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Mercenary PVP compilation (bit of rp too)


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Hey fellow mercs! My name is RIPMDN (Or mercs/scittles from MDN)


Just a regstar from bastion who was running fraps yesterday and wanted to make a compilation of the highlights of my PVP games. I enjoy this class a great deal and dont feel it needs too many changes at all. I can comfortably hit 1300dps in games which i think is decent for a class with so much burst.


So please check out my video. Just a heads up there is a bit of RP going on at the beginning you may wish to skip.



And feel free to ask any questions/call me a noob. Some ways to improve would also be greatly appreciated as i would like to one day out DPS my sent

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I really enjoyed your vid =) I'm currently leveling a commando (33 atm) and now I'm looking forward to get him to max level.


One question: How much of a threat are stealthers at 55 ? (asuming you got every skill ready) Right now they tear me apart... but of course I'm lacking a lot of usefull skills...

Edited by Gorastor
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I really enjoyed your vid =) I'm currently leveling a commando (33 atm) and now I'm looking forward to get him to max level.


One question: How much of a threat are stealthers at 55 ? (asuming you got every skill ready) Right now they tear me apart... but of course I'm lacking a lot of usefull skills...


Stealthers aren't too much of a threat at all, ESPECIALLY when you get lucky with your scan.


In Arsenal you have a fair few ways to combat them.


1. I always use a knock back as soon as they open.

2. Save your net till they have used shroud and you usually can finish them with it and it will prevent them from sap/ self healing on you.

3. have stealth scan keybound. (this ability makes you the stealthers worst night mare if your quick enough to catch them.


Assassin tanks are the trickiest to 1v1 cause they can outlast your burst and net. and pretty much can always eventually sap and heal themselves in a duel against you.


Operatives are super easy to beat in 1v1's. No shroud and get ****ed over by your net.


At 55 the biggest threats are vigilance guardians. I'm not that great at 1v1'ing them. and honestly haven't learned the trick to winning against a skilled one. (I believe they are the counter to arsenal Mercs)


Also at 55 AP PT's are pretty hard to beat in a duel. Only thing i found that works well is save your hard stun for their overides. And stay out of the range of their shoulder cannon at all costs. And use your overides as soon as you net them cause that tends to be when they use their pull on you to avoid them taking movement damage from your net.



Wait for stealth scan and net for stealthers and they will be easy kills.

Avoid duels with vigilance and AP (stun them and run away lol)

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Looked alright. try not to backpedal so much. Also, I might have missed it but dont forget to use Explosive DoT often. Low damage AOE that can hit 3.5k on a crit.


I never back pedal when getting attacked by a melee or when i need to escape. However i will backpedal to line up a knockback or to LOS around a small object.


Also with dart, i realize its trash damage however i do like to use it on someone who has a CD about to expire, (GBTF, BUBBLE, REFLECT) and if i see a cluster of enemies i will use it before fusion missile and DFA just to get all those lovely yellow numbers. And also when im just gonna pass by a low priority target and dont want to cast anything or waste heat.


However since i have you in my thread, i was wondering if you have any tips on how to beat vigilance in a duel? benn having a bit of trouble.

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