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Top 3 Questions From Mercenary Community to Developers - Odawgg


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Could they possibly make Death from Above apply healing to all group members within the damage area? It would be extremely useful in adding healing to MDPS while not requiring a stop in damage or rotation.


They could also allow Merc healers to apply their shield to other targets like the Sorc can. It's not as strong as the Sorc's, but they could make it stack with the Sorc's for stronger resistance.


I might also suggest that they lower the damage amount of Tracer Missile but decrease the heat it creates and lower the casting time to 1.5 default while leaving the skills that further decrease it as is. This would make initial Alpha happen faster and build to other buffs in the rotation faster.

Edited by Elfa
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Won't the changes to IM heat cost make Pyro somewhat viable for teams running dotcleave comps? Or have they nerfed the damage too much?


Even with the reduced heat cost, Merc Pyro is still woefully inferior to Sniper (or Operative Lethality) as a ranged DoT class. For example, the new lower cost IM still costs 60% more resources than Corrosive Grenade. And Corrosive Grenade is AoE. Yes! A. O. E.!!! This is why cleansing IM is a viable strategy against Merc Pyro, but cleansing is a futile strategy against Lethality specs.


Merc Pyro is easily the worst class in the game for PvP, and arguably for PvE as well. The fact that BW would buff Merc Pyro less than they buff PT Pyro shows the fundamental disconnect the devs have with this class.


I might also suggest that they lower the damage amount of Tracer Missile but decrease the heat it creates and lower the casting time to 1.5 default while leaving the skills that further decrease it as is. This would make initial Alpha happen faster and build to other buffs in the rotation faster.


I am totally against this suggestion. Arsenal is not a heat constrained class (unlike Merc Pyro). So lowering heat and damage just decreases dps output. Moreover the current casting time for TM is already 1.5 seconds. The only thing that reduces it further is alacrity (and Power Surge). Now if you are suggesting that they re-introduce abilities to reduce TM cast time below 1.5, then that is a different matter...

Edited by Macroeconomics
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Even with the reduced heat cost, Merc Pyro is still woefully inferior to Sniper (or Operative Lethality) as a ranged DoT class. For example, the new lower cost IM still costs 60% more resources than Corrosive Grenade. And Corrosive Grenade is AoE. Yes! A. O. E.!!! This is why cleansing IM is a viable strategy against Merc Pyro, but cleansing is a futile strategy against Lethality specs.


Merc Pyro is easily the worst class in the game for PvP, and arguably for PvE as well. The fact that BW would buff Merc Pyro less than they buff PT Pyro shows the fundamental disconnect the devs have with this class.




I am totally against this suggestion. Arsenal is not a heat constrained class (unlike Merc Pyro). So lowering heat and damage just decreases dps output. Moreover the current casting time for TM is already 1.5 seconds. The only thing that reduces it further is alacrity (and Power Surge). Now if you are suggesting that they re-introduce abilities to reduce TM cast time below 1.5, then that is a different matter...


One of the best posts I've read from a new contributor!


I agree with your statements. Furthermore in the Pyro section of the Heat Management, the changes on PTS are solely there for balancing Powertech Pyro. Just another residual nerf we get because they're tinkering with PT's, as with the changes to our aggro dump.


If they want to help out Mercs, they need to make changes that affect only Mercs.


1) Reduce heatcost/Remove CD on Fusion Missile, increase damage.


2) Change our Prototype Particle Accelerator to proc on Fusion Missile also. Give us another ability to have an on-demand elemental attack (similar to flame sweep/flame burst) except at 30m range. Heck, just give us Flame Burst at 30m range.


3) Reduce heat cost for Powershot. Increase damage.


4) Put abilities lower in trees that give us more synergy. In Bodyguard tree, switch Power Shield with Med Tech.


5) In Arsenal Tree switch Target Tracking with Stabilizers. Also Mandalorian Iron Warheads with Custom Enviro Suit.


6) Put Light 'Em Up's ability attached to Mandalorian Iron Warheads. Remove Light 'em Up from skill tree. To keep the integrity of 5 skill points available on tier 5, add another skill point to torque boosters that can add another 4 seconds.


7) Add Rapid Scan as an ability you can use to add a stack of Power Barrier.


8) Switch Kolto Residue with Surgical Precision System.


I think if we made changes like this, it will not only make for more interesting builds, but it will give every merc spec the needed oomph.


Also while I was working on ideas for skill tree re-balance. I noticed that Bodyguard and Arsenal only have 42 total skill points in their trees, whilst Pyro has 43.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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If they want to help out Mercs, they need to make changes that affect only Mercs.


