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Returning Player From Beta, Need a Quick Paraphrased Update


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Just as the title says I need a paraphrased update on changes made to the game since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Stopped playing due to a new baby and now I am back. Here are a few things I would like people to cover just to help me out the quickest way possible. (Read the patch notes, thats a lot of patch notes)


1) Low Level Pvp Vendor: I read the vendors are now on Home planets, Do they sell lvl 50 gear?

2) Bolster: Used to amplify your stats by lik 5-10% but now I see expertise how does Bolster work now? ex. If i have the best gear in slot for my lvl does that bump my stats up to lvl 54? What is the low level cap for stats in Warzones?

3) Prophecy of the Five: Are there any active guilds? I had 3 toons in three different guilds. When I logged on no matter what time I was the only active player. Are there any decent capacity active guilds (prefer pvp oriented)?

4) Read Alacrity now applies to every class, is alacrity a stat on ever classes gear? Is it beneficial for melee classes?


Any additional helpful information anyone has will be greatly appreciated.

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1) congrats for your kid

2)the lowe level pvp vendors are now on the capital planets ex Dromund,but here is no level 50 pvp gear

3)bolster makes your stats to be almost equal with every1 stats(i am not sure about that)i say so becouse as pt level 49 i got 1994 expertise in pvp

4)depends on what servers u play,i play on the Tomb of Fredon nadd and if i am not wrong there is actualy a guild called prophecy of the five and they were active yesterday,about other pvp guild i know one that is making good job in pvp dont remember the name(true on the fredon nadd)again depends what server u are

5)i am not knowing anything for sure but i readed that there is alarcity on every piece of gear of every class about how it effects and the others thing i dont know sory this is all i know and again say hello to your kid from me :p

Edited by EpickFaill
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Just as the title says I need a paraphrased update on changes made to the game since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Stopped playing due to a new baby and now I am back. Here are a few things I would like people to cover just to help me out the quickest way possible. (Read the patch notes, thats a lot of patch notes)


1) Low Level Pvp Vendor: I read the vendors are now on Home planets, Do they sell lvl 50 gear?

2) Bolster: Used to amplify your stats by lik 5-10% but now I see expertise how does Bolster work now? ex. If i have the best gear in slot for my lvl does that bump my stats up to lvl 54? What is the low level cap for stats in Warzones?

3) Prophecy of the Five: Are there any active guilds? I had 3 toons in three different guilds. When I logged on no matter what time I was the only active player. Are there any decent capacity active guilds (prefer pvp oriented)?

4) Read Alacrity now applies to every class, is alacrity a stat on ever classes gear? Is it beneficial for melee classes?


Any additional helpful information anyone has will be greatly appreciated.


I also played in the Beta and didn't play in the release until the FTP option last fall.


First, I suggest you read/watch the BioWare summaries / advertisements for the various Game Updates starting with Game Update 1.1: http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/1.1-rise-of-the-rakghouls . There are links to the other updates at the bottom of that page. It helped me know what was new to the game when I came back. (PS: Game Update 1.1 was the smallest Game Update to date, since it was only 1.5 months after the release.)


Second, I suggest you go to the appropriate Server Forum and look for an active guild: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=309 . My guess is that your current guilds are not active after almost 2 years.


Third, the answers to your questions:

  1. PvP vendors are now on Coruscant/Dromund Kaas and in the "Combat Training" section of the fleet. The ones on the homeworlds only sell PvE gear for lvl 20 and lvl 40 players (although the gear can be modded to work with lvl 50+ players.) These vendors are also on the fleet along with vendors for various PvP items. There are 10 additional vendors on the fleet that sell 2 ranks of PvP gear available to lvl 55 players that is the real PvP gear with Expertise stat. Note that the lowest rank of lvl 55 PvP gear will be removed in an upcoming patch and be replaced with a higher set of gear. With that in mind, I would wait until update 2.4 comes out to get your lvl 55 PvP gear.
  2. Bolster boosts everyone up to "basic" lvl 55 stats no matter what their lvl is. The exception is if you have any expertise on your gear or have a gear slot open: it will not bolster gear with expertise correctly and only bolsters empty slots up to half their regularly bolstered value. The lvl 55 PvP gear mentioned earlier will sell gear that has stats better than the normal bolstered amount. (However, PvP gear and bolstered gear still have the same expertise.) All classes lvl 10+ are bolstered now the same in Warzones and certain areas; the exception for this rule is on the Western Shelf of Ilum, where only lvl 50+ are bolstered.
  3. EDIT: Wow, I can't read. Prophecy of the Five's server is not gone: the server's forums are at http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=381. Check this forum I mentioned earlier for an active guild on your new server. I suggest keeping all your characters on one server to get Legacy buffs and to keep all your characters of the same faction in the same guild.
  4. Alacrity affects all classes. It increases the energy regen of all classes except Knight and Warrior. It reduces the activation/channel times of all moves and reduces the Global Cooldown of instant moves. Alacrity is only marginally effective to the melee classes, since most of their moves are instant and it does not effect the energy regen of Warriors and Knights. (BioWare is currently looking into making Alacrity better for Knights/Warriors.)


EDIT: As a post below mentioned, I cannot read the server listing page. Prophecy of the Five is not gone. I thought it was removed in the great purge of the servers, but it stuck around.

