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Cheating and bots


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Wow Andryah, your incessant need to be contrarian is bordering on sociopathic behavior.


It's called pragmatism. You might try it once in a while. It's more productive then "dear John" letters to the forum. ;)


Sociopathic IMO is people in this thread pretending that discussing this issue in the forum can actually fix this issue.

Edited by Andryah
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OP. I play on Pot5 and I have a VERY good computer and I also own FRAPS. If you would like, hit me up on Republic side as Krulex or on Imperial side as Wraiven and I'll roll with ya and get this on FRAPS. That way I can help you get a vid of this, and provide a link for the Devs to follow to see it for themselves. Just remember to place the link in your report as well.


I would be very interested to know if the OP takes you up on your offer. :)


While you are out there frapsing.... maybe shove a pole up the bots keester and mop the landscape with him for a while too. :)

Edited by Andryah
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I would be very interested to know if the OP takes you up on your offer. :)


While you are out there frapsing.... maybe shove a pole up the bots keester and mop the landscape with him for a while too. :)


Assuming the OP takes me up on my offer, consider it done. :cool:

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I will definitely take you up on your offer. Ill contact you this weekend and try to set up a plan of action.

It is funny that this is considered whining when I see it as a small part of the process to try to stop cheating. There aren't many people on Ilum and when I mention this issue most don't believe me or want to mess with it, kids often don't think cheating is wrong. I actually think I am being as pragmatic as possible. Just because one doesn't agree with it doesn't mean their pragmatism is more pragmatic. Or course some people fail to see the humor in some of my posts but thats to be expected. I have been playing mmos for 8 years so not new BUT this is my first step into the world of a forum. I just see it as another tool to try to fix something or at least spread the word which is smart on my part and a service. IF one sees this as an impractical and futile exercise of frustration then so be it, but it makes me feel better and obviously in the instant gratification world we live in, that;s all that matters. right?

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IF one sees this as an impractical and futile exercise of frustration then so be it, but it makes me feel better and obviously in the instant gratification world we live in, that;s all that matters. right?


Oh I understood from your first post that this was about making you feel better by venting in public. If you had just admitted that up front.. I would have never commented.


But you insisted it was a holy crusade to drive the offenders out of the game via forum complaint.. and that simply is not how a gaming forum works. We can discuss anything, but only in game reporting and review by the company can actually address alleged bots or cheats. On a PvP server.. players can self-enforce in game if they want until the company reviews and acts.


Frapsing the offender and including a link to the fraps and being crisp and clear about your concern in your in game /report DOES work and will get results from the security team. Whereas unclear, confusing, or inaccurate /reports very often do not. I'm not saying you gave bad /report.. only that most people that complain that /reporting does nothing... when have the actual ability to drill down into some facts.. we find they were being vague or inaccurate and so their reports were probably dismissed for what they were.

Edited by Andryah
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Once again you missed the humor but it is ok I understand. I don't agree, forums work anyway the user uses them, maybe it isn't the convention you wish to see but it still is ok to vent or make points here. I don't claim to be noble but I do want to stop cheating and this is a tool not a means to an end. You say I am whining well you're whining about my whining, your sense of propriety doesn't supercede mine. BUT I get your point. I assure you I have given the proper info over and over and will give the proper info over and over. I noticed once that a bioware employ actually responded to accusations of not punishing subbies in the forum so it is perfectly legitimate to make my point even if it is redundant even if it is redundant. You like to play Dr. Freud by questioning my "intentions" now time for me to play the Dr. You see yourself as a purveyor of all knowledge not only here but for all MMO"s. You like showing people you are the smartest and most insightful genius on the board, which you may be. You are filling a void by being the contrarian although not a terribly rude one. I fill my void with beer, you do it by being the board "father." I'd suggest the beer.

You're welcome.

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It is a free forum .. so he gets the right to say anything he likes.


if you don't like it. don't read it and move along.


In this instance it is a discussion the lack of effort to ban or block accounts obviously botting. to be fair .. this game has a much larger bot rate than WoW because the dev team is way over-tasked. This game like any mmo is subject to botters and scripting and third party apps like AHK making it dead easy to make credits, farm xp or farm mats. i see botters all the time on makeb, and the core starting worlds farming xp.


--killing them does no good, your not slowing them down. there asleep, letting the script farm xp... they wake up and have free levels all lined up.

--reporting them is also useless unless the devs don't know what there looking for... AHK, AuIT both simulate key presses and have the ability to launch other custom scripts on the fly. so they look and play human except for the possibly pathing errors or mistakes in coding.


so like the op. i agree that not enough is done to curb and ban botters.


so this is a legitimate complaint . if you don't like it. to bad.


with all the paid posters, and the actual botters flaming him down it is easy to see this issue is bigger than 'THEY' would like to admit.


Some folks can't understand the concept.Good luck with that.Before I left D2 it was really bad.I would hate to see it get that bad on SWTOR.

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It still makes no sense to me how you came to know about this bot



A. you read something online about how to make money and went to do it and found this "bot" killing everything. so you are. now upset about it or......


B. you spend your in game time following random people that spawn from med center on "illum " to stalk and observe" '


I mean there are like 5 people on illum outside of gree event on my server which is pve server I should add.

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It still makes no sense to me how you came to know about this bot



A. you read something online about how to make money and went to do it and found this "bot" killing everything. so you are. now upset about it or......


B. you spend your in game time following random people that spawn from med center on "illum " to stalk and observe" '


I mean there are like 5 people on illum outside of gree event on my server which is pve server I should add.