1) Reduce heatcost/Remove CD on Fusion Missile, increase damage.


2) Change our Prototype Particle Accelerator to proc on Fusion Missile also. Give us another ability to have an on-demand elemental attack (similar to flame sweep/flame burst) except at 30m range. Heck, just give us Flame Burst at 30m range.


3) Reduce heat cost for Powershot. Increase damage.


4) Put abilities lower in trees that give us more synergy. In Bodyguard tree, switch Power Shield with Med Tech.


5) In Arsenal Tree switch Target Tracking with Stabilizers. Also Mandalorian Iron Warheads with Custom Enviro Suit.


6) Put Light 'Em Up's ability attached to Mandalorian Iron Warheads. Remove Light 'em Up from skill tree. To keep the integrity of 5 skill points available on tier 5, add another skill point to torque boosters that can add another 4 seconds.


7) Add Rapid Scan as an ability you can use to add a stack of Power Barrier.


8) Switch Kolto Residue with Surgical Precision System.


I think if we made changes like this, it will not only make for more interesting builds, but it will give every merc spec the needed oomph.


Also while I was working on ideas for skill tree re-balance. I noticed that Bodyguard and Arsenal only have 42 total skill points in their trees, whilst Pyro has 43.


I'd be a little doubtful that they'd add quite that much utility low in the tree just because they are notoriously against hybrids and active try to kill them. I'm all for more choice in the tree, but it would have to be higher in the tree rather than lower.


Also, at least from the perspective of a PVP healer, I think the changes to the Mandalorian Warheads would actually cut build options rather than improve them. Mandalorian Warheads is a must-take for Kolto Bomb's 20% healing bonus. Moving it into Tier 2 pretty much requires 10 points in the middle tree, in addition to the minimum of 36 in the Bodyguard tree for the capstone.

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I might not have been following the development of these questions as cloesly as I ought (and so missed the reasoning behind it), but I'd consider changing the line:


"We still lack the basic ability to heal ourselves with our default heal (Rapid Shots) -- a basic function all the healers have."


As someone who has Commando and Operative alts, it's always been a frustration that for an unknown reason Rapid Shots can't be applied to self, but Diagnostic Scan can. However, as someone who Mains a Sage, it is more frustrating that there is no such skill comparable to Diagnostic Scan or Rapid Shots on a sage.


Ehm ....... that might be because you cannot shoot yourself with your own guns mate. The green beam of love or the healing needles comes out of your gun. Since you dont scan with your gun you can scan yourself too.

See ... makes sense ;-)

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Also, some of your suggestions would be terrible from the perspective of the other 2 specs.


Maybe from a PvE perspective. And only then Bodyguard would only be receiving a negligible nerf. But healers PvP wise would be getting 5% more damage reduction.


But Arsenal and Pyro would now have access to the interrupt Immunity, as well as an actually decent on demand snare with Kolto Missile.


I'd be a little doubtful that they'd add quite that much utility low in the tree just because they are notoriously against hybrids and active try to kill them. I'm all for more choice in the tree, but it would have to be higher in the tree rather than lower.


Also, at least from the perspective of a PVP healer, I think the changes to the Mandalorian Warheads would actually cut build options rather than improve them. Mandalorian Warheads is a must-take for Kolto Bomb's 20% healing bonus. Moving it into Tier 2 pretty much requires 10 points in the middle tree, in addition to the minimum of 36 in the Bodyguard tree for the capstone.


It would only require 8. But it would force you to take either Power Shield or Alacrity from Pyro tree.


Also If they would buff Body Guard's Top tier talent, as well as Pyro's top tier talent to where they couldn't be ignored, then they wouldn't have a problem with Hybrid.


IMHO by putting the only desirable talents higher in the tree makes for MORE hybrid because you have to invest so much into the tree to get the benefit. By putting all the desirables on the bottom, you get more 36 tree builds.


From what I've gathered from the last couple weeks, is that Merc players are a bunch of masochists.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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I am totally against this suggestion. Arsenal is not a heat constrained class (unlike Merc Pyro). So lowering heat and damage just decreases dps output. Moreover the current casting time for TM is already 1.5 seconds. The only thing that reduces it further is alacrity (and Power Surge). Now if you are suggesting that they re-introduce abilities to reduce TM cast time below 1.5, then that is a different matter...


