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As a professional gamer, I need to see rankings for achievement points.


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This.. this is an insult of the highest magnitude.


Where do you get off thinking for a second that you are even on the same level are Sir Copperfield?


Sir Copperfield is not only a gaming legend AND a RL ninja.. He is.....







The most interesting man in the world.


And yet his posts are bland garbage.

"I have used the emote /fart in every game ever called The Old Republic... I think my parents dropped me on my head for fun as a child, so I come here for attention."

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Good evening. I'm sure most of you are aware of who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself...


I'm Sir Copperfield. I'm a Gaming Legend who has been playing MMO's since 1995. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.


Umm, no, I've never heard of you. Why don't you give us a five page discourse on why we should have heard of you.


Any true gamer will tell you. The scoreboard matters. Rankings. Stats. You name it. This is why I need there to be a leaderboard for the achievement points. The only stipulation I have is this. Keep the PVE servers separate from the real servers. I don't think I, as a PVP player, should be lumped together with carebears from PVE servers. It's obviously easier to get achievements on carebear servers.


I have almost 12,000 achievement points and I am pretty sure that I am the leader by far. However, I don't want to be "pretty sure". I want to be sure. Give me some rankings, Bioware.


Ok, we can have this ranking system, provided of course that we amateurs can opt out, that way you won't know if I'm better than you, except of course if we happen to meet in PVP on opposite sides.

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Is a legend on here (just ask him or search all his threads, I think that 5 page discourse exists) , few rules though but don't tell him


1. don't take any thread by Sir Copperfield seriously

2. Enjoy the banter it lightens the forum

3. See rule 1

4. Long Live SirCopperfield but don't let Sir Marty find out ..... :eek:

Edited by OwenBrooks
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The only think funnier than seeing posts from the likes of SirCopperfield would be the posts that attempt to deride him or his opinions, as if cutting on posters like these is going to hurt anyone or the reduce their authority.....


Don Rickles, Redd Foxx, Chelsea Handler, Rodney Dangerfield, Bernie Mac, Sam Kinison....just some examples for you to research.

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Wouldn't this be considered a 'want', SirCopperfield?


Sir Copperfield transcended 'want' many years ago.


If he says 'need' Devs should be reading it as THIS GAME ABSOLUTELY NEEDS and follow up immediately. And immediately follow that up with a courteous "Thank you Sir Copperfield for sharing your tremendous insights with us, and helping us improve our own game."

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I myself, am not a PVP'er, But I do agree with Copperfield that even though this is a story driven MMO that we need items and warzones that the PVP community could use. Even though PVE is the highest population, without PVP and the income from them we might have to shut down the game. SWTOR is a good game and yes it needs a lot of work to take it to the next level, but I believe there is a future for it as long as we all ( PVE , PVP, Casual, Hardcore, Bioware Dev's etc..) work together to make it the game everyone will want to play. I really hope that the PVP'ers get these items. Hopefully with some creative programming by the Bioware Dev's and Engineers they can expand on the current scoresheet that is used to see the WZ total's at their completion can be fed into a separate page to keep a running total of all the Wins, Losses, Total kills and possibly even number of times ran.

I know I am not a programmer or coder, so I do not know how long or how much time it will take, but we need to give Bioware time to make it since there has been a cutback in staffing. I really hope that the PVP'ers get these items.

Edited by Suntaru
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Good evening. I'm sure most of you are aware of who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself...

I'm Sir Copperfield. I'm a Gaming Legend who has been playing MMO's since 1995. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.

Why hello there.


As you certainly know, I am a very big Hollywood sign sized name in the Professional Grieving community, driven by the motto "our game is to make you hate yours", soon to celebrate over nine thousand successful Stunlocks to Unsub.


While it's all fun and games, especially after someone on the other side of the screen pokes out their own eye in vain attempt to unsee, I have always struggled against a force more sinister, that of capitalism.


As a fellow Professional MMORPG Gamer, I would like to ask you, and let me be straight: So where do I go to cash out my MMO winnings?


