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Cheating and bots


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Wow, I commented on a dead thread. I should really pay attention to dates.


It was not dead, it was in limbo. I am uploading the video to Youtube now.


By the way, which is it?


Dead Thread = Bad (Hence, "Rising a thread from the grave...beating a dead horse)


"Why did you post a thread about this? Google is your friend. There are other threads on this already..."


You can't win...

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I would like to bring everyone to the attention of THIS VIDEO in which clearly shows a player abusing the game using a hack program that is assisted by a "bot".


This player specifically has bee reported numerous times by the OP of this thread...yet almost a month later, this player is still permitted to exploit the game.



I am on the Prophecy of the Five server and generally play the republic side/ I have found 4 or 5 Imp characters on Ilum who constantly use Bots to go the heroic and mine kills.


Confirmed at least one player.


When I attack them they go after my companion but don't attack me.


Also confirmed. The Bot never attacks players, only NPCs.


in the middle of most fights they get a health and defense surge which delays death for a few seconds and become very tough to kill.


Also confirmed. I am in full Partison PvP gear with one Conqueror Ear Piece on this particular character with almost all pieces Augmented. (Note, there is very little difference between Partison and Conqueror gear.) This particular Bot became very hard to kill, which indicates the bot used to hack, had an AI that activated cool downs at precise times.


I report these players (player?) over and over every day but they show right back up the next day. They are usually on at night , weekends and holidays and must be rightly judging nothing will be done. I have reported dozens of time s and the behavior continues. You say don't name and shame but if something isn't done I will name and shame and then you can ban me since you guys don't seem interested in stopping the blatant cheating.


The OP has a point here. All a Dev has to do is log on, and watch the bot in action. This post was made by the OP way back in 9/02/13. It is now 9/24/13. Yet, the player is obviously still using bots and it is obvious the GMs has done little, if anything, to prevent this player from doing it again. It is quite apparent this particular player has a clear and blatant disregard for the EULA.


Has it now become policy for the Devs to ignore reports made against hackers? I notice Gold Farmer companies who consistently spam lowbie worlds for their web sites also go extended periods of time without being removed from the game. I have to question the Devs on this one. You come to the forums and discuss forum moderation...you are instantly suspended from communicating on the forums. Action against your account is almost immediate. Yet a player can hack the game for weeks if not months and nothing is done about it. Devs...what exactly is your policy for the game now? Has your policy changed? When I see things in game like this, it truly makes me question what rules are overlooked if broken and which ones are not. Is it perhaps time to revise the rules and the tolerance levels coincided with those rules? Would sure make my gaming experience less stressful if I knew which rules were not worth my time to stop and report when I see players who abuse and exploit the game. If I knew which reports would be overlooked if not outright ignored, I could move on and not waste my time reporting these Hackers. I do not like wasting time to write out a report, if that report is going to be ignored.

Edited by Wraiven
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After watching that video ... um ... I have never seen a bot before but that's not a human being behind that toon.


The game we're paying for has cheaters in it. The police in this game (devs? GMs?) clearly aren't doing their job. At this point, the DEVS need to be shamed more than the cheaters (shaming the cheaters does no good, as they are already cheating and apparently having no moral qualms).


If this thread accomplishes anything (and as a cynical 40-something, there is significant doubt in my mind that it will), I hope it will shame the devs into action. If we do nothing about blatant cheaters, the game will gradually be taken over by them.


This thread should be posted on every forum where it is even remotely relevant. Please put that last post up on the POT5 and PvP forums, at least!

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I would like to bring everyone to the attention of THIS VIDEO in which clearly shows a player abusing the game using a hack program that is assisted by a "bot".


This player specifically has bee reported numerous times by the OP of this thread...yet almost a month later, this player is still permitted to exploit the game.


If anyone isn't sure what a bot looks like watch that vid. Good work OP and Wraiven.


Several trolls in here owe the OP and apology.


OP - +10 to your troll resistance rating for having the tenacity to stick by this. Kudos

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If anyone isn't sure what a bot looks like watch that vid. Good work OP and Wraiven.


Several trolls in here owe the OP and apology.


OP - +10 to your troll resistance rating for having the tenacity to stick by this. Kudos


Neither is questioning someone on the internet trolling, nor does it need to be apologized for.