I'm not suggesting they lower the DPS of the attack but rather scale it down with the increased rate of fire. If you could put out 8 shots in the same time as you could previously put out 4 but have the total damage be the same, it wouldn't be an over powering buff or a nerf. What it would do is make the time to reach additional buffs like rail crit come faster and allow you to make a faster initial strike instead if a 2.5 second cast which leave too much time for other classes to find their opening.


Right now, with average cast reductions skills, it take about 9-10 seconds to put out 4 shots and reach rail crit. If you made the suggested change, you could reach rail crit in 5-6 seconds while being able to remain more mobile due to lower cast time stand still. Under this logic, you deliver the same amount of Tracer damage within 10 seconds but also two rail crits instead of one. This of course relies on Railshot having a 5 second cooldown time.


The great part about it though is by adding alacrity, you could get closer to a 1 second cast time and that allows you to remain much more mobile in both PVP and PVE with can be a major advantage in fights.

Edited by Elfa
I said rail damage instead of tracer damage, *fixed
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Even with the reduced heat cost, Merc Pyro is still woefully inferior to Sniper (or Operative Lethality) as a ranged DoT class. For example, the new lower cost IM still costs 60% more resources than Corrosive Grenade. And Corrosive Grenade is AoE. Yes! A. O. E.!!! This is why cleansing IM is a viable strategy against Merc Pyro, but cleansing is a futile strategy against Lethality specs.


Yeah, I know AP PTs and Lethality Snipers are the superior choices for dotcleave. I was just hoping maybe IM was still viable enough damage-wise to play at a high skill cap. But I think the fact that even PTs are abandoning pyro (and even the 22/22 and 22/16 hybrids) speaks volumes about that tree: dead as the Carolina Parakeet itself.

Edited by Phrase
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Yeah, I know AP PTs and Lethality Snipers are the superior choices for dotcleave. I was just hoping maybe IM was still viable enough damage-wise to play at a high skill cap. But I think the fact that even PTs are abandoning pyro (and even the 22/22 and 22/16 hybrids) speaks volumes about that tree: dead as the Carolina Parakeet itself.


IM has never been a viable attack to kill someone with.


It's a buffing rather than a killing DoT like retractable blade. Except worse damage for the cost.

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IM has never been a viable attack to kill someone with.


It's a buffing rather than a killing DoT like retractable blade. Except worse damage for the cost.


But with enough dmg at such a low cost, combined with cgc, it could pressure a healer in 4v4 arena and spread dmg: the essence of a dotcleave.

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But with enough dmg at such a low cost, combined with cgc, it could pressure a healer in 4v4 arena and spread dmg: the essence of a dotcleave.


We'll have to see what the reduced cost IM can do in the DoT spam department.


But CGC is incapable of being spammed on multiple targets by a mercenary. It can't even be spammed on one target due to the 6s internal cooldown on how often its allowed to be applied.


A Powertech on the other hand can AOE apply CGC with NO 6s internal CD so if there is a DoT game to be played it's theirs.

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Combat Medic/Bodyguard:

I don't think that healmandos/healcenaries should be able to use Hammer Shots/Rapid Shots on themselves, because it's instant and thus can be used on the move.

Scoundrels and Operatives can regen energy with their free heal, but Diagnostic Scan is channeled and doesn't start ticking until nearly halfway through, so it's impractical to use while trying to maneuver. Sages and Sorcerers can regen Force by using Noble Sacrifice/Consumption, but it costs health to do so and gimps their Force regeneration for 10 seconds without the Resplendence/Force Surge buff, which requires crits on Healing Trance/Innervate, which is channeled and on a 9s cooldown. Bottom line, the other healers' energy regeneration skills have drawbacks, and Commando/Mercenaries shouldn't be any different in that regard.


That said, some improvements should be made to our healing. The Frontline Medic/Peacekeeper skill is useless except in very specific PvP situations. If you ask me, it should either be swapped in position with Probe Medic/Bodyguard, so we don't need the bad talent in order to get the good one, or each rank of Probe Medic/Bodyguard should allow Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell to be placed on an additional target (up to 4 targets at a time at full rank) so that it's plausible to have it on yourself in most gameplay.

(If the latter option is taken, the cost of Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell should be increased slightly, say from 16 to 25, to stop it from becoming overpowered. I'd say it would be reasonable to keep it up constantly on the tank, but the cost should be sufficient to make it so other allies only get it refreshed during breaks in combat.)


We could also use a slight buff to our energy management. Maybe causing Medical Probe/Rapid Scan to slightly reduce the active cooldown of Recharge Cells/Vent Heat or Reserve Powercell/Thermal Sensor Override...




