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Vibroswords and Maruaders


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I became a arms tech to make awsome weapons for my companions and my maruader. the one problem I noticed however is vibroswords are main hand only. this makes my maruader very sad. i just dumped hours of gametime and 1000s of cred breaking vibro warblades and making my first purple but now i cant evne make another to dual wield. hopefully a small change can be made to these swords so that i can wield one in each hand.


alo the sword i happened to make was a mastercrafted so it has an augment slot but i dont't know where to find the augments? can anyone help me with this I try the commendation vendors but didnt see any

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also why are vibro swords loaded with tank stats? couldn't they add dps vibroswords? I have to break a vibro sword all the way to purple just to get some dps stats added on.


is there a suggestions forum I could post this in? I really like the style of vibroswords and im hoping to make an operative that uses vibro knives next but i also here that knives are having problems aswell. I dont want to have a profession thats only good at making guns.

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also why are vibro swords loaded with tank stats? couldn't they add dps vibroswords? I have to break a vibro sword all the way to purple just to get some dps stats added on.


is there a suggestions forum I could post this in? I really like the style of vibroswords and im hoping to make an operative that uses vibro knives next but i also here that knives are having problems aswell. I dont want to have a profession thats only good at making guns.


what do you mean problems with knives?


My op rarely shoots his gun - i only shoot when Shive, Deblitate, Backstabe, are on cooldown. And I'm healing speced! When i was Concealment speced i had even -more- knife based skills.

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  • 2 months later...

Sounds like a problem with crafting and not vibroswords in general but rather the crafted ones..


The ones from the vendors are either hand so can use two.. and there are some that have the mods (Crystal, Hilt, mod, Ench)


The one pain with the vendor ones is all the mod-able ones don't show when not drawn.. although have seen one NPC with the same looking blade that i use visible while not drawn..


Just worked on finding out what level the 1st one that is visible and dual so that i can check if it will be visible with two..

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also why are vibro swords loaded with tank stats? couldn't they add dps vibroswords? I have to break a vibro sword all the way to purple just to get some dps stats added on.


is there a suggestions forum I could post this in? I really like the style of vibroswords and im hoping to make an operative that uses vibro knives next but i also here that knives are having problems aswell. I dont want to have a profession thats only good at making guns.


They were designed for tank companions. Lightsabers are the weapon of choice for Force users.

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You can get Vendor Vibroswords that are moddable to your desire. I recommend the one from...Hoth I think, as they look like the giant, menacing, shock-poker swords that Khem Val starts with.


Petitioning for KOTOR Vibroswords plox; The ones that sorta looked like straight-edged wannabe katanas.

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