As long as there is no evidence the rational position is to be unsure and not trust anyone 100%, now that he provided the evidence we can accept that there really are bots used in the situation the OP described.

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If anyone isn't sure what a bot looks like watch that vid. Good work OP and Wraiven.


Several trolls in here owe the OP and apology.


OP - +10 to your troll resistance rating for having the tenacity to stick by this. Kudos




Disagreeing with someone is NOT trolling. Having a different opinion to someone is NOT trolling. Calling someone out they think is lying is NOT trolling.


Trolling is a post aimed at getting an emotional response from a large number of people.


I really wish folk would stop throwing the "troll" word around without knowing what it means. It's lost all meaning now.


Now onto the second reason I quoted you.....


Do you have any idea how many people come to a games forum and call bot or cheater at other people?


It happens a hell of a lot. If they die in PvP, if someone is doing something they don't personally like, if they see someone farming a lot .... they run to the forums and cry bot/cheater.


As the OP didn't provide proof in his first post, people won't be inclined to believe him (see the boy who cried wolf) because we've heard it so many times before.


The best reason of proof i've ever seen is "I whispered them but they didn't respond" ..... people whisper me a lot and I don't respond, i'm not a bot i'm just an ignorant git.

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I am on the Prophecy of the Five server and generally play the republic side/ I have found 4 or 5 Imp characters on Ilum who constantly use Bots to go the heroic and mine kills. When I attack them they go after my companion but don't attack me. in the middle of most fights they get a health and defense surge which delays death for a few seconds and become very tough to kill. I report these players (player?) over and over every day but they show right back up the next day. They are usually on at night , weekends and holidays and must be rightly judging nothing will be done. I have reported dozens of time s and the behavior continues. You say don't name and shame but if something isn't done I will name and shame and then you can ban me since you guys don't seem interested in stopping the blatant cheating.


Well we all know what guild it is. Not really rocket science. Ban waves always happen right before big updates or after updates. Just wait a week and time will show you that bioware does care. Just they don't ban instantly.

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Your best bet is going to be either to get some video on them, take a few screen shots, then email all of it to customer service at bioware. Beyond that there isn't a whole lot you can do in game besides click on each character then reporting them via tickets.
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To the OP:


I suggest placing the video I provided on Page 8 of this thread in to your Original post. That should help with anyone looking at your thread and keep them from having to search the video out. Will also alleviate any issues with people only reading your OP and then posting based off that information alone. At least this way, you will have all the information you require in your OP. Good luck, man.

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Well I am the original OP and I want to think the video poster for taking the time to show that I was telling the truth.

I understand that people are skeptical but I was willing to take anyone who wanted to see the bot or bots I was referring to. Those in denial do owe me an apology as well as all cheaters who owe the whole game an apology. Those that were leery of my motivation kind of do since I found that extremely odd but I understand this is kid world and kids cry about which way the wind blows. Anyways I am never one to play myself up or gloat but I do want to say very humbly that I told you so.

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I would like to bring everyone to the attention of THIS VIDEO in which clearly shows a player abusing the game using a hack program that is assisted by a "bot".


This player specifically has bee reported numerous times by the OP of this thread...yet almost a month later, this player is still permitted to exploit the game.


The OP has a point here. All a Dev has to do is log on, and watch the bot in action. This post was made by the OP way back in 9/02/13. It is now 9/24/13. Yet, the player is obviously still using bots and it is obvious the GMs has done little, if anything, to prevent this player from doing it again. It is quite apparent this particular player has a clear and blatant disregard for the EULA.


I just want to chime in here and say 'Thank You' to Bill_C for the post and to Wraiven for taking the time to prove Bill_C's claim. Well done!


I had no idea that bots could mimic player behavior as well as that one did. if not for a actual person interfering with it's scripted behavior I don't think I would ever have realized what was happening.


I have no idea how prevalent these types of bots are in this game but it clearly gives an unfair advantage to the account holder.


obviously, if I have to grind for creds and gear I want the playing field to be as level as possible. must be nice to wake up in the morning a few 100k richer, and figure, night after night, week after week... it can add up fast.


hopefully who ever is tasked with dealing with these 'bot' issues will step up and handle it.


oh, and by the way, this is the perfect forum to post this issue in. whether we realize it or not, it does affect everyone who plays tor and a 'general discussion' on the subject is a good place to start.