This spec is pretty good as is, but Special Munitions/Upgraded Arsenal should reduce the cost of High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot more in Armor Piercing Cell/High Velocity Gas Cylinder. (Either that or work it into the 4-piece PvE set bonus.)



Assault Specialist/Pyrotech:

Obviously, this needs serious improvement. To make its damage more reliable, Incendiary Round/Incendiary Missile and/or Plasma Cell/Combustible Gas Cylinder really ought to tick harder. (Putting more of Assault Plastique/Thermal Detonator's damage back into the initial hit fixes the burst issue, and is planned for 2.4.)


Defensively, the spec also needs some help. Electro Shield/Pyro Shield is a good concept, but to make its utility better, the talent could passively reduce the cooldown of Reactive Shield/Energy Shield by 15 or 30 seconds total.

Reflexive Battery/Jet Rebounder is useful in PvP to keep melee enemies away, but is useless against ranged enemies and all bosses. It could be improved by having it cause Concussion Charge/Jet Boost grant a brief but substantial defense chance or damage reduction (say, 30% for 3 seconds). This won't be particularly bad to melee enemies in PvP, since they're likely to spend much of those 3 seconds getting back in melee range anyway, but will give Assault Specialist/Pyrotech a little extra survivability, hopefully on par with Gunnery/Arsenal.


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2) Change our Prototype Particle Accelerator to proc on Fusion Missile also.

8) Switch Kolto Residue with Surgical Precision System.

I like these ideas.

The first would give Pyro a little extra latitude for dealing with the RNG mess that is their rotation. (Power Shot, no cooldown, 45% chance to proc, Unload, 12s cooldown, 75% chance to proc, Plasma Grenade, 30s cooldown, 100% chance to proc?)

The second might be a little annoying for healers at level 15-19, but it would give us something the other rDPS have but we currently lack; a reliable way to impede enemies at range that won't be on cooldown as part of our normal damage rotation. (Gunslinger/Sniper has Leg Shot on a 4.5s cooldown and Sage/Sorcerer has Force Slow on a 12s cooldown.)


1) Reduce heatcost/Remove CD on Fusion Missile, increase damage.

5) In Arsenal Tree switch Target Tracking with Stabilizers. Also Mandalorian Iron Warheads with Custom Enviro Suit.

I don't like these ideas.

Fusion Missile is already better AoE than Sweeping Blasters. Get rid of the cooldown or reduce the heat cost and it'll be overpowered.

Target tracking is really only useful for Arsenal; the extra crit damage to Unload doesn't go that far for Pyrotech. Both DPS trees, however, need the pushback reduction from Stabilizers. And as other commenters have mentioned, Mandalorian Iron Warheads is a must-have, between the 6% damage boost to common damage abilities and the 20% boost to Kolto Missile. Custom Enviro Suit, while nice enough, isn't essential to anyone.

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I don't like these ideas.

Fusion Missile is already better AoE than Sweeping Blasters. Get rid of the cooldown or reduce the heat cost and it'll be overpowered.

Target tracking is really only useful for Arsenal; the extra crit damage to Unload doesn't go that far for Pyrotech. Both DPS trees, however, need the pushback reduction from Stabilizers. And as other commenters have mentioned, Mandalorian Iron Warheads is a must-have, between the 6% damage boost to common damage abilities and the 20% boost to Kolto Missile. Custom Enviro Suit, while nice enough, isn't essential to anyone.


I wholeheartedly disagree with Fusion Missile being OP. What about Flame Sweep? Wouldn't it be nice if we had an AOE with on-demand dots?


Maybe to keep sweeping blasters useful, reduce the heat cost on that as well.


Besides what's the worst that could happen if they make Merc Pyro's OP? We actually become useful? :eek:


I can agree with the target tracking. I would just like Pyro Unload to hit a little harder. I get 4-5k crits as arsenal, yet 2k, maybe 3k if the stars align and I'm attacking a sage, crits as Pyro. They also get it refreshed with tracer.


So maybe the better suggestion would be to put Barrage in place of the Endurance buff on Pyro tree.

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I wholeheartedly disagree with Fusion Missile being OP. What about Flame Sweep? Wouldn't it be nice if we had an AOE with on-demand dots?


Maybe to keep sweeping blasters useful, reduce the heat cost on that as well.


Besides what's the worst that could happen if they make Merc Pyro's OP? We actually become useful? :eek:


I can agree with the target tracking. I would just like Pyro Unload to hit a little harder. I get 4-5k crits as arsenal, yet 2k, maybe 3k if the stars align and I'm attacking a sage, crits as Pyro. They also get it refreshed with tracer.


