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If Bioware spent one whole patch on fixing ability delay...


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I mean all ability delay: combat, dismounting, player quest actions, you name it. If they could fix this in one patch (forget new content), would you guys be happy with it?


I know it frustrates the heck out of me when you have that "lag time" before death, because the ability you clicked got delayed by 1-2 sec.

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I wonder if your not noticing it because you just didnt notice, or if it didnt happen to you?


The ability delay or ability misfire happens all the time to me. If I'm not really paying attention then maybe I wouldnt notice it. But when I'm watch the dmg pop up and see that I hit for 4k, 4k, 4k...nothing ....huh....where was the dmg there? You hit the ability, the GCD activated, but no dmg came of it. You start looking at it more often and realize it happens quite regularly. You hit an ability and nothing happens, no dmg, no miss, nothing. Many times your char. will begin the animation but not finish it.


There are some video's that probably better describe it. One shows a vanguard just using his anytime attack over and over again on a champ mob and you get to watch every 5-10 attacks misfire and nothing happen for the entire fight.


If I said every 5 attacks 1 wouldnt do anything, but still use your GCD? thats potentially 20% of your dmg or heals. Its the difference between winning a fight and losing. Even if its just 1 in every 10 attacks....your still talking about 10% dmg loss.


Its a big issue and its never been confirmed by Bioware. They will continue to ignore this because I doubt they know how to fix it without rewriting the game entirely, and even then it'd probably still happen.

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If they fixed ability delay instead of giving me something new, I would personally fly out to Austin and BBQ them all steaks on my dime. Ability delay is the single reason my mouse hovers over the unsub option every week. My favorite is when the pulse cannon on my VG doesn't go off right (ability animation fires, GCD is triggered, nothing happens), and I watch the pack of mobs I'm attacking peel off and go after the DPS during raids. It's so damn annoying, and has been a problem for so long, and the communication on the issue has been so lackluster.


FFS Bioware, fix this already. If it's an engine issue and you can't, come right the hell out and say you can't fix it. That way, I won't bother tanking anymore, and can roll a nice, safe, DPS. I'll take five times as long to queue for FP's, and I might not be taken along on some raids because of redundancy, but at least I won't throw my headphones or mice across the room anymore.

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Like most things wrong with the game (and don't get me wrong, I like it a lot), I'm sure the engine is difficult to work with to fix this problem. Otherwise, the devs would have addressed it fully by now.


Maybe not as hopeless as having a "Join the Battle" experience actually in SWTOR (even 16 players on screen at once gets difficult sometimes), but unlikely to be fully resolved unfortunately.

Edited by arunav
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I mean all ability delay: combat, dismounting, player quest actions, you name it. If they could fix this in one patch (forget new content), would you guys be happy with it?


I know it frustrates the heck out of me when you have that "lag time" before death, because the ability you clicked got delayed by 1-2 sec.


I remember, once upon a time, the forum community of SWG begging the devs to just spend one patch fixing longstanding bugs. The players BEGGED them to spend a patch fixing them. They said they didn't need anything new for a patch if they would just fix those bugs! Finally they did it - the Bug Bash, that corrected a lot of longstanding issues.


Know what the community's response was?




When the community says just take a patch to fix bugs, history shows the community is full of crap.

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I wonder if your not noticing it because you just didnt notice, or if it didnt happen to you?


Could be a possibility. If it has happened, then it obviously has never been in away that it cost me a matchup or a encounter.

Edited by Nickious
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I mean all ability delay: combat, dismounting, player quest actions, you name it. If they could fix this in one patch (forget new content), would you guys be happy with it?


I know it frustrates the heck out of me when you have that "lag time" before death, because the ability you clicked got delayed by 1-2 sec.




I would actually pay $5 for this "patch" if it was sold as DLC lol. That's how much I want it to happen.

LoTRO and WoW have it, why can't TOR?


Ability button hit, ability not used yet global cooldown applies. FIX THIS


I assume this "theoretical patch" would fix this issue as well.

Edited by TheLexinator
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Thread number 156734 by an OP who doesn't understand how game development works.


I have no idea what point you're trying to get across. Why is it wrong to ask for an improvement in basic gameplay? I paid for the game and paid for the sub. Sorry to sound so harsh, but you sound like a Biodrone who believes that Bioware can do no wrong-that if there is a glaring bug then we should say to ourselves "This is because I have no idea how gameplay works." Sorry, not buying that.

