be obscured by the rng factors in a real fight anyway. Ist absoluteley impossible to say that x crit will always be better than y power in every boss fight. What you can say is that some crit is good for you some times and wont hurt you most of the time.

So if you have somce 75 crit items left, use them instead of 72 power ones. With a 72/75 gearset you can go to ~ 200 crit without any trouble.


Oh and accuracy 99.97% is pretty much perfect, you dont need 100%. BIS for 72 was 99.51%. Swap one for surge.

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I have a question about this as well. A friend of mine convinced me to go all-out on power and surge and completely ignore crit rating. Through great pains I did exactly that, but then later I desperately noticed that Odawgg has a very high crit rating (for a Commando), the guide says around 240.


My current stats are (in what I was led to believe was BiS 72 gear with four pieces of Kell Dragon mixed in):


Aim: 3379

Accuracy: 100,48% [couldn't find a way to get it down to 100% it was either 100,48% or 99,97% :-(]

Surge: 70,72%

Power: ~1300 (not sure about this without checking it but I think it's around 1300)

Critical Chance: 22,21% (with 0 critical rating)


The way I geared up the character was to put Aim and Power wherever possible. Then reach 100% Accuracy, then go as high in Surge as the enhancements/items allowed (which came out around 71%). All the while completely ignoring critical rating and relying solely on talents and Aim to get crit.


Did I make a mistake by forgoing critical rating enterily? Should I replace some of my Power mods with Critical mods? I seem to find no concensus on the state of critical rating, so I'd appreciate any advice.


It seems a majority of players have the same common misconception that stacking 0 crit is optimal. This is not true. The best way to think of optimizing crit is a 100 to 10 ration between power and crit. (I.E. if your power is 1400, you want to stack about 140) crit. You will see an overall DPS increase with this.


Surge - ~70%-72%. Give or take a little bit.


Accuracy - Optimally you want 100% range and 110% tech. get as close to that as possible. Although, keep in mind if you do some mod swapping and your accuracy comes out to something like 99.8%, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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It seems a majority of players have the same common misconception that stacking 0 crit is optimal. This is not true. The best way to think of optimizing crit is a 100 to 10 ration between power and crit. (I.E. if your power is 1400, you want to stack about 140) crit. You will see an overall DPS increase with this.


Surge - ~70%-72%. Give or take a little bit.


Accuracy - Optimally you want 100% range and 110% tech. get as close to that as possible. Although, keep in mind if you do some mod swapping and your accuracy comes out to something like 99.8%, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Thanks for the help! That's really an easy and consistent system to optimize crit rating! I assume it's because deadly cannon gives our main damage abilities 30% Surge that we need to keep crit altogether?


If so, than Bioware's crit nerf hit us harder than I imagined. I'm not sure if it was aimed directly at us, more likely it was just a side effect to nerfing critical rating. But nerfing crit was harsh on classes that rely on talents that boost critical bonus damage.

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