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Arsenal Merc Rotation?


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Hey everyone


Decided to dust off my Arsenal Merc as he was my first toon in this game and I feel that I've neglected him for nearly a year :(


I've levelled him from 50 to 55 and have him geared in purple 66 mods. What is the current optimised rotation? My go to rotation right now is:


TM>TM>RS>UL>HSM>TM (until barrage procs)>UL....


I appreciate that may be pretty old hat now so looking to hear feedback on any suggested improvements :) Also how are players using Electro Net? It's long CD suggests holding it in reserve for stealthers or leapers? Or using it as an escape tool?



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The main difference is whether you use Railshot on CD or mostly withhold it for movement and burst.


Campaign or older armour has a set bonus which makes Railshot free = use every time its available


DG or UW or KD has a set bonus which increases Railshot damage but it costs you heat which then slows down chances of getting UL procs.



Otherwise you shuttle between tracer, unload procs and rapid shots.


Use electronet on cooldown because the damage for the cost is huge.


In PVP you use enet to cripple players, slowing them and/or forcing them to take damage and/or burn their cc break. How they react depends on what they are and what they are doing but it's a very weakening ability to be hit with.

Edited by Gyronamics
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The main difference is whether you use Railshot on CD or mostly withhold it for movement and burst.


Campaign or older armour has a set bonus which makes Railshot free = use every time its available


DG or UW or KD has a set bonus which increases Railshot damage but it costs you heat which then slows down chances of getting UL procs.



Otherwise you shuttle between tracer, unload procs and rapid shots.


Use electronet on cooldown because the damage for the cost is huge.


In PVP you use enet to cripple players, slowing them and/or forcing them to take damage and/or burn their cc break. How they react depends on what they are and what they are doing but it's a very weakening ability to be hit with.


Thanks for the info, really appreciated.


As a general statement I am using RS on CD certainly for the first couple of rotations, then I tend to hold it back in case I need some burst...


Sounds like I need to mix in some rapid shots which I will experiement with as I am not using it at all currently. Had a play around with Enet and like it a lot, should Enet be literally first attack in my rotation whenever it's off CD?



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Just my two cents worth but for my opener I go: BA relic>adrenal>TM>HSM>Power surge>thermal sensor override>fusion missile>TM>Rail shot>unload.


Hits like a truck.


And I usually use rail shot with 4 or 5 stacks of power screen(? Whatever the buff is called).


Hope this helps!


Thanks :)


That looks like an interestign opener, will give that a try too!!



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Just my two cents worth but for my opener I go: BA relic>adrenal>TM>HSM>Power surge>thermal sensor override>fusion missile>TM>Rail shot>unload.


Hits like a truck.


And I usually use rail shot with 4 or 5 stacks of power screen(? Whatever the buff is called).


Hope this helps!


You don't need power surge for fusion missile, its cast is within the GCD so its not worth it. Its important to note in arsenal that any time not casting (gcd included) is a dps loss, so you always want to use any instant ability immediately on the tail of a cast/channel, and then follow again with another cast.


So a point in your rotation might look like this. Tm > HSM > TM > RS

Also Unload > everything

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So when would be the ideal time to use PS then? If it gives you two instacast abilities....


Instant cast is deceptive, since the only casts used by arsenal are TM and the occasional fusion missile, and both are 1.5 second casts (within GCD) it isn't a dps boost to use power surge.


PS use is for when you have to either dps while running, or for that "oh sh*t" moment where you use it to instant rapid scan yourself.

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My usual opener (translated from Commando-ese) is

Tracer Missile -> TM -> TM -> Rail Shot -> Heat Seeker Missiles -> Unload


From then on, I spam TM as a filler, using RS and HSM on every cooldown, and UL whenever it's up. Focus on keeping the cooldowns ticking on RS and HSM, since they are on a strict 15s cooldown. The internal rate limit on Barrage, however, measures from the most recent Barrage proc, not from the last time Unload was used, so feel free to let the Barrage buff get a few seconds stale in order to fire off RS and HSM.

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Haha have had one or two of those moments alright! Cool, will remove it from my rotation and use it in certain cases like Kephess final phase in TFB and final phase of Styrak.


For kephess I would just go assault/pyro its considerably much better dps on that boss

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Speaking from a pve perspective, you guys use Unload a lot less than I do. IMO Unload is your bread and butter ability as Arsenal. The whole functionality of your rotation should be to optimize Unload procs. That is why (with the exception of HSM), I save my instants to use after I proc Unload. That gives me abilities to use in the 6 sec interregnum when I can't proc Unload and thus will not be using TM. That is my movement window. HSM is an exception because it does so much damage that I want to use it on CD.


In the PvP environment that all goes out the window of course...

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Not sure if you are focusing on PvE or PvP. My replies are based on PvP. Random tips:


When possible, use HSM and RS back-to-back. Assuming you have already hit with a Tracer, this is our biggest 1-2 punch / biggest burst. Spacing them out takes that away.


If you take damage during Unload, you lose the final tick of damage output and so you may as well not wait for it to finish channeling.


Use Kolto Missile as much as possible*. Not during DPS rotations, but when repositioning and LOSing. You should be frequently repositioning yourself (aka moving to a better spot) and if HSM and RS are not available, a Kolto Missile can be better then a Rapid Shot (since you are moving and options are limited). Especially when allies are near. I frequently get 150-175k of off-healing mainly from using Kolto Missile at times where I'm not attacking.


We have lots of escapes that should be used before Electro Net. I'd be happy with never having to use EN once during a WZ. In most cases, I will use all the following escapes before using EN:

1) Jet Boost (20s CD so can be used twice in many fights)

2) Hydraulic Overrides (15s CD so can be used twice)

3) Rocket Punch (roots the target so is good to use before HO

4) Stun Dart (long cooldown so I use when the above options are not available)

5) Electro Net (such a long CD that you need to be sure its required for the kill or survival)

6) Power Surge + Concussion Missile (30m instant cast CC, and then the second charge of PS is an instant Rapid Scan while on the run)


Times when I use Electro Net first, instead of last:

1) When I need to take out an Op healer that I expect to Vanish (stealth out) in a few seconds

2) When I need to win a 1 on 1 at a node or any important time

3) When someone is running the huttball (pretty much anyone who isnt about to pass gets my EN)

4) When I need extra DPS to burn someone down before help arrives, at a vital point in the game only


Rotation varies by situation. But the key is to plan where to move next. For example, I run up to a node and fire 2 Tracer Missiles at someone. In a few seconds, I will have the attention of a couple enemies. At this point, you use HSM and RS as you move to a LOS position where you can hit your target, but other enemies can't hit you. Then you drop a couple more Tracers or Unload or whatever, and when they start to focus you.....you use instants as you relocate again (with Hydraulic Overrides) so only 1 enemy has LOS to you. (This is where Kolto Missile is killer....while you move to your new spot, your rotation can be something like Kolto Missile, HSM, RS, Kolto Missile. That's much better than HSM, RS, Rapid Shot, Rapid Shot.


The key is only using escape abilities for Melee toons who can shred you. No randomly stunning people or random knockbacks. For ranged enemies, you can Hydraulic Override and get to a position to LOS them, as you attack someone else.


1) Attack from a stationary position for as long as possible

2) When "they" focus you, pop HO and move to a position that blocks LOS from most enemies, and heal while moving (meaning: You LOS everyone but the 1 guy you are attacking)

3) Repeat

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