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1000$ for in-game item


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Hipothetically speaking, if BW adds an item for 1000$ on CM, I bet a few people would buy it. And by its price, item would be reaaaaly rare.

Would you have problem with that? For sure, I woudnt buy it (not that I cant afford), but woudnt mind at all.


I would point at them and laugh, not in envy no. But in the pure hilariousness of the fact that an MMO (especially this MMO) only lives for so many years. Would you really drop 1k on a virtual item that will disappear once they pull the plug on the game? :rolleyes:

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Oh I know of people in other online games who spent 5 figure numbers on their character. Also know of ppl who spent, or are still spending £75 weekly on said games..


Naturally those are pure pvp/p2w games with a semi non-existence of pve, making it impossible to survive by just grinding stuff which is at a horrible ratio compared to the pricing.


Gambling factors which makes cartel packs look like nothing.


And mose of those items aren't even aestethic anyways, they are ammunition types, which means they get consumed, and therefore, either need to bought again, or get brutalized by some guy loaded withthe same ammo, from here to kingdom come.


Welcome to the world of p2w, microtransactions, which aren't so micro after all. D:


Luckily enough TOR isn't in the p2w scheme. Got a funny feeling about the SSSP though. I'll be watching. :p

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On Diablo III many players have spend more then 1k dolars on a complete set. Of course each item max value is caped to less then it.

Ive heard ppl paying 2k on a weapon on a MMORPG some years ago.

It all depends of how much money you have to spare and how much impact the game (and the desired item) have on your life.

So if you ask me, it will depends of the type of the item.

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One persons $1 is another persons $1000. Personally I have no issue with MMOs adding items at both end of the spectrum so long as they aren't P2W.


If someone wants to spend $1000 on a virtual vanity item its up to them, hopefully the money will be ploughed back into the game and everyone wins :)

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I would point at them and laugh, not in envy no. But in the pure hilariousness of the fact that an MMO (especially this MMO) only lives for so many years. Would you really drop 1k on a virtual item that will disappear once they pull the plug on the game? :rolleyes:


I've seen people drop 20 times that on a single hand of Baccarat.

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I've seen people drop 20 times that on a single hand of Baccarat.



I've dropped $5,000 on a hand in Texas Hold'em. Stupidest thing I ever did. Luckily I won, but when my wife found out, I was riding the couch for a couple of weeks.


Would I spend $1,000 on an in-game item? There are a few things to consider: What is the health of the game? Will it last for at least five years? Is the item truly unique? Can this item garner me the fame/infamy I want? Can I exploit the item in some way to bolster my guild's reputation to obtain quality members?


If I count the amount of coins I've purchased since the CM went live, I would say, I've spent way over $1,000. This is my hobby. I don't build model airplanes, I don't go camping or fishing, I play video games. I happen to like this game (for now), and I have the disposable income to be able to afford these things. So why not?

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LOL in EQ before I worked for them I bought items and accounts from 1$K to $5K. I sold accounts up to $6k and my cleric before I semi retired was sold for $9K.


I know a guildmate sold 3 accounts of his for a $18k that could be stripped of gear and resold for $25k.


This all before the massive melt down of the game.


In the early years I know people that made a living alone just farming gear and reselling it tax free.

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I've dropped $5,000 on a hand in Texas Hold'em. Stupidest thing I ever did. Luckily I won, but when my wife found out, I was riding the couch for a couple of weeks.


Lol, I understand your wife :) Although Poker ain't fun without betting real money imo. But I never bet more than I'm willing to lose.

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I personally would never drop 1K on a game who's account is simply rented, you don't own anything in the game and they can remove anything they want including toons you lvl, they can adjust the time you play ect.


I doubt Disney will renew the lease on this game after it runs with lucas arts. So you would be out of the 1K plus you spent leaving you quite unhappy. personally if I spent 1K on an mmo item that I never owned I would hope my family members had the common courtesy to lock me up in a lunatic asylum.

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At no point would I drop a grand on a collection of pixels with a limited life span. I won't drop 20 bucks on a one use dye.


For a grand, I'd want an in game item no one else could ever have along with a real life, life sized version of said item hand delivered to my home by the staff of SWTOR along with pie and a song...a good song.


Oh, and a life-time subscription and a 2k CC allotment each month...


And a promise to ban anyone that kills me in PvP...


In other words, my expectations for what a grand should get me is beyond the scope of anything that will ever be offered.

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I would point at them and laugh, not in envy no. But in the pure hilariousness of the fact that an MMO (especially this MMO) only lives for so many years. Would you really drop 1k on a virtual item that will disappear once they pull the plug on the game? :rolleyes:


To be fair, almost anything you buy for $1000 will break at some point, won't it? I paid more than that for my laptop, and I only expect that to last 2 or 3 years before going obsolete.

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When Team Fortress 2 debuted the $100 wedding rings, they sold like crazy. Mainly because they send a broadcast message to all players online about the giver and receiver, and a customized message. So you'd see people change their name and send out "Obama & Bin Laden: Peace in the Middle East, yo!"
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Depends on what the item does.


If it's an ultra-unique (but very cool) look and that's it, no, I wouldn't care at all.


If it's an item that gives 10% more stats (or even 1%) for any play-style than can otherwise be obtained, yeah, that would be a problem.

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LOL in EQ before I worked for them I bought items and accounts from 1$K to $5K. I sold accounts up to $6k and my cleric before I semi retired was sold for $9K.


I know a guildmate sold 3 accounts of his for a $18k that could be stripped of gear and resold for $25k.


This all before the massive melt down of the game.


In the early years I know people that made a living alone just farming gear and reselling it tax free.


I sold an account to Bigfoot once for $4,000,000,000 and an aircraft carrier. I was about to agree on the $4billion, but then the Chupacabra got involved and B.F. threw in the carrier to seal the deal.

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I sold an account to Bigfoot once for $4,000,000,000 and an aircraft carrier. I was about to agree on the $4billion, but then the Chupacabra got involved and B.F. threw in the carrier to seal the deal.


The numbers aren't too far from real sales. Old Jedi accounts in Galaxies' prime sold for typically $900 and up, even crafter accounts just to make yourself great gear went for $250 to $350.

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$1000 lifetime subscription?


considering $15 a month would be about 5 years at which point they would lose money. IF you dont think game would ast 5 years you would be better off paying monthly, if you thought it had a 5+ year span, cheaper to drop the 1k and never have to sub again.

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