Edited by Bstr
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Thanks the both of you information really helped I will definitely look into those links. I read the patch notes blah. Will watch the video sounds WAY!!!!!! better. PoT5 dead never even looked to see what server I was on lol. Bolster makes sense some of my toons still had on BM and were hitting like a wet noodle. Now that makes sense.
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Sorry to break it to you, but the Prophecy of the Five server does not exist anymore.
Dunno where you got the idea it doesn't exist anymore. It's still listed on the Server Status page. It's also in the Server selection list in game. And I just logged into it and made a new character.


Pretty strange for a server that "doesn't exist anymore".

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Thanks the both of you information really helped I will definitely look into those links. I read the patch notes blah. Will watch the video sounds WAY!!!!!! better. PoT5 dead never even looked to see what server I was on lol. Bolster makes sense some of my toons still had on BM and were hitting like a wet noodle. Now that makes sense.


Any PvP gear older than War Hero / Elite War Hero is now extremely bad in PvP with 2.0. If you like the shells, I would keep them around and put mods in them: some people like to show off their old PvP gear. Otherwise, vendor them.

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Just saw that a little while ago that PoT5 was still there. I applied to TAW they sent me a tell in-game. Yeah all of my toons get raped and have on war-hero was throwing me for a loop. So I am guessing Makeb Gear PVE is better? Where would I purchase mods from GTN or is there a Makeb comm vendor tips are greatly appreciated.
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Just saw that a little while ago that PoT5 was still there. I applied to TAW they sent me a tell in-game. Yeah all of my toons get raped and have on war-hero was throwing me for a loop. So I am guessing Makeb Gear PVE is better? Where would I purchase mods from GTN or is there a Makeb comm vendor tips are greatly appreciated.


Ya, I can't read correctly. I edited my post earlier to show the PoT5 is still here.


There is a technically named "Makeb" vendor in the supplies section. However, you get get lvl 50 gear for different comms from multiple places.


Check to see what comms you currently have:

  • If you have any Dread Guard disassembled pieces, go to the "Classic Gear" vendor. This gear is the best gear for lvl 50s: Dread Guard gear. These can only be obtained through certain operations. Some lvl 55 still use their Dread Guard gear because it has a better set bonus (bonuses for wearing 2 or 4 pieces of the same armor.)
  • Classic Comms: Go to the "Classic Gear" vendor in the fleet. Look for the vendor under the sign for your class: it is closer to the center of the fleet in the "Supplies" section. These have the second best gear for lvl 50: Campaign gear. This gear also has set bonuses that can combine with Dread Guard gear. Lvl 50 dailies and HM Flashpoints give these out now.
  • (Not associated with any comms: the Black Hole gear from HM Flashpoints and the end of lvl 50 SM Flashpoints are the third best.)
  • Basic Comms: Go to the "Basic Gear" vendor right next to the "Classic Gear" vendor. Only has a few pieces available for lvl 50. Mostly claimed by doing Group Finder missions at lvl 51 or the new Makeb and Czerka dailies.
  • Planetary Comms: The "Makeb" vendor is the one at the end of the regular planetary comm vendors. It is on the outside circle of the fleet in the "Supplies" section at the opposite side of the Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban/Hutta vendors. It should have the symbol of a white medal on a blue background above its door.
  • If you have any other older disassembled pieces, there is a vendor that can exchange these pieces for Classic Comms on the Vanguard ship on the fleet.
  • If you have older PvP comms, the vendors in the "Combat Training" section of the fleet should be able to exchange them to Warzone comms.
  • If you have any PvE comms that are not Classic, Planetary, Basic, Elite, or Ultimate, let us know. You may have to do like a guildmate of mine did and submit a ticket to have them converted. They should have all been converted to Classic or Planetary comms.

Edited by Bstr
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  • 2 months later...

I am also returning after a long period (about 18 months).

My Sorcerer is now level 51 (after some missions on Makeb).

I have very few commendations, not nearly enough for even one piece of Classic, Makeb or Basic gear.


So my question is, what would be a good gear set while I earn Comm's?

I am looking at the Prototype Ancient Seeker set on the market.

Is that a decent choice?

Is there a better choice?

I have plenty of credits, but my current gear is almost 2 year old PVP gear (128 rating and DPS, I want Heal hear).

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Just saw that a little while ago that PoT5 was still there. I applied to TAW they sent me a tell in-game. Yeah all of my toons get raped and have on war-hero was throwing me for a loop. So I am guessing Makeb Gear PVE is better? Where would I purchase mods from GTN or is there a Makeb comm vendor tips are greatly appreciated.


This is for PVP only...

i know this may sound dumb. But it is what i do.


For my lvl 49-55 chars i throw blue lvl 41 mods/armors/enhancements on adaptive gear priority stats is Main stat > power > Surge for healers/dpser's


Wear Light/Dark side lvl 43 relics from vendor in GTN section of fleet. and wearing lv 40-45 ear/implants helps as well.


what this does at lvl 49-55 is boosts your stats to maximum expertise / hp

Unfortunately wearing lvl 53 blue mods/armor/enh makes you have less hp/expertise because of how bolster works you will hinder yourself.


Basically with my lvl 55 guardian in full lv53 blue mods i am at 26k hp w/ bolster.

However with wearing lvl 41blue mods. i go to almost 31k.... so yah.

I got conqueror relics and i switched them out with my green relics and i actually lose a little overall hp/exp it is a tiny amount but still quite annoying.


hopefully this helps and you don't get raped so much

Edited by Strixs
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