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oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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Does this surprise anyone? It doesn't surprise me. For EA/BW, It isn't about keeping the current subbers. It's about getting new ones. They are very short-sighted.


In their defence...


I never bought RotHC because I thought my subscription already paid for it so why should I pay again? And I have no interest in endgame stuff anyway.


It might actually make me resub when my time card is up.

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I know you're just being a smart guy but... actually, yes you should.


Almost every major retailer has "price protection" that allows you to receive the difference back when something you bought within a set period (usually 2-4 weeks) goes on sale for less. They don't advertise it but most have this policy.


Finally, Subscribers who purchase Rise of the Hutt Cartel between August 11, 2013 and September 12, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT will be granted 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins in appreciation for their recent purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


Good point Kat, so why are people whining again?

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An expansion is about to become a subscriber benefit and everyone is raging because they bought it 6 months ago for 10 dollars? Lol? I'll just repost my thoughts here since this seems to be the reasonable thread for discussion.


Title might be a little underwhelming for those who bought it early but it's certainly a good deal for everyone else. Anyone that's been playing since RotHC launched and hasn't gotten their money's worth will never be satisfied. Those of us that pre-ordered already got a bonus anyways.


Very smart move by BW with 2 other expansions being mentioned as in the works. If that's how they plan on dealing with digital expansions (meaning only one active at a time and eventually turning into subscriber benefit) I heartily approve! Heck even if it's not this is still a great one-time thing. Perhaps this means we're a bit closer to the next expansion than most of us thought.


Overall I'd say it was a great move on BW's part. Growth in the subscribing playerbase is not a bad thing. :rolleyes:

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In their defence...


I never bought RotHC because I thought my subscription already paid for it so why should I pay again? And I have no interest in endgame stuff anyway.


It might actually make me resub when my time card is up.


Doesn't change it for most of us. Most of us who are subbers, sub for 3 or 6 months at a time. They know they have us even if we stop playing the game. They want new subbers and this is how they are planning to do it and if so, what are they going to do 3 or 6 months down the line for those of us who have been subbing. There's a very strong chance they will lose a lot of them, not me of course, but honestly, they can keep their title. I think it's a stupid title and really doesn't represent defeating the Hutts, sounds more to me like zombieism (and yes I know that isn't a word.)

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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The only thing extra they are getting is a day or two early of ROTHC before it goes free for all, and the title. 1050 is the normal amount of coins for $9.99. Basically they're back-refunding those who only had it a month before it going free, most likely in hopes of quelling complaints of "I just bought it and you're making it free?!". Now, instead they get complaints of "they get coins and I don't! I should get it too despite me having months more of access to content they have only just bought".


Double-checked my receipt, I qualify. Don't really use the CM much, but I might find a use for them I guess. :confused:

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Doesn't change it for most of us. Most of us who are subbers, sub for 3 or 6 months at a time. They know they have us even if we stop playing the game. They want new subbers and this is how they are planning to do it and if so, what are they going to do 3 or 6 months down the line for those of us who have been subbing. There's a very strong chance they will lose a lot of them, not me of course, but honestly, they can keep their title. I think it's a stupid title and really doesn't represent defeating the Hutts, sounds more to me like zombieism (and yes I know that isn't a word.)


I think you'll find that "most" subs sub at 1-2 month intervals, with those who sub in 3 or 6 month intervals being the outliers.

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The only thing extra they are getting is a day or two early of ROTHC before it goes free for all, and the title. 1050 is the normal amount of coins for $9.99. Basically they're back-refunding those who only had it a month before it going free, most likely in hopes of quelling complaints of "I just bought it and you're making it free?!". Now, instead they get complaints of "they get coins and I don't! I should get it too despite me having months more of access to content they have only just bought".


I am with you dude. I paid a whopping 10 dollars, 10! I spend more on my lunch, almost daily. I really don't care about this, and I thank Bioware for the title.


I have been happily enjoying the new and extra content from Rise for many months now, I have enjoyed it and have been having a blast. :)


I got my early access. Would I do it again, you bet I would. Makeb was cool, if a little grindy. I liked the story, and look forward to more. Was a great bridge in the personal stories of each class. Can't wait to see what comes out next! Thanks also to all the people who realize that 10 dollars really isn't much for an expansion to a MMO. Especially one that gives you a solid amount of gameplay, like this one did.

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I normally don't whine about "EAware," but this pisses me off.


So if you have been a continuous "supporter" of the game, and paid for the expansion 6 months ago you get a lousy little title BUT if you had waited you get not only the title, but free cartel coins BUT THE WHOLE EXPANSION FOR FREE!?!?! (no really, please don't make an effort to compensate those of us who have stuck by your product through thick and thin.)