So maybe the better suggestion would be to put Barrage in place of the Endurance buff on Pyro tree.


Does flame sweep hit for 3.5k damage? :rolleyes:


Sweeping blasters has a high heat cost to prevent it from being spammed.


Pyro Unload is not supposed to hit hard...... It never did before 2.0 and Pyro was fine.


Barrage, a tier 6 talent, moved to a tier 1 talent? Do you even think before you suggest these things?

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I am totally against this suggestion. Arsenal is not a heat constrained class (unlike Merc Pyro).


i mean, i actually agree with you that arsenal is not heat constrained, though i would also admit that you and i are probably in the minority of players who feel that way (unless of course you mean from the perspective of using the old set bonus, then, well, idk what to say).


but that said, since when is pyro is heat-constrained?

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Barrage, a tier 6 talent, moved to a tier 1 talent? Do you even think before you suggest these things?


he also wants to nerf melee by 10% with a trauma-like debuff in pvp, so i really wouldn't take any of his suggestions without liberal use of salt

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i mean, i actually agree with you that arsenal is not heat constrained, though i would also admit that you and i are probably in the minority of players who feel that way (unless of course you mean from the perspective of using the old set bonus, then, well, idk what to say).


but that said, since when is pyro is heat-constrained?


It can be if you are just so unlucky that railshot doesn't proc the first or second time. It especially hurts if you have to sacrifice going for a railshot proc because your Dots are expiring after failed procs. You can't expect cgc to proc 100%, which it should by the way because it can't be reapplied if it's already there except for the one thing that requires it. Oh and if you have to move can negate your efforts too.


Arsenal has a guaranteed 8 heat dissipation every 6 sec. But must be paid attention to to make the most out of it.

Pyro maybe 6-9 sec. possibly even longer if **** hits the fan but leave heat management otherwise more user controlled. But I love the spec so I'm not complaining just explaining what can happen and has happened.

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Does flame sweep hit for 3.5k damage? :rolleyes:


Sweeping blasters has a high heat cost to prevent it from being spammed.


Pyro Unload is not supposed to hit hard...... It never did before 2.0 and Pyro was fine.


Barrage, a tier 6 talent, moved to a tier 1 talent? Do you even think before you suggest these things?


What's wrong with that? Would also be an option for Healers. Maybe put the 30% surge in place of barrage and stick barrage down at tier 2. Maybe have Sweeping Blasters proc CGC 100%! That seems like the right fit and go along with Pyro theme, as well as give Pyro's the much needed on-demand snare.


he also wants to nerf melee by 10% with a trauma-like debuff in pvp, so i really wouldn't take any of his suggestions without liberal use of salt


I think that would put them in line with everyone else. This was mainly aimed at Warriors. And by having the PvP debuff wouldn't affect their PvE value.


3 things that BW will get around to "sometime" that they'll realize too late are as follows:


1) Tanks in PvP are OP

2) Warriors damage scales better than everyone elses in Arenas, not to mention some sick DCD's. Recipe for disaster.

3) Bolster needs to be (choose your own adventure) fixed/tuned/explained/removed/previewed.


If we don't talk about what we would like to see happen with our Class and get **** fixed, you can't complain when you're not able to breach 2k rating in arenas.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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I'm starting to doubt your resolve about Merc/Mando's Cash. Methinks you have a warrior you're prepping for 2.4.:cool:


BTW I've been leveling a powertech this past week, and the way Pyro plays is so much more.... effective. I just wish Merc wasn't so damn clunky.

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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What's wrong with that? Would also be an option for Healers. Maybe put the 30% surge in place of barrage and stick barrage down at tier 2. Maybe have Sweeping Blasters proc CGC 100%! That seems like the right fit and go along with Pyro theme, as well as give Pyro's the much needed on-demand snare.


Healcenaries aren't supposed to be spamming Power Shot. (Even if they don't need to heal at the moment and are doing some off-DPS, the heat cost will get to them quickly.) More importantly, making Pyro Unload have (basically) a 6 second cooldown and 25% extra damage will make the spec overpowered.

Sweeping Blasters proccing CGC 100% is a very bad idea. Sure, Pyro PTs can do a spammable AoE 100% proc. But that AoE is small and centered around them. Allowing us to set on fire 5 people in a 5m radius 30m away repeatedly over 3 seconds for only 25 heat and no cooldown would be stupidly overpowered.

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