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I mean all ability delay: combat, dismounting, player quest actions, you name it. If they could fix this in one patch (forget new content), would you guys be happy with it?


I know it frustrates the heck out of me when you have that "lag time" before death, because the ability you clicked got delayed by 1-2 sec.


Valid point, and yes. This, among all the nonsense we see here, is worth discussion not only within the realm of the spacific item, but an entire "bug-patch".

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Thread number 156734 by an OP who doesn't understand how game development works.


Please for the love of all that's Star Wars explain what we're not understanding here? There have been 156734 threads because no one from Bioware has commented on any progress to fix this. So please, break it down for us. I'm being entirely serious here.


Personally, I think it's an engine issue. I think their bastardized version of the Hero engine is causing this delay, and given the amount of time we have been griping about it, I don't believe they can fix it.

Edited by gorstram
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The first time I encountered it was with the BH channel attack (cant remember the name now, full auto maybe?) back prior to 1.2


Then I really noticed it with Ravage. These abilities have sorta been fixed. They use to start, go through the animation, and not do a damn thing. When they fixed it, I think what they did was make it to where if the ability didnt fire witin 1.5 secs it would restart the ability.


So now when I use ravage I get the first and sometimes the second hit off, then see my char jump back and do the first hit all over again.


This is why some people see the ability delay.


However on non channeled abilities it doesnt simply restart the ability, it takes the GCD but still does nothing, but you can recast it immediately.


Most of the time you'll notice this with cooldown abilities, cause it wont go on cooldown, but every once in awhile it takes the cooldown, and still doesnt go off.

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I remember, once upon a time, the forum community of SWG begging the devs to just spend one patch fixing longstanding bugs. The players BEGGED them to spend a patch fixing them. They said they didn't need anything new for a patch if they would just fix those bugs! Finally they did it - the Bug Bash, that corrected a lot of longstanding issues.


Know what the community's response was?




When the community says just take a patch to fix bugs, history shows the community is full of crap.



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I mean all ability delay: combat, dismounting, player quest actions, you name it. If they could fix this in one patch (forget new content), would you guys be happy with it?


I know it frustrates the heck out of me when you have that "lag time" before death, because the ability you clicked got delayed by 1-2 sec.


That delay is usually caused by lag, which is caused by physical restrictions on how your computer accesses the server. (Do a course of computers and how the internet works if you're curious) This is beyond the ability of a patch to fix, in fact it's beyond the ability of EA to fix, or any single company.

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Please for the love of all that's Star Wars explain what we're not understanding here? There have been 156734 threads because no one from Bioware has commented on any progress to fix this. So please, break it down for us. I'm being entirely serious here.


Personally, I think it's an engine issue. I think their bastardized version of the Hero engine is causing this delay, and given the amount of time we have been griping about it, I don't believe they can fix it.


I'm commenting on the premise of the OP title.


What the OP suggests is that the developers STOP doing everything else and work on ability delay ( which yes, ultimately needs fixed).


What I am telling you is that game development doesn't work that way. Not everyone has the same set of skills nor do they ever look at portions of the game or code that they have nothing to do with. You have modeler a, map designers, class balance designers, server code maintenance, client maintenance, animation specialists. Its all specialized and normally these people are organized into cross functional teams.


Joe Bob the modeler has NOTHING to do with ability delays. He just fixes and creates models. Asking him to STOP making content because of the ability delay is absurd and a terrible waste of time.


Its not a assembly line. The teams don't stop making content because one issue is still open.


Get it?


Look, I don't know why ability delay doesn't work but asking for a big patch to just fix bug issues is not realistic nor should you ever expect unless bioware specifically says it is. They might from time to time make small bug fixes but the modelers and designers don't stop working on their content.

Edited by Arkerus
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While not every department has an impact on certain bugs, all departments have buggs that they can impact. Make sense?


For example


The art department should be working on all the damn clipping issues.

The class balance team could be working on animation issues, and probably have something to help with ability delay or sluggish performance.

The world design crew can work on the 10 billion places we are constantly getting stuck in.

The engineers could work on the delay and lag and misfire issues.


Ultimately there are enough bugs in the game to really spend some time working them out.


Now would I want them to skip a patch cycle? I dont know. Perhaps the first patch cycle after an expansion would be ok. Didnt they skip a content patch cycle after 2.0 and used a CM Patch for like 2.1 instead? So there is an opportunity while people are focusing on a new planet with new ops and fps and wz to really spend some time cleaning up the kitchen...as it were.

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