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I took a day off for this?


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There are other vidya games you know this right?


The same launcher that said it would be finished by seven am or the twitter feed that said an extra half hour. I agree he is overreacting to an extreme degree but they could have communicated with us much better.

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Wrong. But never had a game that complicates things, provides no details on what is taking so long, then says they have no ETA. ETA is literally ESTIMATED, they cannot even give a round about number? But I expected quite a few idiots to be on their *****.


You must have never played WoW. About 25% of their patches required extended maintenance. The added feature of the in-game cartel coin purchase is a major piece of software that could be causing complications. Since this is a new functionality, they've never worked on it in a live setting, so NO they wouldn't have an ETA on fixing it.


I don't normally stick up for bioware, I leave that to the biodrones, but Jesus, you'd think that none of you folks who are complaining about this have played any other MMO's.


Griping about this isn't going to make it go faster, and if they credit you for the time you've lost while waiting for this, you'd get about $.02. Two pennies for posting anywhere from three sentences to a wall of text about your out-of-game woes. THIS is why we can't have nice things.

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I have played many many mmo's, WOW, PS2, Perfect World, SIlkroad Online.. and honeslty, even when expansion style content arrives, it doesnt take this long.


Well when Hutt came out wasn't the server down for like 12 hours? Almost 10 hours into this & I think some of you might crack under the pressure :rolleyes:

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Patch day is always Tuesday, unless Monday was a Holiday in which case patch day will be Wednesday unless they decide not to patch that week, in which case patch day will be the next Tuesday and if you are lucky they won't find a problem with the patch that pushes patch day from Tuesday to as late as Thursday or Friday and if it's a particularly awful patch on Tuesday you can expect another patch that could conceivably happen on Saturday.


To be safe, I'd just take Sunday's off.

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On the one hand, I don't pay BWEA $15 a month to be able to go outside. On the other hand, stuff happens and it's not the end of the world.


Well said bran!


OP, sucks for you...but that's life. Had you had plans to be outside all day, it would have rained...I blame Murphy...anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Take it all in stride.

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Not a lot of things burn me up more than this. I NEEDED a day to just screw off, rest, relax. The wife and kids are out of the house, I'm all alone, the house is mine. This is the most rare occasion. SWTor is how I planned to spend it, ugh!


Bummer...I think we've probably all been there :(


I've only got one day holiday left for the year...what's the bet if I booked it to waste the day playing SWTOR the servers would down too :)


Kudos for your post being reasonably light hearted though OP and not the usual bile filled **** spewing nonsense about the sky falling...or your entire guild of 50,000 subs quitting over it....and extra special kudos for the words "slap in the face" not appearing anywhere in your OP :)



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Why would you take a day off on patch day when 99.9% of the problems happen?


Kinda obvious, patch was announced at 10PM my time yesterday after work for 12-16PM maintenance today, way too late to call my boss and change things.


Would be great if they were announcing patches a few days earlier (like they usually do Fridays for Tuesday patches),

it could also force them to finalize the version a bit earlier and test it more so they don't have a big mess like today....

Edited by Turshek
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They should reimburse all dowtine their stupid long process takes up 40 hours a month which is a full work week worth of nothing


Exaggerate much?


Perhaps they have started putting extra time in to maintain that hidden code layer that's designed purposely to gimp your Sin? You know because the man is keeping you down..



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Exaggerate much?


Perhaps they have started putting extra time in to maintain that hidden code layer that's designed purposely to gimp your Sin? You know because the man is keeping you down..




No i dont. 6 to 8 hours every week times 4 weeks in a month is 35 8 hours is over its not hard to add

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No i dont. 6 to 8 hours every week times 4 weeks in a month is 35 8 hours is over its not hard to add


Of course it is....EVERY week right?


What about the weeks where its just a simple manintenance on a Tuesday?


What about the many times when the servers are back up an hour or two before they are scheduled to be?


Of course you choose to ignore the facts that dont fit your agenda....like any objective poster would right?



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Of course it is....EVERY week right?


What about the weeks where its just a simple manintenance on a Tuesday?


What about the many times when the servers are back up an hour or two before they are scheduled to be?


Of course you choose to ignore the facts that dont fit your agenda....like any objective poster would right?




Its still very long and is someones work week worth of lost time. There is no reason it shiuld be this long crappy engjne or not. L2code bioware

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Its still very long and is someones work week worth of lost time. There is no reason it shiuld be this long crappy engjne or not. L2code bioware


I've been playing MMORPGs for over 10 years and in my experience, the maintenance/downtime in this game is pretty much on par with every other MMORPG I have played, with the odd hicup like yesterday aside.


And I see you tried to swerve the fact that you HAVE chosen to ignore all the times when maint is in line with the published down time, or the numerous times the servers are back up ahead of published schedule.


Can't you be objective just once and give a balanced view based on facts? Of course not, I forgot, your perception is skewed because you are so bummed that Sins are not god powered :)



Edited by ImperialSun
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I've been playing MMORPGs for over 10 years and in my experience, the maintenance/downtime in this game is pretty much on par with every other MMORPG I have played, with the odd hicup like yesterday aside.


And I see you tried to swerve the fact that you HAVE chosen to ignore all the times when maint is in line with the published down time, or the numerous times the servers are back up ahead of published schedule.


Can't you be objective just once and give a balanced view based on facts? Of course not, I forgot, your perception is skewed because you are so bummed that Sins are not god powered :)




No its not theres only a hanful of games that have downtime anywhere near that i dont care how long you have been playing obviously technology is supposed to improve in Since i been playing FOR 16 years

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No its not theres only a hanful of games that have downtime anywhere near that i dont care how long you have been playing obviously technology is supposed to improve in Since i been playing FOR 16 years


Yeah...ok. You keep telling yourself that...ignorance is bliss I suppose.


We both know it's not true :)



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That is not a massive feature. This seems like something they could have released the game with. Either which way, this is more than a problem. There is No ETA, and they are late by hours. Seems like they could have had all this figured out before they applied the patch.


Just because it doesn't seem like a massive feature it doesn't mean that it isn't a large coding venture. Especially when you are dealing with systems that are interconnected.

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