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Exploitation of rare items


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like I said I have no problem with people making money either EA or RSI


I might play star citizen if the final product is fun and worth the box price, as for backing hype without a game, no I will not be giving RSI any money till the game is live. but if people want to that's fine just don't act like you're any better then people buying hypercrates


I'll agree with you there.


Both groups of people are suckers.

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I don't entirely disagree with you, but you are discounting the "investment" of time in an MMO. Switching MMO's is more akin to switching from PS3 to Xbox. You have to sacrifice your investment to move, not just pour something different in your cup.


IMO this is why TOR tanked. WoW is Pepsi, TOR is Space Pepsi. It targeted the Pepsi market but that market realized Space Pepsi is the same thing in a different can so they didn't want to give up what they had to start over in more of the same.


Your investment in this game, if you even want to TRY and make that argument is SUNK COST. Sunk costs cannot be recouped and people like yourself (and terrible gamblers) make the mistake of feeling invested in the product...or the hand on the table.


Nothing is forcing you to stay and a feeling of investment I driven by your sole emotional being. You feel emotionally invested.

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I keep going back to the OP. So... the rich are being exploited? Is that it? Didn't know that was possible.



I've been thinking about buying a vintage Harley. Yes, I have that kind of jack. But now, I'm feeling like I will be exploited. Oh, look at that... The feeling has passed! Now off to spend some money.

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Your investment in this game, if you even want to TRY and make that argument is SUNK COST. Sunk costs cannot be recouped and people like yourself (and terrible gamblers) make the mistake of feeling invested in the product...or the hand on the table.


Nothing is forcing you to stay and a feeling of investment I driven by your sole emotional being. You feel emotionally invested.


Heh. I wouldn't even try bro. Old Cosmic there, by his/her own posts, should have left this game more than a year ago, but no. He/she just likes to bash and evangelize the mythical perfect MMO which, by his or her experience this is not. Ironically, Cosmic is not looking for that mythical MMO because he/she is too busy proving this is not the mythical MMO. It is getting weird.

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Heh. I wouldn't even try bro. Old Cosmic there, by his/her own posts, should have left this game more than a year ago, but no. He/she just likes to bash and evangelize the mythical perfect MMO which, by his or her experience this is not. Ironically, Cosmic is not looking for that mythical MMO because he/she is too busy proving this is not the mythical MMO. It is getting weird.


Thinking the same thing myself. Why someone spends this much time talking about the greatest MMOS on the planet and not playing them is beyond me.

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I'll agree with you there.


Both groups of people are suckers.


Not everyone who backs a game are suckers. I put my money into a game called Shadowrun Returns a couple of years ago. They finally came out with their finished product on Steam, I got my free version, and I'm happy with the game. I'm also ecstatic that my humble contribution made the game possible without having to involve soulless jerkwads like Electronic Arts. Just think of what SWTOR might have been if they hadn't been underneath the boot of EA?

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Not everyone who backs a game are suckers. I put my money into a game called Shadowrun Returns a couple of years ago. They finally came out with their finished product on Steam, I got my free version, and I'm happy with the game. I'm also ecstatic that my humble contribution made the game possible without having to involve soulless jerkwads like Electronic Arts. Just think of what SWTOR might have been if they hadn't been underneath the boot of EA?



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People who are rich IRL bought loads and loads of random drop boxes (I would assume that more than half the income you get from the CM is from gambling, which is supporting this game) in the hopes of getting the most rare white-white and black-black single use dye items.


Bioware are exploiting this because Bioware KNOWS that people will pay ridiculous amounts of money to get these items, and now it's just a big slap in the face for all of those people who bought packs just to get the dyes, because now it would be 100% chance of getting it if you are rich and pay for it instantly...some people have paid more than $20 to buy cartel coins for the dye packs just to get these dyes!


It wouldnt surprise me if the varactyl is put on the CM for 3000cc...because like this bioware knows people will buy it. It's all about money money money!


inb4 dont like it dont play it

inb4 its optional

inb4 entitled


in RED ECLIPSE there was a person that has the BH reputation speeder in 2nd day, do the math how many packs he bought

also in 1 of my friend's guild there is a guy that in member note says "August $300 CC"

Edited by Kissakias
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No no no. The next thing they will add to the cartel market will be the /hood command that we have been asking for since beta. It will cost 3500-4500 CC's and 1500-2500 to unlock in character perks. (1500-2500 per character)


^This. Welcome to F2P. The company has to pay the bills somehow, though I think they will over-price the feature. But the market will speak for the price.

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^This. Welcome to F2P. The company has to pay the bills somehow, though I think they will over-price the feature. But the market will speak for the price.


Erm, welcome to a subscription-F2P hybrid. Some of us, in fact still quite a lot of us, pay a subscription. Contrary to what some posters here might think, the Cartel Market is not the sole source of income and not the only thing keeping the game afloat. Subscriptions still form the bedrock of support for this game.


Nor indeed are EA so desperate for cash they can't pay the bills, the poor dears. See http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=664635

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Erm, welcome to a subscription-F2P hybrid. Some of us, in fact still quite a lot of us, pay a subscription. Contrary to what some posters here might think, the Cartel Market is not the sole source of income and not the only thing keeping the game afloat. Subscriptions still form the bedrock of support for this game.


Nor indeed are EA so desperate for cash they can't pay the bills, the poor dears. See http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=664635





See.. we can find common ground now and then. :)

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They are nothing alike.


People giving money to Star Citizen are voluntarily giving their money to a millionaire to develop a game they want to play.


People giving their money to EA's Cash Shop are voluntarily giving their money to a billionaire who is already making millions off a completed product.


Does that include all the players paying $20 for a buggy that you can only drive around the hanger?


WTB a speeder that you can only use on fleet?



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and more spin from CK :rolleyes: ...no they are buying extras for when the game launches, this is not the kick starter im talking about this is the store on the website buying in game items at a high price that is being justified as "backing the game"




https://robertsspaceindustries.com/store/90-rsi-constellation also look at what comes with that package lol


no one would be buying ships right now or posters just to back the game they want them in their hangar that they walk around in


I fail to see how that is not a cashshop


Sure if you feel that this phase of development and backing is reflective of the economy of the game as a whole. I however choose to look at it in context and see it for what it is. This is the fundraising stages of a crowd funded game. You don't go to a fundraising dinner and complain that the meal is overpriced, or yell at girlscouts selling candy bars outside of grocery stores for overcharging for goods do you? It's not about the price or the goods or the ships, it's about raising money for a cause. In this case the cause is to get a game created that wouldn't otherwise exist. The ships are secondary, as without the payment they wouldn't be there to purchase either. They are a gift or a reward for making the game possible.


The only payment option that will be available on release, and therefore the only one with any real bearing on the in game economy, will be purchasing imperials. I'd hardly consider that a cash shop.

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