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Flying Fists / Round Two / Turn the Tables Energy Return Discussion


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This discussion is based on this response:


Rotationally speaking, we could have Turn the Tables/Culling return your energy over time rather than immediately, though we are not sure all Scoundrels/Operatives would be happy with that change (especially when you are not anywhere close to full energy). That would resolve the issue with it triggering at or near full energy, but is it something that Scoundrels/Operatives would actually want?



So, let's discuss. Is this something you would want?


Personally, I love it. I disagree with their assessment of 'especially if you are not anywhere close to full energy' because I often use Sucker Punch and drop below 60% because 70% of the time it's not a problem. I don't really want that to be the case and want to use sucker punch in a smarter way, not risking dropping below in the first place.




Also, feel free to post other ideas, because it doesn't have to be one or the other.


For example, I think that reducing the cost of the next Sucker Punch / Quick Shot / Blaster Whip by 10 would be another good alternative as well since the energy would happen at roughly the same time, but wouldn't be so prone to being wasted if we are at full energy.

Edited by oaceen
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One thing I think would be cool to see if they do try the energy over time is a stacking buff. Restores X energy over Y seconds, stacks Z times and procs off flying fists. The problem with changing from an insta 10 to over time is how would ya be able to manage energy? Things can get pretty expensive after all.


Reducing cost would also be nice alternative, as rather then maybe getting energy return we can see when we will get it. Seeing a proc coma up is much nicer then hoping for one when ya attack no?

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Reducing cost would also be nice alternative, as rather then maybe getting energy return we can see when we will get it. Seeing a proc coma up is much nicer then hoping for one when ya attack no?


yeah, this is actually what i would most prefer.



in fact, scoundrels regen basically 9 energy per global (6/s * 1.5), so 10 energy is roughly equal to that.


if we use sucker punch followed by back blast (with flechette round preloaded), that's 18 energy we've regenerated over the course of those two GCDs, and since only 15 was used, it's +3 energy overall. the amount of energy from sucker punch and flying fist proc is 19, and in half the time, but that's +13 energy if it's used in this way, and 19 of it, right in the middle. this means that sucker punch have to have been used between 75-87 energy for it not be wasted, so it's a very small window. i know that it isn't always the case that someone is using a free back blast immediately after sucker punch, but it's just a good way to explain the issue.


the problem is still the same regardless of how much energy you can regenerate after, using sucker punch at or near full energy, immediately followed by a free attack, or during a movement phase, it's just a lot of wasted energy.


making it simply lower the cost of another attack would do so much for the rotation (imo anyway) than the return over time or one-time return.


so back to the example, if it's 18 energy overall, that's only a net gain of 3, very difficult to waste energy or, if some is wasted, it's not a huge amount, and this is over two GCDs rather than one.

so say we get -10 to the cost of the next sucker punch, blaster whip, or quick shot, that's only 5 or 7 energy we've used on the next global, a net loss of only 2 or 4. basically, the energy management window will stay rather small instead of spiking up and down like it does now, which is the main concern that i have with the mechanic.

Edited by oaceen
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