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commando hybrid build: what do you think and any ideas as to improve.


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There is no right way to be a hybrid commando.


The reason you don't see any hybrid commando stuff is because any attempts at leaving the defined trees of healer / solid dps / naff dps are penalised very harshly.


Yes you can make a naff dps tree worse. You do that by not speccing into it properly and lose out on even the stuff it can do.



You flat out have no significant benefit to healing, you won't be using the right cell for the filler heal + heal boost and have expensive heals.


You are not going far enough up either tree to use the mechanics of either DPS branch properly, you are losing out on the deliberately highly placed damage boosters at the top.


To sum up, hybrid cripples your damage and you still can't heal very well.

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Please dont be stupid and dont try this. If you want hybrid DPS then look into a 0/28/18 aka http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800ZrfforzRkcZfhrbzoM.3 but a hybrid healer is completely stupid and gimps your Healing so bad it isnt even funny. I do like the Hybrid 0/28/18 though for messing around in Warzones and PvE It works pretty well.


Now I am wondering which spec is worse between these 2.

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OK so basically what your saying there is no way to be an healer mind you a "support" healer not a main and still increase my dsp im trying to be viable for pvp/pve/ops I know its a tall order and i know i miss out on top tier attacks but I feel versatility is worth stepping outside the cookie cutter pure builds.


lets face it pve is mainly a joke but making a pvp/ops build where I can be versatile is what I really want.

what I was thinking with the 14/14/18 was : heals still pricy but cheaper than any pure dps tree and better as-well.


and by taking gunnery up to grave rounds i get more aim some dmg increases on bread and butter attacks and armor reducing which helps both my-own and my teams dmg on hard targets.


assault spec allows me to apply burn if up to 18 and when combined with gunnery my heavy shot will both hit hard and still refresh burn.


also i addressed the power cell recharge issue which is the biggest failing of the commando class full stop.


I would luv more input as how to do this?

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The biggest issue with any stance/cell/technique/cylinder/charge based class when it comes to hybrid is that each tree offers significant benefits to its particular stance. For example, Focus is only able to put out the huge AoE numbers because of Shi-Cho (which is necessary for Singularity > which buffs the damage of Force Sweep and auto-crits it). Similarly, the reason Gunnery hits as hard as it does is because it all builds: Grav Round debuffs the target increasing Armor Pen, proccing Full Auto (which is more buffed by the increased Armor Pen from Cell/debuff), boosting the damage of HiB, and you have the ammo to do all of it because of the Ammo refund for being in APC. Truthfully, Mando off-heals/off-DPS is some of the best in the game because you can throw a Kolto Bomb so often for so little Ammo in Gunnery, and you still have a HUGE arsenal of damaging attacks (Full Auto, HiB, Mortar Volley, etc) that can be used easily. There is no need to gimp yourself massively with a hybrid that spends too many points across too many trees.
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The biggest issue with any stance/cell/technique/cylinder/charge based class when it comes to hybrid is that each tree offers significant benefits to its particular stance. For example, Focus is only able to put out the huge AoE numbers because of Shi-Cho (which is necessary for Singularity > which buffs the damage of Force Sweep and auto-crits it). Similarly, the reason Gunnery hits as hard as it does is because it all builds: Grav Round debuffs the target increasing Armor Pen, proccing Full Auto (which is more buffed by the increased Armor Pen from Cell/debuff), boosting the damage of HiB, and you have the ammo to do all of it because of the Ammo refund for being in APC. Truthfully, Mando off-heals/off-DPS is some of the best in the game because you can throw a Kolto Bomb so often for so little Ammo in Gunnery, and you still have a HUGE arsenal of damaging attacks (Full Auto, HiB, Mortar Volley, etc) that can be used easily. There is no need to gimp yourself massively with a hybrid that spends too many points across too many trees.


ok so what is this mando off heals off dps build using gunnery piont wise look like?

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In Gunnery I can put up 125-200k healing easy, in conjunction with topping damage charts on the regular. On top of that, I am able to apply clutch heals often times for teammates that are in trouble. If youre trying for a jack of all trades build, I think this is as good as you are going to get: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bcMZMfcRrdRkfbsZc.3


7/36/3. Gives you the full damage potential of Gunny (which is too great to pass up if you are trying to DPS at all) and slightly quicker heals that are easier to cast under fire.


There are no real hybrids for Commando, unless you want to seriously gimp yourself.

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In Gunnery I can put up 125-200k healing easy, in conjunction with topping damage charts on the regular. On top of that, I am able to apply clutch heals often times for teammates that are in trouble. If youre trying for a jack of all trades build, I think this is as good as you are going to get: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bcMZMfcRrdRkfbsZc.3


7/36/3. Gives you the full damage potential of Gunny (which is too great to pass up if you are trying to DPS at all) and slightly quicker heals that are easier to cast under fire.