Eh, I don't know. If you accept that:


1) OP spends a lot of time on Ilum - for whatever reason;

B) There aren't a whole lot of other people on Ilum (even on a PVP server); and

III) These particular players are always around, and always behaving oddly (as described on OP's first post)...


...wouldn't those players kinda stand out? I mean, given the above, I would look at those players a little more closely as well. Especially if I was fighting them all the time. I actually think it would be tough not to notice.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Lol attacking the messenger cracks me up. The cheaters do stand out, it is obvious , like I said. Go check it out if you doubt me. It doesn't matter why I am on Ilum, I pay to play the way I enjoy playing and I don't like cheaters, I don't care if there are only 2 players. IF you find it petty then shake your head and pity me but don't try to defend the cheating. I realize those that excuse it are probably kids or cheaters themselves but if you cheat don't act like it's ok, it isn't. Don't blame me for other's ill behavior. Anyways I'm done I 've made my point. Those who want can witness it those who don't care can ignore it and I will continue on. Oh and plus beer.
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So I'm a cheater a child and called you a liar.....

alrighty then....



And I dunno I just play the game to have fun not too take up some noble crusade. to search and destroy every wrong doer and make myself feel all warm and tingly inside so I may be able to have sweet dreams and bioware singing sweet nothings into my ear.


I mean whoever it is More than likley know there are only like 5 people on the plant at night and set this up so sorry no I really don't care that he is doing it I mean if it's not affecting your gameplay why do you GAF?

It would be one thing if this was makebb or any heavily populated. area


I bet you just sit at fleet with "/report " already typed up just wanting on someone to slander another lol.


anyway im off work now tm imagine take up your beer idea I got the NFL licking off tonight and im stoked.

Edited by alphazoolou
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Lol attacking the messenger cracks me up. The cheaters do stand out, it is obvious , like I said. Go check it out if you doubt me. It doesn't matter why I am on Ilum, I pay to play the way I enjoy playing and I don't like cheaters, I don't care if there are only 2 players. IF you find it petty then shake your head and pity me but don't try to defend the cheating. I realize those that excuse it are probably kids or cheaters themselves but if you cheat don't act like it's ok, it isn't. Don't blame me for other's ill behavior. Anyways I'm done I 've made my point. Those who want can witness it those who don't care can ignore it and I will continue on. Oh and plus beer.


Now, what you should be doing..


follow them around.

turn on fraps

tag the mob before they attack it.

sit back and let them kill it

take the loot

take the xp

take the credits


repeat all night




before going to bed:

report them

report their guild

comment in fleet about thier activities

message the guild leader that you reported them and their guild

laugh at them

stop recording video

post video

link video in your /report to dev

do it every day :)


get free money

get free mats

let them tank for you

eventually they get banned.

Edited by captpickles
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I keep seeing a similar issue on Ilum that I would like to report.


I go to farm a particular set of mobs for credits and loot, and every time I do lately, this one person keeps following me, and sometimes he kills me, and then I have to respawn and go back to my area. It's really annoying, and I think he should stop picking on me and how I like to spend my free time. Usually when he attacks me, I try to take out his companion first, but I think he has better pvp gear than I do, so I always lose and have to travel from the spawn point again.

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I keep seeing a similar issue on Ilum that I would like to report.


I go to farm a particular set of mobs for credits and loot, and every time I do lately, this one person keeps following me, and sometimes he kills me, and then I have to respawn and go back to my area. It's really annoying, and I think he should stop picking on me and how I like to spend my free time. Usually when he attacks me, I try to take out his companion first, but I think he has better pvp gear than I do, so I always lose and have to travel from the spawn point again.


Hahahahaha +1

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  • 3 weeks later...

On September 4:

OP. I play on Pot5 and I have a VERY good computer and I also own FRAPS. If you would like, hit me up on Republic side as Krulex or on Imperial side as Wraiven and I'll roll with ya and get this on FRAPS. That way I can help you get a vid of this, and provide a link for the Devs to follow to see it for themselves. Just remember to place the link in your report as well.


On September 23:

The OP is correct. I decided to check out his spot on my way to collect the +Willpower Datacron on Illum, and sure enough the guy was there...a VERY obvious bot. I recorded it on FRAPS and will place the video here sometime tonight.


Nasty lag spike you got there Wraiven. :D


Did you kill the bot? Over and over again? :)

Edited by Andryah
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So, they are killable.. and you kill them. Weeee.. for you


You believe they are bots, and you report them. That is what you are supposed to do.


And you felt the need to come to the general forum and what? What are you trying to achieve with this thread? You can't kill them in the forum, and you can't report them in the forum because you can't name names. So.. what again is your point here?


I don't get it. Unless you are attempting to demonstrate your lack of grasp of the concept of futility.


/report them in game and move on. /report every day if you like. It's on Bioware to investigate and decide, not a kangaroo court in general forum. Kill them endlessly if that's how you get your jollies. Hell.. start a thread about it in the PoT5 forum if you like... you know.. where it's actually server relevant. This thread though.. pointless.


His point is obvious. That reporting them isn't working. That reporting them is seemingly being ignored. So he is using the forums as a platform to be heard in the hopes that a) people are aware b) that BW will answer for it. Not that hard to figure out.

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I actually disagree with the last part Bran...this is THE place to get issues noticed imo. It's the most viewed, visited and responded to forum this game has...it's the absolute BEST place to bring up serious concerns. The legitimacy of the concerns is always up for debate, but there's no place better than HERE for visibility.


^^^^kind of a point of forums, isnt it?

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