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Yet another question of why


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So while we were waiting for a healer I noticed that the Merc was currently in his combat support cell so I told him that he was in the wrong cell because he wanted to DPS. He then puts his chat in caps and says that he does not have another cell and doesn't know what I am talking about. So I explain it to him again and he eventually finds it.


Now after this the Mara asked this Merc if this was the first time he played and he said no to which i replied with why he did not know what the other healing classes were.


This was where you went wrong. Should have left it alone once he fixed the issue (wrong cell). So should the mara.


Your group went from problem resolved to new confrontation.

Edited by hadoken
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As to the cell issue, he might have been legit. On my commando, I have field respec and therefore join groups for both dps or heals, then spec and switch gear as necessary, on occasion I have not been paying attention and continued without respecting till it was pointed out to me lol. But. When this merc started randomly inviting all classes, asking if they were healers, it clearly shows he was a newb. I don't think u did anything wrong, we were all newbs at one point, and still would be if it weren't for the advice of others. So it's that mercs fault for not accepting your polite comments. I have never once been offended when someone pointed out an error in group chat, it's up to guys like u who point things out that I can now clear Nim and Hm content. Neither have I ever used whisper to give advice to another player. I simply keep my advice as gentle and polite as possible, and use group chat, so others can add their input. If another group member contributes in an abusive manner, I take them to task about it as well.


At 55 when we are all rushing our dailies, grinding comms, we all to often forget that time possibly a year or more ago when we were the lev 18 maurader with cunning implants, or the level 12 commando sure she was a tank lol. If it wasn't for guys like the OP I wouldn't be where I am today and would probably never have enjoyed endgame to the extent I have now been able too.

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DPS are stupid. They are not people, mere numbers. The ones who deserve respect will show themselves. Until then, don't bother.


This is what you learn after playing MMOs (specifically a tank) for years and years...and years...


Just be glad he wasn't a juggernaut. Probably has the worst players in this game.

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DPS are stupid. They are not people, mere numbers. The ones who deserve respect will show themselves. Until then, don't bother.


This is what you learn after playing MMOs (specifically a tank) for years and years...and years...


Just be glad he wasn't a juggernaut. Probably has the worst players in this game.


So are the people that think cause they are healers or tanks are somehow awesome, I've seen more tanks and healers fail with their hybrid trees than dps, matter of fact, I've had more fail tanks and healers than dps in the wrong stance/cell. To conclude being stupid, self entitled and believing you are special are not only seen in the dps but also in tanks (like you) and healers. :)

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Pre lvl 55 cap raise.


The Juggy who was trying to tank a lvl 50 hard mode in mostly sorce gear with some medium armor simply because he A. Liked the look. and B. Thought that him being Immortal speced would make up for light and medium armoring, not to mention all of it being Willpower/Cunning/Endurance. When explained to him he didn't take it well either. Tried to argue that Willpower was more important for jugs than Strength. That Cunning gave him better results for Immortal.


Some people just don't care. Others are confused and believe that their opinion is what makes the mechanics and importance of stats work instead of the other way around. Yet fail to understand why are having such a hard time.

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Pretty powerfull statements you making there


DPS are stupid. They are not people, mere numbers. The ones who deserve respect will show themselves. Until then, don't bother.


This is what you learn after playing MMOs (specifically a tank) for years and years...and years...


Just be glad he wasn't a juggernaut. Probably has the worst players in this game.

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DPS are stupid. They are not people, mere numbers. The ones who deserve respect will show themselves. Until then, don't bother.


This is what you learn after playing MMOs (specifically a tank) for years and years...and years...


Just be glad he wasn't a juggernaut. Probably has the worst players in this game.

All three corners of the triangle require some level of discipline to avoid being a liability. DPS moreso, especially in multi-mob crowd control situations. I've had the good fortune of tanking with killer DPS. They were killer because they would wreck havoc until they drew aggro, then had the good sense to stand down until they fell off the aggro table.


Unless a group is so OP that they can just zerg everything ... If there's no tank then mobs are free to wipe the party = no win. If there's no healer then everyone dies = no win. If there's no DPS then the fight takes seemingly forever, but it can be won with patience & teamwork. (Enrage timers notwithstanding.) DPSers are at the bottom of the healer's pecking order and this is why.


If the tank dies it's the healer's fault. If the healer dies it's the tank's fault. If DPS dies it's their own damn fault.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Pretty powerfull statements you making there


Try tanking as your MMO career...jaded you will become.


As always...try to be nice, calmly explain this or that. But if they refuse to listen, or get lippy...why not replace? The masses are drawn to dps. You can't exactly blame them...almost no responsibility besides not engaging first, you get to see big numbers and make stuff die fast. But with that, brings many bad players. They're bad at a simple job.


So no, I think the only reason you were wrong is that you were too lenient. I think we've all been noobs at some point and made some stupid mistakes. But I like to think that most of us learned quickly, and accepted that advice with out mouthing off and screaming how you have a youtube channel that the gods subscribe to. (I'm assuming the last part)

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All three corners of the triangle require some level of discipline to avoid being a liability. DPS more so, especially in multi-mob crowd control situations. I've had the good fortune of tanking with killer DPS. They were killer because they would wreck havoc until they drew aggro, then had the good sense to stand down until they fell off the aggro table.


Unless a group is so OP that they don't need tanking or heals ... No tank & mobs are free to wipe the party = no win. No healer and everyone dies = no win. No DPS and the fight takes seemingly forever, but it can be won with patience & teamwork. DPSers are at the bottom of the healer's pecking order and this is why.


If the tank dies it's the healer's fault. If the healer dies it's the tank's fault. If DPS dies it's their own damn fault.


I agree, besides tht dps takes more discipline. As it is the flat out simplest job. (unless you're dealing with a very very bad tank, but this can be said for any role in ways) but to each their own.


This is why I friend list good dps lol.

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So are the people that think cause they are healers or tanks are somehow awesome, I've seen more tanks and healers fail with their hybrid trees than dps, matter of fact, I've had more fail tanks and healers than dps in the wrong stance/cell. To conclude being stupid, self entitled and believing you are special are not only seen in the dps but also in tanks (like you) and healers. :)


I don't think we see ourselves as special. Look at the numbers. I've seen plenty of bad tanks as well, and healers too (usually sorcerers...how are you in all 72s and proper 72s yet can't heal worth a damn?) But the numbers aren't on the dps side.


So I stand by my point =)

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