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600k for instant Fleet Transport! Why would you buy that!


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I have the security key so I can buy a 1hr Fleet Pass for 1k each.


Now with the new Fleet Transport legacy perk, subs can get the Emergency Fleet Pass CD to 0 for 600k!


I can't imagine ever coming close to using 600 fleet passes. I've been buying those passes since early access and maybe I've come close to 100.


In addition, we also have the priority transport to fleet perk, I know it's a shared CD with the others, but it's still another option.


It's just not cost effective for 600k at today's credit values. Maybe with inflation in 2 years maybe.

Edited by MakuBenjami
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I've had all 3 of the cool down boosts for over a year. It just so happens that as of last Wednesday they now give me an instant transport.

The 600k you spend gives all of your characters current or future the zero cool-down fleet pass - so I find it good value.

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people are complaining about the loss of credits from buying fleet passes.


people complaining about buying the unlock that's a lot better than it was before.


and pretty soon, this thread will be filled with more people complaining about people complaining.

Edited by oaceen
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Well, obviously, the feature is optional, so if you see no reason to get it, do not get it. But I assume you realize it yourself and just want to talk about it. So why not indulge you while I have some time to spare?


First, there are people without security key. Physical ones are now available in many countries. Never were and from the looks of it, never will. As for free smartphone app, well not all people even want or need smartphone in the first place.


Thus any ingame-not-real-money unlock is cheaper than buying+importing physical security key or buying smartphpone. Ingame credits are not real, but money you pay for physical key or smartphone(or collection edition with ugly statue) are. Do you still think it's cheaper for those people?


To me it looks like a great deal for people who do not have security keys for any reasons.


Even more, as a person who does have security key, I still got the unlock, since it is QoL improvement. First, it has no CD at all, so if you forgot to grab something from terminal or use commendation vendors there, you do not have to leg back to the shuttle and then to ship and then to fleet. You just click one button, and done:)


Also, have you ever forgotten to check how many tickets you have and find out that you are out of them when you needed it? Have you ever been stuck so badly that /stuck did not help and the only way to get out was to use qt or fleet pass, and both were on CD ? If not, congratulations:) I've been in both situations and did not like them. So I'd like to avoid it in the future.


Not to mention that 600k is just too easy to get., why make such a big deal of spending this sum on anything?

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After 600 uses, it's free. I used it 10 times today alone because it makes getting around much easier and saves my Priority Transports for important stuff.


And 600k credits is one days worth of dailies with loot and junk sold, so it isn't like 600k is hard to come by.

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It's just not cost effective for 600k at today's credit values. Maybe with inflation in 2 years maybe.

I bought it way back. Back when it only reduced the CD from IDR what to IIRC 6 hours.


I also bought the 3 unlocks for 600k credits to reduce QT cooldown from 30 minutes to 24. Yes, by a mere 6 minutes or 20%.




I spend anything under a mil on a whim.

I don't think twice about lending a couple mil to someone I just met.

I wouldn't mind spending 5 mil on an item if there was an item worth that much. Something that I didn't have already; if I needed more 72s, I can get them crafted for free.

I've lent 10 mil to someone I know with no collateral.

I'll do so again, and maybe someday it will actually cost me 10 mil. I won't be bothered.


Most of us don't count credits by the hundred k, we count them by the mil. Anything under is "whatever it didn't cost anything".

Edited by B-Dick
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I play sine launch (actually, eraly access, but that isn't important here), I have the security key (came with the collectors edition) and I have bought the reduced fleet cooldowns pretty much when we got the option with the leagacy system (was that patch 1.2?). I wouldn't be surprised if I have already used the ability more often then 600 times (after all, it's the whole legacy that gets that benefit). And now with the cooldown gone, I use it even more. Also I have one inventory slot more open, and don't have to think about visiting a certain vendor once in a while. But if you like to keep using your security vendor fleet passes, then go for it.
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I've never had anywhere close to 600k credits so no chance of me unlocking it.


Seems like just a credit sink to me.




Run Section X, Black Hole, Makeb, GSI, and CZ-198 dailies and the Makeb weekly. Loot everything, sell the greens and trash. GTN the rest if you don't need it for personal use.

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