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Darth Thanaton runs the PT gauntlet!


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OK lets not be ridiculous now. Really their is a lot of PT fanboyism going on on these forums. Hopefully facts and evidence will make a reappearance soon...


Surprised the "f" word made an appearance so early, and in such an unnecessary fashion.


*Tsk Tsk*

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He knew the Wrath wished to Challenge Baras.

He knew Baras was calling himself the Voice.

He knew the Warrior called himself the Wrath.


The Draahg point is moot, it's pretty obvious the Death Field was designed for exactly that, and I doubt many could escape it...


And Just because he sent Bounty hunters after him doesn't mean he's weak, we all know in those days Bounty hunters knew exactly how to take down Jedi and Sith, perhaps Baras knew it would humiliate Vowrawn and his allies, and Perhaps Baras thought whilst fighting a war for Correllia, Vowrawn would be susceptible to assassination attempts like that...

He thought Baras and the Wrath were still working together, and therefore thought the Wrath was going to kill him. Did he try to destroy the Wrath his his 'unstoppable power in the Force'? No, because he doesn't have any. Regardless even if we assume that all of what you say is true, he still has no reason to feign weakness. You have no actual evidence to support that, at all. Nowhere is it stated that Vowrawn is considerably powerful, all we know is he's old, he's cunning and he appears weak. The logical assumption to draw from this is that much like Xedrix his powers have withered over time but he has managed to retain his seat on the Council thanks to his cunning nature.


There are no accounts whatsoever of Vowrawn dominating his enemies of being powerful in the Force, whereas concerning figures such as Marr, Baras and Jadus, their power in the dark side of the Force is noted on numerously. Instead the SWTOR Enclyopedia remarks:


"As an elder statesman and pureblood Sith, Vowrawn commands respect for holding his Dark Council seat for decades, a rare feat in the world of backstabbing and treachery that define Sith politics. Vowrawn survived largely due to his reputation as a master gamesman."


No mention of his supposedly immense Force abilities at all.


And then he have his confrontation with Draahg. The point is not moot as you did not notice how Vowrawn is tossed aside like a ragdoll, his Force shields (which should be incredibly strong) torn to shreds. Nor do you take into account that if Draahg can incapacitate and kill highly powerful Sith Lords with a little preparation, why he did not use this same power against the Wrath. What is it tied into Vowrawn's genetic code or something?


And are we also to believe that with a little special training, non-Force sensitives can take down highly powerful Dark Council members? Really? If that were the case wouldn't they have been a little bit more than bantha fodder for the Wrath? Do you really think Baras would have entrusted the assassination of a Dark Council member to a bounty hunter? Would he not have sent a Sith Warrior, or assassin? Did he perhaps think they'd get lucky? That Vowrawn would be too distracted by the conflict to turn charge his lightsaber or something? How many more assumptions must we make for this theory to work? And why did the writers not care to make it apparent? Did they forget?


It doesn't make any sense, at all. And on top of that, there is no actual evidence whatsoever to support it! Lets stop with these maybes' and perhaps' and just accept that Thanaton is not the weakest member of the Dark Council. Please.

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Surprised the "f" word made an appearance so early, and in such an unnecessary fashion.


*Tsk Tsk*

No offense, but so far the opposition hasn't actually brought any evidence to the table to suggest my arguments are incorrect. If you have some reasoning behind your claims, I implore you to share.


Instead its just 'assumed' that Dooku would of course, obviously win. And that any opinion to the contrary is apparently laughably ignorant.


And on top of that Yoda is now soloing the Dark Council, Thanaton is supposedly the weak, and Vowrawn is supposedly an immensely powerful Sith, but just 'pretends' to be weak.


What next? Evidence maybe?

Edited by Beniboybling
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It doesn't make any sense, at all. And on top of that, there is no actual evidence whatsoever to support it! Lets stop with these maybes' and perhaps' and just accept that Thanaton is not the weakest member of the Dark Council. Please.


We're not going to agree on Vowrawn, let's drop it, it's not really that important to a Darth Thanaton debate anyway. This all sprang up because you didn't believe there was a quote saying that Nox is the weakestt council member, and if we could get Rayla or anyone else to find that quote, we could undo this discussion in one go.

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Using Wookieepedia to come to that conclusion?
Perhaps I didn't get the memo. I wasn't aware Wookieepedia was wit holding important information on Dooku's abilities.


Regardless, I don't need to read Wookieepedia to know Darth Thanaton is more powerful than Dooku. His clearly documented accomplishments speak for themselves, accomplishments that surpass Dooku in every way bar lightsaber combat. The harsh reality is, he is just better. One doesn't ascend to the Dark Council by being a chump.

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No offense, but so far the opposition hasn't actually brought any evidence to the table to suggest my arguments are incorrect. If you have some reasoning behind your claims, I implore you to share.


I will paraphrase myself here.


"My friend, if I told you everything, what would be the point of all this?"

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So, apparently, my point is lost on you?
Yes, because you don't have a point!


EDIT: Wait, now I think about it I do recall something in Dark Rendezvous about Dooku feigning weakness to lull Sidious into a false sense of security, when he actual fact he was twice as powerful as he appeared to be. However it would seem in his duel with Anakin he was forced to maintain the ruse and was killed as such. Kinda backfired.


EDIT: Regardless their is sufficient evidence to support the fact that Thanaton was doing the same, with the intent of fooling Nox into challenging him. I mean why do you think he kept claiming he was more powerful when Nox defeated him fair and square? But of course in the end he took it too far...

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I do actually. And I feel that it has been made painfully obvious over the past few weeks.
Anyone good at puzzles? Cause we got some serious pieces to put together.


My guess is Aurbere has is being monitored by a top secret agency, and his cryptic messages are in fact a cry for help. Someone check for encrypted messages.


EDIT: Wait, scrap that. Aurbere is actually a Jedi, and he's testing for fellow members of his order by spamming cryptic messages and seeing is we can understand them. Sorry Aurbere, we aren't the Jedi your looking for...

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I'm gonna try to blow some fresh air into the discussion. Thanaton's strength lies in the forgotten secrets/techniques of the force (the dark side specifically).

After Anakin the question is pretty much the same for every opponent: Can they shield themself against Thanaton's force techniques or create enough pressure on Thanaton so he never gets a chance to use them?

This brings us to another question (which we probably won't find an answer to): Does shielding against Thanaton's techniques/rituals require a specific countertechnique, or can a smart force user improvise against Thanatons attacks through the force?

I don't know enough about any of the other opponents, but in the case of Count Dooku I think that his knowledge about and his skill with the force is good enough to defend himself. I only fear that he might be too vain to improvise once Thanaton starts using unorthodox techniques.

I can see Dooku loose to his pride in this battle, if Thanaton makes it this far.

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Anyone good at puzzles? Cause we got some serious pieces to put together.


My guess is Aurbere has is being monitored by a top secret agency, and his cryptic messages are in fact a cry for help. Someone check for encrypted messages.




Alright, all I'm saying is that Wookieepedia does not do Dooku justice. In order to learn everything about Star Wars, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of Wookieepedia.


Been trying to fit that quote in for the longest time.

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