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Bioware looking for SWTOR testers (starting October)


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They are not.


They are looking for folks, it seems, that PVP but do not play this game, I would guess to try and find ways to make PVP more appealing in this game.


I would think many could admit that PVP in this game is not great...nor very appealing....in fact the entire industry is suffering, not just SWTOR.


A few studies recently have demonstrated that traditional PVP players are leaving the MMO market for more advanced multiplayer PVP games like Battlefield and Call of Duty.


This is probably an attempt to find a way to make PVP more appealing to current players in the market.

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Well, they couldn't say "unloved youngest child of the incredible EA family".




Seriously, if it is PvP then it looks like EA/BW is trying something a bit different when it comes to enlivening their PvP.


Had an interesting discussion in Guild Vent yesterday while some people were PvPing and others were doing whatever. The general consensus was that players were getting tired of being beaten by gear in end game PvP. They don't mind getting beaten by a more skilled player, but when it's gear that separates winning from losing PvP loses some of its luster.


Having a PvP only stat like expertise always seemed like nothing more than a thing that separates PvP from PvE. How much easier would it be to bolster players to the highest available PvE gear stat level, do away with expertise and turn PvP into a player skill based contest? Do hardcore PvP players need that extra stat to feel somehow superior to PvE players? Is it to prevent PvP players from getting gear of endgame PvE level without doing endgame PvE?


How much more fun would it be if gear in PvP just didn't matter? That everyone got set stats based on their role and then were cut loose in a PvP environment? If their had to be PvP rewards, would PvP specific mounts and customized gear be enough?


If EA/BW is looking at making PvP bettter, I'm all for it. Hopefully it works out.

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Not sure what you were expecting out of the project. The only thing I can think of is mining like in EvE. Unless you wanted to fight PvE mobs in space off the rails? Which sounds rather boring to me :S


I agree with you. There might be some PVE space missions associated to the SSSP but most of it will be PvP. They are targeting the EVE online market segment.

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Well bolster worked out well didn't it? Oh wait...


I don't think he means that it works like bolster, more like:

Soft Cap Crit

Soft Cap Surge

Soft Cap Alacrity

X Amount Main Stat

Y Amount Force/Tech

Therefore Z Amount Bonus Healing


For example and that would be applied to all Sorcs/Mercs/Operatives that spec into the healing trees. Of course, that does require that people have a main tree and aren't experimenting with or using multiple trees. Or perhaps it applies to the role they select when entering the PvP queue (much like LFG does at the moment.)

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¨exciting new PvP experiences coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic¨. Thats interesting but since all we know about what is coming after the 2.4 update is just a taser video of the SSSP, probably they are talking about space PvP. i Hope so, that update coming with the 2 years anniversary will bring new life back to this game.
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So, are they looking for current SWTOR players or not?


Those two statements are not mutually exclusive or incongruent.


The first statement is to attract professional contract testers. Note nowhere does it require SWTOR experience.


The second statement it so attract play testers who are passionate about MMOs.


They are making a diversity statement. "We encourage new blood but the skills that fit best is MMO old gummers." ;)

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¨exciting new PvP experiences coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic¨. Thats interesting but since all we know about what is coming after the 2.4 update is just a taser video of the SSSP, probably they are talking about space PvP. i Hope so, that update coming with the 2 years anniversary will bring new life back to this game.


Could be.


Could also be something not yet disclosed.

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I think they need to simplify PVP in an extreme way.


The only stat that means anything is Expertise, you have two pools based on that and level, Expertise is boosted by rank. Armor type determines level of damage mitigation.


You also would only have a single bar below with 5 or 6 abilities.


Finally, they should redo the models for players just for instanced PVP, make them much leaner in polys and turn down particle effects drastically.


By doing this they would simplify PVP, make it much more approachable, fun, a challenge to master, and much MUCH easier to balance. AND it would allow for much larger battles without performance issues.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Not sure what you were expecting out of the project. The only thing I can think of is mining like in EvE. Unless you wanted to fight PvE mobs in space off the rails? Which sounds rather boring to me :S


That would beat the hell out of the boring pve we have on rails now.

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That would beat the hell out of the boring pve we have on rails now.




A free movement PvE space encounter would be a lot of fun. It does not replace the core game per se.. but it certainly replaces the existing space mini-game in a big and positive way. Especially if it offers choice of difficulty-vs-rewards. Fight blindfolded for cracker jacks OR take on highly intelligent opponents for a chance at super rare drops only found inside free flight space PvE.. and anywhere in between. Make it group based to.. even better.


It certainly could be done using the core of what every they may do for PvP.. or vice versa.

Edited by Andryah
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Looks like they are ramping up production on SSSP, just like they started ramping up production on ROTHC around this time last year for a Spring release.


I'll be disappointed if SSSP is the sole, hyped up centerpiece of the next expansion. It sounds cool as one component of, rather than the focus of, a proper expansion.

Edited by Projawa
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I'll be disappointed if SSSP is the sole, hyped up centerpiece of the next expansion. It sounds cool as one component of, rather than the focus of, a proper expansion.


An expansion that focuses on the Republic/Imperial war and, dare I say it, has class stories? :D


A girl can dream.

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