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Top 3 Questions From Mercenary Community to Developers - Odawgg


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1. Solo arena rank? ROFL, cuz Im going to depend on 3 random potential bads to help me win?

2. Arsenal has the same amount of mobility that Pyrotech does

3. Snipers are a liability? OHSNAP youre a regular comedian

4. I played arenas when they first hit PTS, and pewpewed my way to many victories on a Gunnery commando. PTS has been dead for well over a month.


1) It has to be solo, because you'll get carried in teams. Solo will better assess how you will be able to carry your team.

2) Yes every class can move... but the point is being able to damage while moving. If you just sit still to cast your tracer/unload, warriors eat that up.

3) Snipers are a big fat sitting duck. In larger scale battles they could just sit and were ignored for the most part, as well as they could position themselves to be out of reach. Now with how the maps are, warriors have free reign on them. Only way snipers can be effective is if they're getting peals by other classes (which is taking away from the peels the healer needs) Therefore snipers = liability

4) At primetime there would be 2-3 teams queueing up each night, more often on the weekends. Someone didn't have much patience.

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Yes every class can move... but the point is being able to damage while moving. If you just sit still to cast your tracer/unload, warriors eat that up.


Forgive me if I'm wrong here, I haven't played Assault so much and I've only recently started getting into it seriously, but I don't really find Assault much more mobile than Gunnery. Surely, you can use Assault Plastique and Incendiary Round while on the move, but they're not doing all that much damage without regularly proccing High Impact Bolt. In my (limited) experience, I would go so far as to say that in Assault Specialist High Impact Bolt is your most important skill. Not only does it do the most damage, but it also regens Ammo, which means you have to try to proc as often as possible, ideally every 6 seconds.


Two skills can proc Ionic Accelerator: Charged Bolts and Full Auto. One is a cast ability, the other is channeled. Which means that every time I'm not applying Assault Plastique or Incendiary Round, I'm standing still and using Full Auto or Charged Bolts to get a free High Impact Bolt. So, I try to avoid moving, unless it's necessary.


Sure, you can do a bit more damage on the move than in Gunnery, but without High Impact Bolt, you're just tickling the enemy.

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Technically you can do more damage as Assault while moving.


However the way that IM delivers damage means repeating it is hugely expensive for the damage.


Then there's AP, on a 15s lockout.


And both of those are DoTs, utterly crap at delivering damage on the spot.


Any substantial damage which causes someone to make an effort to counter relies on hard casting.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Technically you can do more damage as Assault while moving.


However the way that IM delivers damage means repeating it is hugely expensive for the damage.


Then there's AP, on a 15s lockout.


And both of those are DoTs, utterly crap at delivering damage on the spot.


Any substantial damage which causes someone to make an effort to counter relies on hard casting.




Right now, Arsenal > Pyro. All day erryday.

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Right now, Arsenal > Pyro. All day erryday.


Which is why I'm proposing changes to Pyro... Welcome to the conversation Cash.


I also want to point out rapid shots proc'ing CGC. I don't know about you guys but I would rather get 2-3 rapid shots off instead of 1 power shot. Not only can I do that while moving, but it costs no heat, helps on heat dissipation , and saves me skill points that I don't have to spec into to decrease the casting time of Power Shot. Not to mention powershot is prone to interrupt and pushback.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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Which is why I'm proposing changes to Pyro... Welcome to the conversation Cash.


I also want to point out rapid shots proc'ing CGC. I don't know about you guys but I would rather get 2-3 rapid shots off instead of 1 power shot. Not only can I do that while moving, but it costs no heat, helps on heat dissipation , and saves me skill points that I don't have to spec into to decrease the casting time of Power Shot. Not to mention powershot is prone to interrupt and pushback.


You do realise you seem to be saying you play pyro by spamming rapid shots and ignoring power shot so you can't be interrupted.


No one has a good default attack.


Pyro DID have a good default attack and then they halved the CGC dot. Actually using it over core abilities is insanity.

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Combat Medic/Bodyguard:

I don't think that healmandos/healcenaries should be able to use Hammer Shots/Rapid Shots on themselves, because it's instant and thus can be used on the move.

Scoundrels and Operatives can regen energy with their free heal, but Diagnostic Scan is channeled and doesn't start ticking until nearly halfway through, so it's impractical to use while trying to maneuver. Sages and Sorcerers can regen Force by using Noble Sacrifice/Consumption, but it costs health to do so and gimps their Force regeneration for 10 seconds without the Resplendence/Force Surge buff, which requires crits on Healing Trance/Innervate, which is channeled and on a 9s cooldown. Bottom line, the other healers' energy regeneration skills have drawbacks, and Commando/Mercenaries shouldn't be any different in that regard.