There are no real hybrids for Commando, unless you want to seriously gimp yourself.


I agree with the first part, but I'm not so certain about giving up the boosted Recharge Cells. That is going to seriously hinder you in PvE and in any extended fight in PvP. I honestly just don't see the need for speccing out of the DPS because while the heals are costly and long casts, you aren't meant to be healing constantly. If you are healing enough for those to become a problem, sh*t is hitting the fan and unless you full-on switch cells you're not going to accomplish much.

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I agree with the first part, but I'm not so certain about giving up the boosted Recharge Cells. That is going to seriously hinder you in PvE and in any extended fight in PvP. I honestly just don't see the need for speccing out of the DPS because while the heals are costly and long casts, you aren't meant to be healing constantly. If you are healing enough for those to become a problem, sh*t is hitting the fan and unless you full-on switch cells you're not going to accomplish much.


I have never taken that talent and I rarely have issues with ammo management in PvP.


But yeah, doing anything other than the rare casted off-heal and keeping Kolto Bomb on cooldown, you should be 100% focusing on DPS.


I use a 3/40/30 spec and do well.

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If you went up to say, supercharge cells, that would be decent spot heals and still being able to have most of your points in a dps tree, the issue with commando spot healing is you'd have to spend a GCD switching cells, whereas a sage can be crazy fast between the 2. Nibbon for example can go from heal to DPS spec within 15 seconds.


Also Oaceen, make my grenades plz.

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OK so what about this for maintaining dps and stay using plasma cell: i have 2 scrap heals but addressed possible low eng cells issue I think? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800MZrcfRrzRkcZfhrbzo.3


>< So very confused. You went way further up the Gunnery tree than the Assault tree yet want to use the Assault cell? Seriously, dude. Just go full Gunnery and use KM on CD. Its plenty of OH and is WAY less confusing than this. If you want to mess around with a hybrid there is an Assault/Gunnery hybrid somewhere on this first page of threads that would be way better than this.


Just looking at that build here are a few points that really just don't fit:


Gunnery - Steadied Aim (T1). I get the reasoning but in a hybrid you don't often have a lot of spare points to mess around with and while pushback is bad, I'd argue you're losing more DPS by not taking something that directly affects DD.

Gunnery - Heavy Trooper (T2). Increasing endurance is pointless and again, while increasing healing received is nice, its worthless for a DPS.

Gunnery - Concussive Force (T3). I'm sort of more confused now. You're taking a lot of PvP talents. Is this for PvP?

Gunnery - Tenacious Defense (T4). Again, if this isn't for PvP this is pretty pointless.

Gunnery - Charged Barrel (T4). You're being misled by the thought of using Grav Round to increase the damage of HiB. If this is meant to be for PvP, you're forcing yourself to turret in which case full Gunnery is going to deal better burst than a hybrid and have better survivability AND still get the instant cast heal.


I could go on but I'm definitely thinking this is a PvP build based on the talents you're taking and if its not then you've wasted a TON of points. Mate, I applaud you for trying to re-invent the wheel but the sad fact is that a wheel works because of its shape and Mandos work because of some very specific synergies which this hybrid throws out the window. The only decent hybrid I know of is the Assault/Gunnery hybrid which basically uses Gunnery to make up for not taking Assault Plastique (which is useless anyways) and in that case its still following the basic Synergies of the class. You're trying to have your cake and eat it too by getting the Armor pen from Gunnery and the increased damage to HiB in Plasma Cell. Its just not going to work.

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OK so what about this for maintaining dps and stay using plasma cell: i have 2 scrap heals but addressed possible low eng cells issue I think? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800MZrcfRrzRkcZfhrbzo.3


SO much ammo issues with this spec is the problem. Both CB and GR are gonna cost 19 ammo. I'm guessing the idea is to spam GR for the CoF reset and the charged barrel, and depend on FA to reset your HiB. It's a cute idea but I think you're just going to be writing an ammo cost that your bar can't cash.


Put up a parse though. You don't gimp anyone by getting on a dummy and making a proof of concept.

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OK then so cooky cutter it is then. but which one?


Cash gave you probably the best of what you can look for--good focus on a DPS tree with a few talents that will help you do some off heals by getting them off faster and with less pushback. It's basically what I'm doing with my Scrapper Scoundrel. I might respec out of it if I keep not being able to heal much even after a long fight is done, but we'll see. It's nice for off healing in Flashpoints.


It'd maybe be nice if hybrids were more possible, but Bioware really doesn't like them with their design choices. They want you to focus on one tree and see it as a flaw when people find a hybrid that works better. Commando's trees are pretty much without accidental hybrid options (the hybrid builds you see from Vanguards are getting phased out by dev design, or they're trying to, at least).

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