I remain, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant,

Capt. B.Dick, Esq.

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Sir Copperfield transcended 'want' many years ago.


If he says 'need' Devs should be reading it as THIS GAME ABSOLUTELY NEEDS and follow up immediately. And immediately follow that up with a courteous "Thank you Sir Copperfield for sharing your tremendous insights with us, and helping us improve our own game."


^ This.


Sir Copperfield is trying to save this game.

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I must say that I am very disappointed.


This thread is going on it's 5th page...


And Bioware still hasn't replied with a date when this will be implemented.



Versions of this statement have been said for almost all of the other I want _____ in game threads, so please take a number and join the rest of the masses.


Also, you are saying that you want the dev's to ignore bugs, glitches, put off class balance changes even more, and completely forget about adding in any new content, pvp OR pve for this?

Edited by DeltaEkotte
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Good evening. I'm sure most of you are aware of who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself...


I'm Sir Copperfield. I'm a Gaming Legend who has been playing MMO's since 1995. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.


Any true gamer will tell you. The scoreboard matters. Rankings. Stats. You name it. This is why I need there to be a leaderboard for the achievement points. The only stipulation I have is this. Keep the PVE servers separate from the real servers. I don't think I, as a PVP player, should be lumped together with carebears from PVE servers. It's obviously easier to get achievements on carebear servers.


I have almost 12,000 achievement points and I am pretty sure that I am the leader by far. However, I don't want to be "pretty sure". I want to be sure. Give me some rankings, Bioware.


Self centered much? I've never heard of you and frankly I don't care about professional gaming. Professional gaming as a sport ranks below curling and bowling as far as I'm concerned. This game has real problems which need to be addressed over you being able to flex your E-*****.


And good job insulting a good portion of the player base. This will end well.


I will await the "do you even lift bro?" and "come at me bro" BS that's probably going to be in the OP's response.

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Sir Copperfield transcended 'want' many years ago.


If he says 'need' Devs should be reading it as THIS GAME ABSOLUTELY NEEDS and follow up immediately. And immediately follow that up with a courteous "Thank you Sir Copperfield for sharing your tremendous insights with us, and helping us improve our own game."


^ This.


Sir Copperfield is trying to save this game.

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People take this clown so serious. If you don't have the humor for him then don't read his posts. I think it is a fun little bit and entertaining and brings a nice change to all the complaining posts. He generates lots of replies too. Edited by Bojangle
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People take this clown so serious. If you don't have the humor for him then don't read his posts. I think it is a fun little bit and entertaining and brings a nice change to all the complaining posts. He generates lots of replies too.


This "clown" is a Gaming Legend. Show him the respect that he deserves.

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This "clown" is a Gaming Legend. Show him the respect that he deserves.


I found this after doing research on this "Legend." If this is true, which I will say I am not sure, the original link that's in the post didn't work for me but there is a summery of his post. If it is true then not even you should respect this excuse of a person.



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Sir Copperfield is admired on PoT5. If it weren't for Sir Copperfield, I would have lost many warzones.


This man is a Gaming Legend and your disrespect towards him is disgusting. Show Sir Copperfield the respect that he deserves.


HAHAHAH, maybe admired by you, but I don't know of anyone on POT5 that admires him. Maybe sick of the stupid crap he posts and continues to post to waste everyone's time and having little fanboys like you.

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You've been playing since the mid-90s too, huh? I guess that means we're both "professionals".


*Puts on baggy red pants and begins to cast Touch of Flame*


Personally, I couldn't care less about achievements in any game. I see them as a novelty that reflects little more than the amount of time you've spent in the game. That said, if you're going to program them in, at least give players a way to view and compare them....

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I found this after doing research on this "Legend." If this is true, which I will say I am not sure, the original link that's in the post didn't work for me but there is a summery of his post. If it is true then not even you should respect this excuse of a person.



The follow up was even better, he told here on the forums that he slept with the girlfrind of his guildmaster and complained then that he got kicked out of the guild after the guildmaster found out.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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