Well, "imperfect" mechanics to regen energy, which are available at any time, easily beat no mechanics. Mandos/Mercs only have 1 button on a long cooldown. That's it. Resource management with Sorc or Operative is much, much easier and more forgiving than for Mercs.

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Which is why I'm proposing changes to Pyro... Welcome to the conversation Cash.


I also want to point out rapid shots proc'ing CGC. I don't know about you guys but I would rather get 2-3 rapid shots off instead of 1 power shot. Not only can I do that while moving, but it costs no heat, helps on heat dissipation , and saves me skill points that I don't have to spec into to decrease the casting time of Power Shot. Not to mention powershot is prone to interrupt and pushback.


Im sorry I thought you were saying how you were going to outplay my gunny mando on your pyro merc? :rolleyes:





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I also want to point out rapid shots proc'ing CGC. I don't know about you guys but I would rather get 2-3 rapid shots off instead of 1 power shot. Not only can I do that while moving, but it costs no heat, helps on heat dissipation , and saves me skill points that I don't have to spec into to decrease the casting time of Power Shot. Not to mention powershot is prone to interrupt and pushback.


I used to use Hammer Shots on my Commando to proc Plasma Cell. Then they made it so we could use Explosive Round to proc it guaranteed every six seconds, and now Hammer Shots is only really ever used when low on ammo.


When you talk about speeding up the cast of Power Shot, are you referring to the Power Barrels talent reducing its cost? My real question for you then is what, exactly, are you going to spend that skill point on instead?

Power Shot is the Arsenal merc's filler, his bread and butter. Trying to make the spec more mobile by not using it is basically stabbing yourself with a nerfbat.

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When you talk about speeding up the cast of Power Shot, are you referring to the Power Barrels talent reducing its cost? My real question for you then is what, exactly, are you going to spend that skill point on instead?

Power Shot is the Arsenal merc's filler, his bread and butter. Trying to make the spec more mobile by not using it is basically stabbing yourself with a nerfbat.



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I don't take stabilizers at all....


When you talk about speeding up the cast of Power Shot, are you referring to the Power Barrels talent reducing its cost? My real question for you then is what, exactly, are you going to spend that skill point on instead?

Power Shot is the Arsenal merc's filler, his bread and butter. Trying to make the spec more mobile by not using it is basically stabbing yourself with a nerfbat.




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I think the more telling aspect is that there is no prospect of any of this having any effect whatsoever on 2.4


Well if it did impact 2.4 knowing bioware we wouldn't be getting 2.4 till almost the end of October. I wouldn't have a problem with that at all since they are taking away my ranked huttball.

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Well if it did impact 2.4 knowing bioware we wouldn't be getting 2.4 till almost the end of October. I wouldn't have a problem with that at all since they are taking away my ranked huttball.


Theyre adding a new huttball map tho. I wish we could just queue for huttball. Easily the best thing SWTOR has done for MMO pvp

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Theyre adding a new huttball map tho. I wish we could just queue for huttball. Easily the best thing SWTOR has done for MMO pvp


I don't think I would do anything else. I would literally just sit in the huttball only queue. They would actually probably see a reasonable spike in subscriptions if they had 2 Huttball maps, and a huttball only ranked queue.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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Theyre adding a new huttball map tho. I wish we could just queue for huttball. Easily the best thing SWTOR has done for MMO pvp


As much as I hate Huttball personally, this is the direction BW ought to have gone for RWZs in my opinion. It would be an e-sport to rival LoL if it were implemented right.

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I think the more telling aspect is that there is no prospect of any of this having any effect whatsoever on 2.4


Nah we knew almost a week ago, when they announced they were discontinuing the class rep system for the time being, that we wouldn't be seeing any balance changes in 2.4. They've said we will see them in 2.5, after which they'll start up the class rep system again, but we have no official ETA on 2.5 (though extrapolating from their schedule over the past year we can expect it to be in about 8 weeks).


They basically turned the "not posting on fridays" as an excuse to delay responses to mid week, so I'd expect something around Wednesday.


Here's hoping for good answers.

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Its like talking with a wall


Correction: it's like talking with a telemarketer.


KhalDrogoe, my point is that if you drop Power Barrels, you'll need to find something else in the Pyrotech tree to put that point in in order to unlock Thermal Detonator. Power Barrels is a must-have; it gives you a 6% damage boost to all your major direct attacks, reduces the cost of Power Shot, and reduces the cooldown of Unload. No other talent gives you that kind of value for one point in Pyro. It would be like speccing Arsenal without taking Barrage.

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