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Frankly I am amazed and more than a little saddened by the number of folks attacking the OP for pointing out a blatant botter/cheater.


I mean if those folks really don't get why it is an issue for people then they need to spend some time a) growing up and b) reading the CoC/ToC for the game that specifically states what is acceptable behaviour by people in game...


You know that big wall of text they skipped past and clicked accept to...


Personally I hope the botter/cheater is banned and Bioware I would hope you are looking into this as a report feature is MEANINGLESS if you ignore it.

Edited by NeoWolf
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Frankly I am amazed and more than a little saddened by the number of folks attacking the OP for pointing out a blatant botter/cheater.


What amazes me is the following:


1) the OP made accusations, and asked us to take his word for it, and could not be bothered to post any proof to back up his claim. All he did was keep stomping his feet and saying the same thing over and over again, offering no proof to support claim.


2) Wraiven offered to assist the OP with capturing proof weeks ago, and the OP NEVER took him up on the offer, just disappeared from the forum for three weeks.


The credit here goes to Wraiven, not the OP. Wraiven walked the talk.. by taking time to go out and check (since he plays the same server) and then test and capture video and bring it back. All the OP did was talk.


All that said.. this still does not belong in general forum discussion. The video link is available as proof and should be included in /reports to Bioware security. I'm not even sure Wraiven can link the video in open discussion here without breaking forum rules as it shows the character (which is naming).

Edited by Andryah
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2) Wraiven offered to assist the OP with capturing proof weeks ago, and the OP NEVER took him up on the offer, just disappeared from the forum for three weeks.


To be fair, the OP and I had been in contact. We stopped by there a couple times but the player was never in action at the times we checked. I just happened to stumble on this guy who was botting because I needed the +4 Willpower Datacron that hides in the caves behind that particular Heroic area.



All that said.. this still does not belong in general forum discussion. The video link is available as proof and should be included in /reports to Bioware security. I'm not even sure Wraiven can link the video in open discussion here without breaking forum rules as it shows the character (which is naming).


There are tons of PvP videos as well in game that name names. I just provided a video of somebody offending. His name just happened to get in the way of my recordings. :cool:


P.S. I'll bet you can make one mean No-Bake Cookie. :p

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All that said.. this still does not belong in general forum discussion.

Technically, you are correct. But it goes without saying that if you want to generate the most attention to a problem, then posting it in General Forums is the way to go. Nothing wrong with that, IMO.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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To be fair, the OP and I had been in contact.


Fair enough. :)


We stopped by there a couple times but the player was never in action at the times we checked. I just happened to stumble on this guy who was botting because I needed the +4 Willpower Datacron that hides in the caves behind that particular Heroic area.


WTH? The OP claimed that bot was ALWAYS there. :confused:

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Technically, you are correct. But it goes without saying that if you want to generate the most attention to a problem, then posting it in General Forums is the way to go. Nothing wrong with that, IMO.


A PM to Phillip_BW with information and link to video proof would be a lot more productive in getting the problem actually addressed IMO.


Posting it in general forums just gets the gerbils all riled up. And the gerbils can do absolutely nothing about it other then to go out there and repeat_kill the bot into oblivion.

Edited by Andryah
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WTH? The OP claimed that bot was ALWAYS there. :confused:


From his perspective. Always there when he goes there would be more accurate I would think. ;) By the way, never did answer my question...if you can't make No-Bake cookies, then I'm not gonna talk to you anymore. :mad:

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By the way, never did answer my question...if you can't make No-Bake cookies, then I'm not gonna talk to you anymore. :mad:


LOL... I'm old school..... cookies NEED to be baked. :D


If it's not baked.. then it's not a cookie.. it's something else. /glares at the cat. :p

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A PM to Phillip_BW with information and link to video proof would be a lot more productive in getting the problem actually addressed IMO.


Posting it in general forums just gets the gerbils all riled up. And the gerbils can do absolutely nothing about it other then to go out there and repeat_kill the bot into oblivion.


The gerbils? Lol..



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Your post is confusing. Are you saying your reporting players that are constantly killing heroic spawn? Whats wrong with that? Also you're asking for trouble for being on PVP server.


The OP has a valid complaint. Also, I play on "Prophecy of Five" and "Bastion" (both PVP servers). Most of the people on both servers are decent, so not sure what you mean by "you're asking for trouble for being on PVP server".

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