So the mentality is this....let's treat the people we are trying to lure back, or new customers better than the ones who have been loyal and faithful to the company and product. Sadly, this is nothing new, I recently had it out with a certain satellite dish provider and their "NFL package" over an issue like this. At least in the end they made good, since I have been with them for 8 years. I received the said package for free and then some. I hope Bioware/EA can make this right for us who have been here threw hell and high water with them....but I won't hold my breath.


I get it, a company and needs to make profit. Great, but don't alienate the people who have stood beside you continuously since day one.


I think that the point is that the numbers have dropped pretty much again (no defenders of everything EA/BW, I do not have proof just what is obvious from playing). This is just a marketing ploy to try to get people back into the game on a sub basis.

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I am with you dude. I paid a whopping 10 dollars, 10! I spend more on my lunch, almost daily. I really don't care about this, and I thank Bioware for the title.


I have been happily enjoying the new and extra content from Rise for many months now, I have enjoyed it and have been having a blast. :)


I got my early access. Would I do it again, you bet I would. Makeb was cool, if a little grindy. I liked the story, and look forward to more. Was a great bridge in the personal stories of each class. Can't wait to see what comes out next! Thanks also to all the people who realize that 10 dollars really isn't much for an expansion to a MMO. Especially one that gives you a solid amount of gameplay, like this one did.


You sound like someone else I know...

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So, would those complaining about not getting the 1020 CCs rather have all their characters reset to 50 and have all high level gear taken away in exchange for the CCs?


I pre-ordered, and I know I wouldn't. I don't really care so much about the title, but I'm not butt-hurt about the CCs either. I pre-ordered the game too, and now it's free to download and play, but I wouldn't trade the experience I had playing with and making new friends from pre-launch.

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Like I said in the other thread, it's nothing unexpected. I paid $40 for every edition of WoW. A new player can now purchase the 4 first editions in a $5 package and nobody gets any rewards for having bought them early.


Would CE pets count? Probably not, not everyone gets that edition.

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If you don't have it, congrats!


If you do have it, so effin what? It's not like we lose anything. What, do you people cry and moan the moment something drops in price? It's a tiny update to the game that can barely be called an expansion. OMG! You can buy Skyrim Legendary edition and get every DLC for free! CALL TEH CAREPOLICE!


In fact, every single person that comes back to try it and possibly start playing again is more people for you to play with! Or, if not play with, to buy your overpriced junk on the GTN! :D

Edited by Jandi
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No they won't, unless the sale was actually going on at the time and they were in error. I'm a woman, I shop, I know. :p


We would have to do it for Borders, up to 30 days. They had to word it right, though, we couldn't be proactive about it at all, it's sort of a grey area that varies from business to business.

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incorrect most store if you buy something and next week its on sale they will refund the differences. Target walmart and sears does it. Sears does it up to 2 weeks.


1) it's completely up to the store.

2) there is no legal requirement to do so.

3) there are always conditions.

4) for most stores.. it does not apply to software products.. as these have different terms and conditions.

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I normally don't whine about "EAware," but this pisses me off.


So if you have been a continuous "supporter" of the game, and paid for the expansion 6 months ago you get a lousy little title BUT if you had waited you get not only the title, but free cartel coins BUT THE WHOLE EXPANSION FOR FREE!?!?! (no really, please don't make an effort to compensate those of us who have stuck by your product through thick and thin.)


So the mentality is this....let's treat the people we are trying to lure back, or new customers better than the ones who have been loyal and faithful to the company and product. Sadly, this is nothing new, I recently had it out with a certain satellite dish provider and their "NFL package" over an issue like this. At least in the end they made good, since I have been with them for 8 years. I received the said package for free and then some. I hope Bioware/EA can make this right for us who have been here threw hell and high water with them....but I won't hold my breath.


I get it, a company and needs to make profit. Great, but don't alienate the people who have stood beside you continuously since day one.


Reminds me of the Ally bank commercials. The "bank" is giving away ice cream to its new customers (kids), and the old customer doesn't get any. This is just another example of subscriber value shrinkage. It occurred during the free to play switch (and was not adequately compensated), and is now happening with the expansion being given away for free to those who subscribe now. My biggest issue is what Bioware deems as adequate recompense for the give away. "The Risen" title != $10. I would suggest a doubling of cartel coin allotment for those who already have the expac for one month. That doesn't cost the company anything, and would go a long way in restoring some of the value lost to the subscriber.

Edited by gorstram
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