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Why is the word "Saturday" censored?


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I am not a fan of profanity, I think it's childish, but since when is the word Saturday censored in SWTOR chat?


Also, on what grounds is it censored? Vaguely religious grounds? I don't understand.


Please help me understand the logic of censoring "Saturday" in ingame chat.

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Hmmm, the only word I can see that might trigger the filter would be "turd", but I couldn't confirm that either way. Seems like it'd be a silly thing to censor if that was the case.


I highly doubt it has anything to do with religion or the like.

Edited by Inflicktion
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It's probably because of "turd". I never had profanity on, but checked it out just now.


Silly thing is, they're censoring the whole word. At least back in SWG they only censored the letters making up the "bad word". We had a town/city named Nightwatch which would look like this on the planet map; Nigh****ch - not that it made much sense, though :) I remember it annoying me so much I changed the name to Night Watch.

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Everybody hates Saturdays


Friday is already yesterday

Saturday is one day closer to Sunday

Which is one day closer to Monday


Everybody hates Monday.


Which isn't quite as bad as Tuesday

Nobody cares about Wednesday

Which Brings us to Thursdays


Just one more day till Friday

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...and theeeen


It's Friday, Friday

Gotta get down on Friday

Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend

Why didn't you go with a classic like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa2nLEhUcZ0?


On topic, profanity filter is always one of the very first things that I deactivate in MMOs, I believe strongly in free speach and that includes that people use words they like.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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